The TRUTH about slavery in the U.S.A.

Sadly, progressive leaders on the left have managed to dupe their followers into one of the most egregious lies ever perpetrated on the world: that the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant because it was created by racist and oppressive wealthy white men.

Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. The sad reality is the leaders on the left abhor the U.S. Constitution because it limits their power - which prevents them from imposing their will on others. In an attempt to get around that, they have created the false narrative that the document shouldn't be respected and adhered to because the document is "evil". Since a document is an inanimate object which cannot be anything, they needed to create the false narrative that it was penned by evil men.

It is sad that such great men have been so wrongfully demonized because of those with an agenda for power over others. It's particularly disturbing that our public schools are not teaching students the truth about our founders. It is time we change that. It is time the American people are educated on what actually occurred in history.

But it's just not true. Most people understand that they (the FF's) created a document and a form of government that transcended them and that the Constitution is still relevant 200+ years later.


Oh, its you.

You are blind and stupid.


Why do you hate the Constitution?

Why don't you actually READ the document, familiarize yourself with the contents and the intent of the Founding Fathers BEFORE claiming that the Constitution is still relevant today?


"progressive leaders on the left have managed to dupe their followers into one of the most egregious lies ever perpetrated on the world: that the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant because it was created by racist and oppressive wealthy white men."

We overcame that flaw with an amendment to the constitution. Excluding 1860 we have had non violent transfers of power between each administration. I call that a success.

The Constitution is as relevant as it ever was.
Sadly, progressive leaders on the left have managed to dupe their followers into one of the most egregious lies ever perpetrated on the world: that the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant because it was created by racist and oppressive wealthy white men.
Calling the Constitution irrelevant because some of the Founders were slave owners is a classic ad hominem fallacy.

Just like when people try to devalue Martin Luther King's accomplishments by pointing out he cheated on his wife.
I really wish this subject would remain in the history books where it belongs. I mean it's akin to reminding a friend or family member of a terrible personal tragedy they barely endured on a regular basis.
I do not need to be reminded nor punished for the sins of people who've been dead longer than I've been alive & that I never had any relation to.
I'm on the left for most issues.

I absolutely respect the Constitution.

It is my belief that too many people on the Right are situational Constitutionalists.

Meaning: the Original Poster is - (I'm speculating) - far more dedicated to his political party than the Constitution. For instance. If you asked P@triot to comment about Reagan's crimes against the Constitution (Iran-Contra) he would deflect, deny and distort.

Secondly, George Bush destroyed the Constitution with his illegal wire tapping program. Ashcroft, his attorney general, refused to re-certify the program precisely because the first version of the program was anti-Constitutional.

When Reagan and Bush got caught we didn't here a peep from P@triot's side of the aisle. Supposed Constitutionalists like Mark Levin became weak-kneed cheerleaders for the "home team", and people like P@triot didn't even know these crimes occurred because his talk radio pundits were too busy slobbering on Reagan's picture to report it.

Being lectured by the Right about fidelity to the Constitution is like being lectured by Charles Manson on the virtues of pacifism.

This thread is a joke.
The SEC makes over $500 million dollars in revenue per year off the backs of students who aren't paid a dime and can lose their scholarships at the whim of the college they are attending. Oh, but they get "free room and board". Sounds an awful lot like some RWers defense of slavery. "The slaves were well cared for by their masters".
Slaves didn't have a choice genius. College athletes have unlimited choices. First, they choose to play. Then they choose which school to attend. Then they choose to keep playing (they can quit any time they want).

Yeah...sure sounds like "slavery". Funny how the party of slavery and racism is ok with the government putting a gun to our head and forcing us to do everything but an adult choosing to play college sports is "slavery" in their mind.

The $500 million per year is spent on the athletes my dear. Here are the "slave quarters". Oh the humanity. Looks really rough...

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Yeah, the slaves sometimes had nice workplaces too...
Did the slaves choose to work there? Dumb ass...

Ah, so when RWers scream about Public Accommodation laws and having to bake cakes for gays as being akin to slavery...

But I'll concede to your tender sensibilities and say that college athletics are like Jim Crow laws, not slavery. Better?
'The TRUTH about slavery in the U.S.A.'

