CDZ The two biggest mistakes of George W. Bush

You people are amazing. Really. So I won't bother anymore. GW Bush was a sweet man and I wish him well in the afterlife. Happy?

The battle against Islamic terrorism is not for the faint of heart.
So ignoring that Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11 and attacking Iraq instead. That is really addressing Islamic terrorism. Bully.

Saudi Arabia attacked no one on 9/11. We didn't invade Iraq until 2003, not 2001.
Quit lying. He never stopped looking. We went through this before.
And the rest are lies, too, which I have previously called you out for as well.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
His two big mistakes were actually three.

One letting bin Laden get away and not looking for him.

Two invading Iraq.

Three tax cuts for billionaires that cost in the nation trillions of dollars and it was the beginning of the great debt.

Oh there’s lots and lots more, those are just the big three.
Let me elaborate. I am not in the military. The shipping industry, quite a different thing. I am sure that Generals don't tell you what their directives are from the Commander in chief. Do they? Let me give you my perspective: I worked at the time in the shipping industry, leave it at that. I saw all sorts of things. Primarily, the military used to ship via rail various sorts of equipment. All painted NATO green, east to Europe. Follow me? So in early 90' I start seeing trainloads of exotic military equipment painted DESERT TAN .That was ..well, extraordinary at the time. Train load after trainload going west, the opposite direction. I knew something was up then, There has to be manifests and records in the upsurge in military activity. I can't be the only person that noticed that at the time...

22 Jul 90 Egypt's Mubarak goes to Baghdad to mediate dispute, says he received Saddam's "assurances" that Iraq would not move against Kuwait.

Note the date.
There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he (Saddam) ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Yeah. Saudi Arabia has. And they "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. The facts speak for themselves. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black ops thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards. We know, and we know THEY know.
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1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.

Two biggest mistakes:

Starting an unnecessary war anywhere in the ME

Clarence Thomas
I never understood why Bush attacked Iraq ("Desert Storm" 1990) to begin with. It was avoidable. Yes, it was, before people roll their eyes or get nasty, Saddam asked us BEFORE he invaded Kuwait. And we could have at least diplomatically said HELL NO. And Bush's remark on islam, he sort stuck his foot in his mouth. Islam is the most hyper aggressive threat to humanity and free thought I can think of...

No, he did not "ask us before he invaded". You have bought into the lie. Saddam told our ambassador that the Kuwaiti crown prince was going to negotiate with Iraq over the dispute. He lied.
I knew someone would say this. I remember at the time the US Ambassador to gods knows whom was informed of Saddam's intentions ahead of time, on the invasion of Kuwait. So I looked that up, to refresh my memory. April Gillespie. It really gets muddy, but we sure as hell knew of Saddams intentions visa vis Kuwait ahead of time and should have addressed it then in a diplomatic matter. Iraq was supposedly a ally of ours, we could have used a little more finesse.
Let me elaborate. I am not in the military. The shipping industry, quite a different thing. I am sure that Generals don't tell you what their directives are from the Commander in chief. Do they? Let me give you my perspective: I worked at the time in the shipping industry, leave it at that. I saw all sorts of things. Primarily, the military used to ship via rail various sorts of equipment. All painted NATO green, east to Europe. Follow me? So in early 90' I start seeing trainloads of exotic military equipment painted DESERT TAN .That was ..well, extraordinary at the time. Train load after trainload going west, the opposite direction. I knew something was up then, There has to be manifests and records in the upsurge in military activity. I can't be the only person that noticed that at the time...

22 Jul 90 Egypt's Mubarak goes to Baghdad to mediate dispute, says he received Saddam's "assurances" that Iraq would not move against Kuwait.

Note the date.
There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.

22 Jul 90 Egypt's Mubarak goes to Baghdad to mediate dispute, says he received Saddam's "assurances" that Iraq would not move against Kuwait.

Note the date.
There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Saudi Arabia "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black op thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards.

Always easy to just say nuke them. In the real world we must seek viable and realistic methods of fighting Islamic terrorism.

I do agree the Saudi Royals prior to 9/11 turned too much of a blind eye to the radicals in their midst...trying to keep them mollified in some sort of hope to avoid direct confrontation with them.

After 9/11 pressure has been brought to bear on them to do something about the radicals in their midst. They are now attempting to get rid of the radicals and have become an important ally in the fight against terrorism.
Saudi Arabia Remains Indispensable U.S. Ally, Argues New CFR Book
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I never understood why Bush attacked Iraq ("Desert Storm" 1990) to begin with. It was avoidable. Yes, it was, before people roll their eyes or get nasty, Saddam asked us BEFORE he invaded Kuwait. And we could have at least diplomatically said HELL NO. And Bush's remark on islam, he sort stuck his foot in his mouth. Islam is the most hyper aggressive threat to humanity and free thought I can think of...
Wrong Bush.
Wrong war.

