The U.S. Is Already Being Held Hostage by the Taliban


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The White House is saying that the U.S. military does not have the capability to escort Americans to the Kabul airport and is hinting that not all Americans who want to leave will make it out.

“It’s obvious we’re not close to where we want to be,” defense secretary Lloyd Austin said at a press conference at the Pentagon. “We’re gonna get everyone that we can possibly evacuate evacuated, and I’ll do that as long as we possibly can, until the clock runs out, or we run out of capability.”

'We're going to evacuate 'EVERYONE WE POSSBLY CAN'?


What 'CLOCK'?! Who is dictating to us that we have a TIME LIMIT on getting our people out?

'That’s the first we’ve heard about the U.S. being on a “clock” to get everyone out.'

“There is no clock by which we abandon our fellow citizens to the bloodthirsty Taliban."

August 31 was an arbitrary, politically-driven deadline,” Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) said in response to Austin’s remarks. “President Biden and Defense Secretary Austin need to correct this immediately. Make it absolutely clear that come hell or high water the United States military will do whatever it takes to get every single American out of Afghanistan.”

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal points out that the United States is already being held hostage by the Taliban.

Pressed by reporters on whether the military could leave the airport and get Americans, or extend the airport perimeter, or create a safe-passage corridor from Kabul, Mr. Austin said he couldn’t do any of those and keep the airport secure. That means he’s also depending on the goodwill of the Taliban to let our people and our allies go.

Gen. Milley was also pressed on why the military had abandoned nearby Bagram Air Base in July. Bagram has two runways, while HKIA has one. The general said he didn’t have the troops to protect Bagram and the U.S. Embassy given the rapid troop drawdown order from President Biden. Gen. Milley said his orders were to protect the Embassy as a priority, and the military did.
The WSJ is calling the bug-out a “rolling humiliation.” The spectacle of the United States going before the Taliban and begging them not to harm our people is almost too much to stomach.

THIS is what Joe Biden has reduced the united States to...

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From the conservative reaction, it's not hard to tell that if the GOP had maintained power last November we'd remain in Afghanistan for another 50 years. Spending and dying for absolutely nothing.
View attachment 528036

The White House is saying that the U.S. military does not have the capability to escort Americans to the Kabul airport and is hinting that not all Americans who want to leave will make it out.

“It’s obvious we’re not close to where we want to be,” defense secretary Lloyd Austin said at a press conference at the Pentagon. “We’re gonna get everyone that we can possibly evacuate evacuated, and I’ll do that as long as we possibly can, until the clock runs out, or we run out of capability.”

'We're going to evacuate 'EVERYONE WE POSSBLY CAN'?

What 'CLOCK'?! Who is dictating to us that we have a TIME LIMIT on getting our people out?

'That’s the first we’ve heard about the U.S. being on a “clock” to get everyone out.'

“There is no clock by which we abandon our fellow citizens to the bloodthirsty Taliban."

August 31 was an arbitrary, politically-driven deadline,” Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) said in response to Austin’s remarks. “President Biden and Defense Secretary Austin need to correct this immediately. Make it absolutely clear that come hell or high water the United States military will do whatever it takes to get every single American out of Afghanistan.”

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal points out that the United States is already being held hostage by the Taliban.

The WSJ is calling the bug-out a “rolling humiliation.” The spectacle of the United States going before the Taliban and begging them not to harm our people is almost too much to stomach.

THIS is what Joe Biden has reduced the united States to...

But no more mean tweets....
From the conservative reaction, it's not hard to tell that if the GOP had maintained power last November we'd remain in Afghanistan for another 50 years. Spending and dying for absolutely nothing.
Again, thank you to another snowflake who is too stupid to tell the difference between supporting getting out of Afghanistan but opposing the Biden's disastrous handling of the attempted exit from Afghanistan.

It seems Biden's dementia is spreading among his supporters.
That's all they've got in the way of an apology for their stuttering shit clown.... "were we supposed to stay there another 50 years?"

There's no debate about that... it's the execution of a sound plan to exit the country that they fucked up. It looks like Josef Stolen dropped his flash cards on the floor again and when he picked them up they were all out of order. The stupidity of that drooling fucktard has reached criminal levels.
Why do every one of you deflect from the actual outrage?
Tell whomever that writes you cultists emails to step it up.
The outrage I have seen comes from people who either never wanted to leave Afghanistan, and people who have deluded themselves into thinking there was an easy way to leave Afghanistan. So again, I'm sorry you weren't actually ever tired of sacrificing lives and money for nothing in the Middle East.
Again, thank you to another snowflake who is too stupid to tell the difference between supporting getting out of Afghanistan but opposing the Biden's disastrous handling of the attempted exit from Afghanistan.

It seems Biden's dementia is spreading among his supporters.
Biden had the balls to end the war. Trump said he would, but made sure to leave the actual decision until after the election to prevent political fallout. Biden could have done the same, but he didn't. For 20 years people have been saying "just a little longer and we'll be able to get out of there with no problem." A decades long, blatant lie.
This is profoundly disgusting.

We shouldn't take a single Afghani out of that country until every single American who wants to leave has left. Period.