The 'traditional' slavery everyone thinks about when discussing slaver - It no longer exists in the United States. Get over it. Move on.

Sex Trafficking / 'slavery' is indeed alive and well in the US. Want to target and eliminate slavery on the US - go after and shut down that one!

Well, if it involves sexual degeneracy, pedophilia, and rape, Democrats here aren't interested in stopping that, and in fact just ignore it.
In 19th century America, slavery was basically tolerated if not embraced. In the early part of the century, particularly in the South the inferiority of the black race was a common theme in churches. God made them black because they were inferior and intended that they serve as slaves. Many people believed blacks were a lower order of humans.

Yes, and that included the majority of abolitionists as well. Reading many of Garrison's and other abolitionist tracts and beliefs about blacks, and women as well, it's apparent many were more hard core 'racists' than Southern plantation owners; most were opposed to slavery because they wanted a completely white nation.
Ah, so when RWers scream about Public Accommodation laws and having to bake cakes for gays as being akin to slavery... is. Which part of force are you struggling to understand? I've never met a college athlete yet who was forced to be there. They chose the sport, they choose the school, and they can choose to quit any time they want.

The same is not true for slaves and is not true for "public accommodation" laws which force people to do something against their will.
I really wish this subject would remain in the history books where it belongs. I mean it's akin to reminding a friend or family member of a terrible personal tragedy they barely endured on a regular basis.
I do not need to be reminded nor punished for the sins of people who've been dead longer than I've been alive & that I never had any relation to.
Progressives disagree with you. They believe you should be forever punished. See - if they can't demonize the founders as "evil slave owners" then they can't justify their contempt for the U.S. Constitution and their subsequent advocation for violating it.
Ah, so when RWers scream about Public Accommodation laws and having to bake cakes for gays as being akin to slavery... is. Which part of force are you struggling to understand? I've never met a college athlete yet who was forced to be there. They chose the sport, they choose the school, and they can choose to quit any time they want.

The same is not true for slaves and is not true for "public accommodation" laws which force people to do something against their will.

Like serving the public at your open to the public retail establishment, right?
I really wish this subject would remain in the history books where it belongs. I mean it's akin to reminding a friend or family member of a terrible personal tragedy they barely endured on a regular basis.
I do not need to be reminded nor punished for the sins of people who've been dead longer than I've been alive & that I never had any relation to.
Progressives disagree with you. They believe you should be forever punished. See - if they can't demonize the founders as "evil slave owners" then they can't justify their contempt for the U.S. Constitution and their subsequent advocation for violating it.

My Grandfathers' Grandfather was a slave owner. I don't feel I've been punished at all. Nor do I have contempt for him or the Constitution. Am I still a liberal?
Ah, so when RWers scream about Public Accommodation laws and having to bake cakes for gays as being akin to slavery... is. Which part of force are you struggling to understand? I've never met a college athlete yet who was forced to be there. They chose the sport, they choose the school, and they can choose to quit any time they want.

The same is not true for slaves and is not true for "public accommodation" laws which force people to do something against their will.

Like serving the public at your open to the public retail establishment, right?
Contrary to the absurd progressive beliefs that you had drilled into your head at a young age - a private business on private property is not public domain. They have the right to choose who they enter into business transactions with. The U.S. Constitution says so.
I really wish this subject would remain in the history books where it belongs. I mean it's akin to reminding a friend or family member of a terrible personal tragedy they barely endured on a regular basis.
I do not need to be reminded nor punished for the sins of people who've been dead longer than I've been alive & that I never had any relation to.
Progressives disagree with you. They believe you should be forever punished. See - if they can't demonize the founders as "evil slave owners" then they can't justify their contempt for the U.S. Constitution and their subsequent advocation for violating it.

My Grandfathers' Grandfather was a slave owner. I don't feel I've been punished at all. Nor do I have contempt for him or the Constitution. Am I still a liberal?
Thank you for proving my point. Yet another lefty whose bloodlines run directly back to slavery and racism.

For the record - your previous post proves that you have nothing but contempt for the U.S. Constitution.
what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
The constitution laid no requirements on voting withing the states. Electors to the Electoral College could be selected by states in any way they choose. Members of the House of Representative were to be chosen by the people of each state with no restriction as how that was to be done. Senators were chosen by the state legislatures. Who could vote was left to the states. Remember, the founders founded a republic. They had little interest democracy.