And Bush's remark on Islam was one his finest moments after 9/11
September 20, 2001

I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them.

A Justified Intolerance of Islam
By Paul Pauker
Progressives and liberals do not tolerate beliefs or actions they consider unjust, yet they demand conservatives do so. Nearly every criticism of Islam is met with a chorus of condemnation from Democrats (and distress from some Republican "moderates"). This is not only wrong, but highly irresponsible.

Opposition to Islam is no different than opposition to communism, or fascism, or any other belief system that seeks to control human conduct. Every American (indeed, every human being on Earth) has basic human rights -- the unalienable rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happines and property -- and every belief system with principles that violate these rights is unjust. In short, anti-communism, anti-fascism, and anti-Islam are the logical, fact-based positions for every rational person seeking justice, whether in America or anywhere else in the world.

Nevertheless, Progressives and liberals personally attack the critics of Islam, vilify them, and falsely accuse them of "Islamophobia." Clearly, this accusation is nonsense. Opposition to the beliefs held by an individual or group is not a phobia, nor is opposition to the actions of an individual or group, including the customs followed by people.

Progressives and liberals, though, insist that opposition to Islam is based on fear, or hate, or both. Again, this is nonsense. Opposition to Islam is based on knowledge, not fear or hate.

Ultimately, claiming that people who oppose Islam are "Islamophobic" is as ridiculous as claiming that people who oppose Marxism and Nazism are "Marxophobic" and "Nazophobic."
A Justified Intolerance of Islam
There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Saudi Arabia "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black op thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards.

Always easy to just say nuke them. In the real world we must seek viable and realistic methods of fighting Islamic terrorism.

I do agree the Saudi Royals prior to 9/11 turned too much of a blind eye to the radicals in their midst...trying to keep them mollified in some sort of hope to avoid direct confrontation with them.

After 9/11 pressure has been brought to bear on them to do something about the radicals in their midst. They are now attempting to get rid of the radicals and have become an important ally in the fight against terrorism.
Saudi Arabia Remains Indispensable U.S. Ally, Argues New CFR Book
" Nuking them" well that was a turn of a phrase. So back in 2001 after the dust settled. Instead of wasting our time in Iraq or Afghanistan why didn't we just go for the jugular and went to Rydya? The heart of Saudi Arabia? Instead we go else where . Iraq. The terrorist were born and bred in Saudi Arabia, oil capitol of the world. And so was their ideology. Yeah lets ignore that. All those people that died on 9/11, they are expendable. Lets attack Iraq instead, they had nothing to do with 9/11 and people that excuse that, are being disrespectful of the dead that died on 9/11. Yes, you are.
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You people are amazing. Really. So I won't bother anymore. GW Bush was a sweet man and I wish him well in the afterlife. Happy?

GW Bush is still alive and well. I suggest you wish him well at his home in Texas.

It is fallacious to render judgement on a President based on personal traits....even Hitler had some admirable personal traits aka love of animals.

Not saying gwb was anything like hitler just pointing out....we should not get misled by a historical figures personal habits or traits.

What needs to be understood about gwb is what he did as President and how it affected America for the good or bad.
22 Jul 90 Egypt's Mubarak goes to Baghdad to mediate dispute, says he received Saddam's "assurances" that Iraq would not move against Kuwait.

Note the date.
There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he (Saddam) ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Yeah. Saudi Arabia has. And they "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. The facts speak for themselves. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black ops thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards. We know, and we know THEY know.

Mary, your entire line of thinking is based on your lack of knowledge. The Saudis would have done anything to get their hands on Osama. Why do you put faith in your claims where no facts exist? You sound like some weird conspiracy theorist.
Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Saudi Arabia "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black op thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards.

Always easy to just say nuke them. In the real world we must seek viable and realistic methods of fighting Islamic terrorism.

I do agree the Saudi Royals prior to 9/11 turned too much of a blind eye to the radicals in their midst...trying to keep them mollified in some sort of hope to avoid direct confrontation with them.

After 9/11 pressure has been brought to bear on them to do something about the radicals in their midst. They are now attempting to get rid of the radicals and have become an important ally in the fight against terrorism.
Saudi Arabia Remains Indispensable U.S. Ally, Argues New CFR Book
" Nuking them" well that was a turn of a phrase. So back in 2001 after the dust settled. Instead of wasting our time in Iraq or Afghanistan why didn't we just go for the jugular and went to Rydya? The heart of Saudi Arabia? Instead we go else where . Iraq. The terrorist were born and bred in Saudi Arabia, oil capitol of the world. And so was their ideology. Yeah lets ignore that. All those people that died on 9/11, they are expendable. Lets attack Iraq instead, they had nothing to do with 9/11 and people that excuse that, are being disrespectful of the dead that died on 9/11. Yes, you are.

