The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

Carter was the last President to balance a budget

yes, he cut military spending to the bone to do it, but I just don't understand why for the next 8 years the economy grew by leaps and bounds...carter kept telling us that if re-elected he could get to, and keep, the market over 700, Reagan took it to 2000

Much of what happened during his presidency was out of his control.
I agree with this, but all the same problems met Reagan and he took the bull by the horns, and for me Reagan was the most despised man in politics and that was the medias doing.
Carter took office in 1977 while we were drawing down from the Vietnam war. Of course military spending went down
The economy grew because Reagan tripled the debt to do it

Carter was fiscally responsible. Something Republicans claim to be
Jimmy was a shitty president ....but a good guy overall otherwise.


The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

Jimmy Carter was the worst President in American History.

Even most dims will admit that.

Everything he touched, EVERYTHING, he turned to shit..... The economy, Foreign Policy, the EPA.... EVERYTHING.

We're still trying to clean up the mess after that scumbag.

It is best for everyone concerned that he stay hidden and out of the Public Eye.
I agree with this, but all the same problems met Reagan and he took the bull by the horns, and for me Reagan was the most despised man in politics and that was the medias doing.[/QUOTE]

Not even close to Nixon

Reagan was popular and well liked. He was charming and witty which covered for his shortfalls. The media, if anything, was too soft on him
Not even close to Nixon

Reagan was popular and well liked. He was charming and witty which covered for his shortfalls. The media, if anything, was too soft on him

Nixon was actually a good and effective President.

He opened China, he won the Viet Nam War, he created the EPA, he pushed for a Health Care for all........

Not bad.
Jimmy was a shitty president ....but a good guy overall otherwise.


The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

He was the first President I ever voted against. 1980 was the first election I participated in as a voter and saw how Carter's incompetence had devastated the Mahoning Valley. I was just 24 when I was sealed in the voting cubicle for the first time to cast for Ronaldus Magnus.
I voted for Carter but only because I was so pissed off at Gerald Ford I couldn't see straight. He had a chance to bomb the NVA into oblivion in 1975 and pussied out. For that, he can roast in Hell, AFAIC.

And Jimmy Carter deserves to live a long time so that people can despise him for as long as possible.


I certainly do.
Jimmy was a shitty president ....but a good guy overall otherwise.


The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

Jimmy Carter was the worst President in American History.

Even most dims will admit that.

Everything he touched, EVERYTHING, he turned to shit..... The economy, Foreign Policy, the EPA.... EVERYTHING.

We're still trying to clean up the mess after that scumbag.

It is best for everyone concerned that he stay hidden and out of the Public Eye.
Yep, everyone felt like shit when he was president. We were out of gas, hostages in Iran, inflation off the charts, could not win for losing…
Poor people don't complain ..... ^ ^ ;)
Canadians don't complain. What the hell is he doing building houses in Canada anyway?

Habitat for Humanity builds houses all over the world.

Old Jimmy usually shows up for a brief photo op.

They wouldn’t exist without him

Has anyone done a real OUTCOME study on "habitat for humanity"?
seems to me that lots and lots and lots and MORE AND MORE AND
MORE people are ending up homeless and lacking in uninfected water
He was the first President I voted for. He cured me of voting Democrat. A good man, very smart but a really bad President.
Is that because you’re uninformed? If I had been if voting age, I wouldn’t have voted for him and don’t like him.

But anyone who supports agent orange has no standing to criticize any president

would you care to comment on HILLARY SUPPORTERS------or the Bernie
cheering squad?
Two anecdotal stories.

My wife and I have been friends with one of Jimmy Carter's cousins for almost 50 years. The cousin has respect for Carter as a family member and fellow Christian but did not vote for him. She thinks Carter was a terrible President.

I have another friend who was an Army pilot. He few both helicopters and the small reconnaissance prop planes. While as a young man on a training mission with the airplane in the 1960s out of Ft Benning he was forced to land in farm field because of mechanical problems. The farmer that owned the field drove up in an old pick up truck and offered assistance. He took the young officer to home and fed him dinner and provided him with a place to stay for the night. The next morning helped the young man get in touch with the military and recover the plane. The farmer was Carter and my friend says he was very gracious host. Very friendly and accommodating. My friend also did not vote for Carter for President although he had nothing but good things to say about Carter helping him.

Personally I think Carter was a terrible President and second only to that Obama piece of shit as being the worst. Carter must have been ecstatic when Obama was elected knowing that Obama would replace him for the worst President ever.

Carter should have never been elected. He lied to Southerners about being a Conservative like them. The last of the Dixiecrats to be elected. Good thing Reagan was able to set everything right.
Derided as a 'peanut farmer', Carter is a towering intellect, compared to the moron currently trashing the Presidency.

Trump is a multi-billionaire with his own private jet and helicopter, and Carter farms peanuts.
Some people measure success differently. For all his riches, Trump doesn't smile nearly as often as Jimmy Carter does, still, in his mid-90s. And when Trump smiles, you sort of get a cold shiver up your spine. When Jimmy smiles it just feels warm.
Derided as a 'peanut farmer', Carter is a towering intellect, compared to the moron currently trashing the Presidency.

Trump is a multi-billionaire with his own private jet and helicopter, and Carter farms peanuts.
Some people measure success differently. For all his riches, Trump doesn't smile nearly as often as Jimmy Carter does, still, in his mid-90s. And when Trump smiles, you sort of get a cold shiver up your spine. When Jimmy smiles it just feels warm.

Its not our fault that Dem's threw Carter under the bus. Hell in 2008 you people likened yourselves to Reagan and not Carter, why? :auiqs.jpg:
Just like Trump is working hard to fix all the Obama disasters Reagan had to work his ass off to fix what that clown Carter broke.
Its not our fault that Dem's threw Carter under the bus. Hell in 2008 you people likened yourselves to Reagan and not Carter, why? :auiqs.jpg:
Have you read some of my posts bro? I'm super anti-uber left. Probably more than you are. I'm just calling it as I see it without any partisan filter at all. Between the two men, Carter is the success and Trump the failure. And that's because I value morality and decency. Trump is a rich man, but a very very poor one at the Pearly Gates where we all cash in our "fortunes" eventually..

The reason this country is tanking is because of moral failures. Think about it. Invest wisely.
Its not our fault that Dem's threw Carter under the bus. Hell in 2008 you people likened yourselves to Reagan and not Carter, why? :auiqs.jpg:
Have you read some of my posts bro? I'm super anti-uber left. Probably more than you are. I'm just calling it as I see it without any partisan filter at all. Between the two men, Carter is the success and Trump the failure. And that's because I value morality and decency. Trump is a rich man, but a very very poor one at the Pearly Gates where we all cash in our "fortunes" eventually..

The reason this country is tanking is because of moral failures. Think about it. Invest wisely.

Dude Carter is a joke compared to Trump. Look Trump is a multi billionaire who ran for POTUS as an amateur with no prior political experience and stomped the shit out of 16 GOP candidates, then took on the entirety of the DC swamp, Dem's, liberal media, several former presidents who supported Hillary, her $1.2 billion dollar campaign war chest, and Trump against all those odds stomped the shit out of Hillary. That's what a winner looks like.

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