However, the states in the early days of the nation generally placed a lot of restrictions on voting. Usually only adult white male property owners were allowed to vote. In some states, voting was also restricted to only the members of the predominate religion in the community.

The bottom line was that only about 10% of the population was allowed to vote.
a pure democracy is mop rule...

Assuming you meant 'mob rule',

that line is simply conservative code for, boohoo, we can never BE the majority, so we must trash majority rule.
A pure democracy is mob rule
The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

A constitutional republic is Snob Rule. We far outnumber such political bullies; only massive cradle to grave brainwashing prevents us from crushing the Establishments like grapes. We should quit whining and start making wine. Let's make it unfair for those who try to intimidate us by preaching, "Life isn't supposed to be fair."
The SEC makes over $500 million dollars in revenue per year off the backs of students who aren't paid a dime and can lose their scholarships at the whim of the college they are attending. Oh, but they get "free room and board". Sounds an awful lot like some RWers defense of slavery. "The slaves were well cared for by their masters".
Slaves didn't have a choice genius. College athletes have unlimited choices. First, they choose to play. Then they choose which school to attend. Then they choose to keep playing (they can quit any time they want).

Yeah...sure sounds like "slavery". Funny how the party of slavery and racism is ok with the government putting a gun to our head and forcing us to do everything but an adult choosing to play college sports is "slavery" in their mind.

The $500 million per year is spent on the athletes my dear. Here are the "slave quarters". Oh the humanity. Looks really rough...

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Yeah, the slaves sometimes had nice workplaces too...
Did the slaves choose to work there? Dumb ass...
Slavery Saved Them From Savagery

Did the slaves prefer to be in far worse conditions back in the African jungle, where their usual fate was to become a lion's lunch.
The SEC makes over $500 million dollars in revenue per year off the backs of students who aren't paid a dime and can lose their scholarships at the whim of the college they are attending. Oh, but they get "free room and board". Sounds an awful lot like some RWers defense of slavery. "The slaves were well cared for by their masters".
Slaves didn't have a choice genius. College athletes have unlimited choices. First, they choose to play. Then they choose which school to attend. Then they choose to keep playing (they can quit any time they want).

Yeah...sure sounds like "slavery". Funny how the party of slavery and racism is ok with the government putting a gun to our head and forcing us to do everything but an adult choosing to play college sports is "slavery" in their mind.

The $500 million per year is spent on the athletes my dear. Here are the "slave quarters". Oh the humanity. Looks really rough...

View attachment 90714 View attachment 90715 View attachment 90716 View attachment 90717 View attachment 90718

Yeah, the slaves sometimes had nice workplaces too...
Did the slaves choose to work there? Dumb ass...
Slavery Saved Them From Savagery

Did the slaves prefer to be in far worse conditions back in the African jungle, where their usual fate was to become a lion's lunch.

People tend to choose freedom over slavery.
The SEC makes over $500 million dollars in revenue per year off the backs of students who aren't paid a dime and can lose their scholarships at the whim of the college they are attending. Oh, but they get "free room and board". Sounds an awful lot like some RWers defense of slavery. "The slaves were well cared for by their masters".
Slaves didn't have a choice genius. College athletes have unlimited choices. First, they choose to play. Then they choose which school to attend. Then they choose to keep playing (they can quit any time they want).

Yeah...sure sounds like "slavery". Funny how the party of slavery and racism is ok with the government putting a gun to our head and forcing us to do everything but an adult choosing to play college sports is "slavery" in their mind.

The $500 million per year is spent on the athletes my dear. Here are the "slave quarters". Oh the humanity. Looks really rough...

View attachment 90714 View attachment 90715 View attachment 90716 View attachment 90717 View attachment 90718

Yeah, the slaves sometimes had nice workplaces too...
Did the slaves choose to work there? Dumb ass...
Slavery Saved Them From Savagery

Did the slaves prefer to be in far worse conditions back in the African jungle, where their usual fate was to become a lion's lunch.
False premise. The Africans were not in worse conditions than slavery. Idiot.

And they were less likely to be eaten by a lion as an American was likely to be killed by malaria.

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