Mary, what the heck is Rydya? I have no idea.

Bad news. We are the oil capitol of the world.

Again, should we attack NY because of the OKC bombing and that is where McVeigh was from? He was born and bred in the USA.
You people are amazing. Really. So I won't bother anymore. GW Bush was a sweet man and I wish him well in the afterlife. Happy?

GW Bush is still alive and well. I suggest you wish him well at his home in Texas.

It is fallacious to render judgement on a President based on personal traits....even Hitler had some admirable personal traits aka love of animals.

Not saying gwb was anything like hitler just pointing out....we should not get misled by a historical figures personal habits or traits.

What needs to be understood about gwb is what he did as President and how it affected America for the good or bad.

Mac, you need to read the posts more carefully. I think she is confused over which former president died!
Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Saudi Arabia "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black op thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards.

Always easy to just say nuke them. In the real world we must seek viable and realistic methods of fighting Islamic terrorism.

I do agree the Saudi Royals prior to 9/11 turned too much of a blind eye to the radicals in their midst...trying to keep them mollified in some sort of hope to avoid direct confrontation with them.

After 9/11 pressure has been brought to bear on them to do something about the radicals in their midst. They are now attempting to get rid of the radicals and have become an important ally in the fight against terrorism.
Saudi Arabia Remains Indispensable U.S. Ally, Argues New CFR Book
" Nuking them" well that was a turn of a phrase. So back in 2001 after the dust settled. Instead of wasting our time in Iraq or Afghanistan and went to the jugular and went to town Rydya. The heart of Saudi Arabia Instead we go else where . The terrorist were born and bred in Saudi Arabia, oil capitol of the world. And so was their ideology. Yeah lets ignore that. All those people that died on 9/11, they are expendable.

I sympathize with your views to a certain extent....but we have to be realistic. America was not prepared and still is not prepared to wipe out the Religion of Islam even if that were possible.

All we can really do is to battle the extremist jihadists who are constantly planning and executing attacks against the West and attempt to restrict the immigration of muslims to America and deport those already here that are so suspicious the FBI has to monitor them constantly.

Even that is difficult enough with all the liberal opposition and their obsession with Islamaphobes....they are a constant stumbling block in our war against terrorism.

Our attempts to restrict muslim immigration and our constant fight against the ranks of the jihadists is just as important to muslims as it is to us. Sadly too many of them do not recognize that.

The day could come that the jihadists suceed in launching a extremely horrendous attack on America with some kind of the tune of thousands and thousands of deaths if not millions...of course the liberals will say this is paranoia etc.

But say something like that occurs....the American People could easily arise in masse and begin to burn mosques and slaughter any muslim on sight. In order to avoid that we need to do our utmost to at least keep the most dangerous ones out.

We should not forget that even Obama said his biggest worry was a terrprost attack on NYC with some sort of weapon of mass destruction be it nuclear, biological or chemical.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.

It wasn't a mistake we all knew he wanted to kill sadam
22 Jul 90 Egypt's Mubarak goes to Baghdad to mediate dispute, says he received Saddam's "assurances" that Iraq would not move against Kuwait.

Note the date.
There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he (Saddam) ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Yeah. Saudi Arabia has. And they "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. The facts speak for themselves. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black ops thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards. We know, and we know THEY know.

I can sympathize with your desire to get rid of a huge problem so quickly and easily...but just wishful thinking. I imagine that someone in the upper level of the Royal family in Saudia Arabia knew about Osama having a plan to attack the west....and they do have blood on their hands....I think now we have put a lot of pressure on them and they have seen the error of their ways.

Also something a lot of people do not know aboutr is how gwb came to the rescue of the binladen relatives here in America. I was at the Tampa Airport the day they were loaded on a plane and sent back to Saudia Arabia even though the airport was shut down to all other traffic.

Interestingly, on Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Carlyle Group – including Bush senior, and his former secretary of state, James Baker – were meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., along with Shafiq bin Laden, another one of Osama bin Laden’s brothers.

While all flights were halted following the terrorist attacks, there was one exception made: The White House authorized planes to pick up 140 Saudi nationals, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, living in various cities in the U.S. to bring them back to Saudi Arabia, where they would be safe. They were never interrogated.'..................Bush ties to bin Laden haunt grim anniversary – The Denver Post
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There is two ways of looking at this. The official version, or that down and dirty antidotal things that see things aren't adding up to the official version . I know what I saw, and the war in Iraq seemed contrived. And the other thing, why do we cover for Saudi Arabia? Which is the larger issue, 9/11 was committed by Saudis. A human rights violation and an mass atrocity? Saudi Arabia this, the oil industry THAT. Bush big oil money. Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We let that slide. THAT is BUSH's legacy. Instead, we invade Iraq on the flimsiest of reasons. WMDs weren't there, hell, we didn't let the Un investigate that and validate those claims. So I am left in the lurch. A Saudi prince kills Kasoggi and that is acceptable by the body politic, because that's acceptable. Apparently our leadership under Bush though the mass murder of 3000 Americans was acceptable, too that really bothers ME as an American.

Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he (Saddam) ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Yeah. Saudi Arabia has. And they "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. The facts speak for themselves. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black ops thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards. We know, and we know THEY know.

I can sympathize with your desire to get rid of a huge problem so quickly and easily...but just wishful thinking. I imagine that someone in the upper level of the Royal family in Saudia Arabia knew about Osama having a plan to attack the west....and they do have blood on their hands....I think now we have put a lot of pressure on them and they have seen the error of their ways.

Also something a lot of people do not know aboutr is how gwb came to the rescue of the binladen relatives here in America. I was at the Tampa Airport the day they were loaded on a plane and sent back to Saudia Arabia even though the airport was shut down to all other traffic.

So you are a conspiracy theorist too?

Why would they be flying out of Tampa, Florida? Did that ever cross your mind?

Here is a See BS source that disputes your claim.

Bin Laden Family Evacuated
Saudi Arabia did not attack us on 9/11.

We did not invade Iraq until 18 months AFTER 9/11.

The Iraqis would not let the UN inspect anything!

Where do you get those silly ideas?

BTW, the word is "anecdotal".
The key word is you are deluded or a shill. Or something I have no word for. The Oil industry is running America, and the Bush family didn't get their money selling tickets at the carnival. Common, Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. When Japan did that sneak attack in 1941. we didn't try to hide that, we didn't wring our hands and blame someone else either. No, instead, we actually went after the bad guys. After 2001? We genuflect, we divert, we avoid. We tippy toe, and you are doing it now. WHY?

This is the CDZ. I suggest you take a chill pill.

Was Osama bin Laden behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Yes.

Was he a Saudi? Yes.

Was he sponsored by the Saudi royal family in any way? No. They threw him out of the country.

Was Pearl Harbor an attack by the Japanese military on the US? Yes.

Were the 9/11 attacks in any way connected to the Saudi government? No.

Was Al Qaeda responsible? Yes.

Are they a government? No. They are a terrorist organization.

Where was Al Qaeda hiding and protected by the government of that country? Afghanistan.

Who did we attack shortly after 9/11? Afghanistan.
Saddam was an ally of America, Yes? An ally against Iran?, YES? Did he (Saddam) ever have any proven links to terrorist that attacked AMERICA? Nope. Yeah. Saudi Arabia has. And they "OFFICIALY" (winky wink, plausible denial) didn't sanction or approve of an attack on America, you are right. Nope. I don't care. The facts speak for themselves. Does it matter back in 1941, some really bad people that were Japanese attacked us for whatever reason, and that transcends reason or politics or anything else? And we went after THEM for that. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was officially sanctioned by the Saudi Arabian government or a back door closeted black ops thing. Nope. We should have nuked the bastards. We know, and we know THEY know.

I can sympathize with your desire to get rid of a huge problem so quickly and easily...but just wishful thinking. I imagine that someone in the upper level of the Royal family in Saudia Arabia knew about Osama having a plan to attack the west....and they do have blood on their hands....I think now we have put a lot of pressure on them and they have seen the error of their ways.

Also something a lot of people do not know aboutr is how gwb came to the rescue of the binladen relatives here in America. I was at the Tampa Airport the day they were loaded on a plane and sent back to Saudia Arabia even though the airport was shut down to all other traffic.

So you are a conspiracy theorist too?

Why would they be flying out of Tampa, Florida? Did that ever cross your mind?

Here is a See BS source that disputes your claim.

Bin Laden Family Evacuated

It began with a chartered flight from Tampa, Fla., to Lexington, Ky., on Sept. 13. Soon there were at least eight planes stopping in 12 U.S. cities to fly Saudis out. About two dozen passengers were related to Bin Laden. Because of the lockdown, the initial flight required authorization from the highest levels of government -- and specifically from the White House. Former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke said he was a party to such conversations in the White House.

The Tampa-to-Lexington flight, which was reported in the Tampa Tribune in October 2001, is the only documented incident in which Saudis had been granted access to American airspace when U.S. citizens were still restricted from flying privately—access that required special government approval.

After 9/11: the Saudis Who Slipped Away

October 2003: Craig Unger Saudia Arabia
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You remind me of the wonderful people that believe 9/11 was an inside job, or that other bunch of wonderful folks,flat earthers or the moon landing was fake. You aren't going to be swayed by anything. I misspelled something. Guess what? You noticed I make mistakes. We are all flawed. So was GW Bush. You sweep his boners under the rug. WHY? Invasion of Iraq was a huge miscalculation. I misspell something you call me out. Really? How many lives did my mistake cost?

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