The truth about 9-11 in less than 5 minutes

I don't know who attached the stupid 28-pages clip to the beginning of Corbett's excellent satirical video, but I seriously doubt it was James Corbett himself. I've seen him identify and denounce Graham's laughable attempt to throw one of the US's longest running 'deep state' assets (in Saudi Arabia) under the bus.

Anyway, here's a link to the untampered with video complete with a fully sourced transcript.
Here's a Press for Truth interview with James Corbett from April of this year: Debunking the 28 Pages

A quote from the vid:

"In a number of ways, the fundamental alliance between the US and Saudi Arabia that has existed for decades is shifting, and I think the US is trying to keep that stick [raised] and say, 'Hey guys, you better not get too far out from under our umbrella, 'cuz we could hit you with this stick at any time.' ..."

It's important for those interested in legitmate truth-seeking to understand that the Graham/Goss frame-up of Saudi Arabia has everything to do with neocon/democon geopolitical machinations and NOTHING to do with 9/11 truth.

Now, that's not to say the Saudis weren't involved in the 9/11 black operation, but rather that the impetus for their actions was similar to that of Kermit the Frog's vis-à-vis his relationship to Jim Henson.

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