This abortion of a President needs to be impeached for his borderline treasonous actions...
Biden had the balls to end the war. Trump said he would, but made sure to leave the actual decision until after the election to prevent political fallout. Biden could have done the same, but he didn't. For 20 years people have been saying "just a little longer and we'll be able to get out of there with no problem." A decades long, blatant lie.
So the exit plan was to leave thousands of Americans as Taliban hostages and have friendlies falling from airborne C-17s?

You have some awful low standards.... completely in line with someone that would vote for a stuttering shit clown.
The outrage I have seen comes from people who either never wanted to leave Afghanistan, and people who have deluded themselves into thinking there was an easy way to leave Afghanistan. So again, I'm sorry you weren't actually ever tired of sacrificing lives and money for nothing in the Middle East.
There wasnt an easy way, for sure. There were better ways. Or if he the old fool simply had a plan.. any plan... it could have been better.
I am one of the very few that wouldnt support just about ANY military action.
See, im not like you partisan shitheads. The letter next to their name doesnt determine whether i agree with them or not.
You sit there and say "The outrage I have seen comes from people who either never wanted to leave Afghanistan, and people who have deluded themselves into thinking there was an easy way to leave Afghanistan" which is, of course, bullshit.
Even the OP made it CLEAR where he stood. Yet, you still deflect. Then, you generalize for your justification.
Biden had the balls to end the war. Trump said he would, but made sure to leave the actual decision until after the election to prevent political fallout. Biden could have done the same, but he didn't. For 20 years people have been saying "just a little longer and we'll be able to get out of there with no problem." A decades long, blatant lie.
B...b...but Trump' :206:

Barry promised to end the war - he sent more troops in and ;later he started another pointless war in Syria. On his way out US troops were still in Syria fighting his war. One of the 1st things Biden did once he became President was to send more troops to fight in Barry's war.

Just the other night, however, in his ABC interview Biden declared he would never send US troops to fight in some other nation's civil war - but that is exactly what he did when he 1st becamse President. in that interview he also claimed there are no US troops in Syria. There are approximately 900 - was Joe brain-fried from dementia or was he lying to the American people again?

Perhaps idiots like you should hold up a mirror in front of your face and say what you want to say to others 1st...or at least do some research to educate yourself and know what you are about to accuse others of doing is ex=actly what your beloved Democrats have done and are doing.

You can throw out all the 'whatabout'-isms you want, but you will never be able to change the fact that Biden's handling of this pull-out of Afghanistan has been / is a disaster.
There wasnt an easy way, for sure. There were better ways. Or if he the old fool simply had a plan.. any plan... it could have been better.
I am one of the very few that wouldnt support just about ANY military action.
See, im not like you partisan shitheads. The letter next to their name doesnt determine whether i agree with them or not.
You sit there and say "The outrage I have seen comes from people who either never wanted to leave Afghanistan, and people who have deluded themselves into thinking there was an easy way to leave Afghanistan" which is, of course, bullshit.
Even the OP made it CLEAR where he stood. Yet, you still deflect. Then, you generalize for your justification.
There wasn't an easy way....but there was a better way.
From the conservative reaction, it's not hard to tell that if the GOP had maintained power last November we'd remain in Afghanistan for another 50 years. Spending and dying for absolutely nothing.

Hey, someone has to protect the 43 million dollar gas station maobama built. It was meant to fuel LNG vehicles. Funny thing, Afghanistan doesn't have any LNG powered vehicles.

View attachment 528036

The White House is saying that the U.S. military does not have the capability to escort Americans to the Kabul airport and is hinting that not all Americans who want to leave will make it out.

“It’s obvious we’re not close to where we want to be,” defense secretary Lloyd Austin said at a press conference at the Pentagon. “We’re gonna get everyone that we can possibly evacuate evacuated, and I’ll do that as long as we possibly can, until the clock runs out, or we run out of capability.”

'We're going to evacuate 'EVERYONE WE POSSBLY CAN'?


What 'CLOCK'?! Who is dictating to us that we have a TIME LIMIT on getting our people out?

'That’s the first we’ve heard about the U.S. being on a “clock” to get everyone out.'

“There is no clock by which we abandon our fellow citizens to the bloodthirsty Taliban."

August 31 was an arbitrary, politically-driven deadline,” Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) said in response to Austin’s remarks. “President Biden and Defense Secretary Austin need to correct this immediately. Make it absolutely clear that come hell or high water the United States military will do whatever it takes to get every single American out of Afghanistan.”

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal points out that the United States is already being held hostage by the Taliban.

The WSJ is calling the bug-out a “rolling humiliation.” The spectacle of the United States going before the Taliban and begging them not to harm our people is almost too much to stomach.

THIS is what Joe Biden has reduced the united States to...

This is an impeachable offense by Biden. This is a "high crime" of dereliction of duty coupled with incompetence. Sickening.
The piece is lengthy, but worth the read...

The outrage I have seen comes from people who either never wanted to leave Afghanistan, and people who have deluded themselves into thinking there was an easy way to leave Afghanistan. So again, I'm sorry you weren't actually ever tired of sacrificing lives and money for nothing in the Middle East.
So you spend a lot of time making up fake people in your head? Are all your friends and enemies straw men?

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