The Trumped GOP's New Electoral Philosophy


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Trump warned that the ballot would be “rigged!” The Republican candidate Larry Elder predicted “shenanigans!” The conservative media star Tomi Lahren suggested that “voter fraud!” was inevitable.
The attempt to sew distrust in California’s recall effort began well before the Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, scored a crushing victory on Tuesday, thwarting Elder and other Republicans who hoped to replace him.
The barrage of mendacious claims echoed Trump’s BIG LIE!" of a stolen presidential election and were equally baseless. But, crucially, they also demonstrated that

undermining faith in election integrity has become normalized as a
strategy for many Republicans facing defeat at the ballot box.

Contriving to make it more difficult for Americans to vote when they are likely to vote against you, and manipulating districts to minimize the impact of the opposition, are typical stratagems to kick above one's weight level in politics (Two Senate votes for a state with a population of 40 million, 20 Senate votes for ten sparsely-populated states whose combined populace approximates that is an inherent partisan advantage.) , but the latest feature - in garish, flashing, neon, casino-style marquee letters is,

"Democracy Sucks! If WE lose, it's FAKE!"
Of course, such self-serving paranoidal cynicism is a negation of democratic elections themselves.

Cry Baby Loser has long whined about elections in which the will of the People does not comport with is own as "fake!", "fixed!" or "stolen!" - an overwhelming amount of empirical data contradicting the evidence-free egomaniacal tantrum, notwithstanding.

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Has the Republican Party now become a cult of cry baby losers who will emulate the crapping upon free and fair elections whenever the public will of Americans is not to their liking?

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"Apres MOI, le déluge!"

His goons attacking Congress is a disgusting manifestation of this contempt for democracy.
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If it's inevitable there is no need to worry yourself over it then.
Republicans undermining faith in the electoral process is just going to get less Republicans to vote.

"Why vote when the Democrats will just do what they want anyway," many Republicans will say. They'll stay home.

And Democrats will win more elections.

Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot.
With total disaster

Murderous fraud vax

in the White House, the worst treasonous scum of the democrat party is ramping up bullshit to prepare you for Friday, when the AZ audit will show

Traitor Joe and the Dems and Fox News CHEATED
Trump warned that the ballot would be “rigged!” The Republican candidate Larry Elder predicted “shenanigans!” The conservative media star Tomi Lahren suggested that “voter fraud!” was inevitable.
The attempt to sew distrust in California’s recall effort began well before the Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, scored a crushing victory on Tuesday, thwarting Elder and other Republicans who hoped to replace him.
The barrage of mendacious claims echoed Trump’s BIG LIE!" of a stolen presidential election and were equally baseless. But, crucially, they also demonstrated that
undermining faith in election integrity has become normalized as a
strategy for many Republicans facing defeat at the ballot box.

Contriving to make it more difficult for Americans to vote when they are likely to vote against you, and manipulating districts to minimize the impact of the opposition, are typical stratagems to kick above one's weight level in politics (Two Senate votes for a state with a population of 40 million, 20 Senate votes for ten sparsely-populated states whose combined populace approximates that is an inherent partisan advantage.) , but the latest feature - in garish, flashing, neon, casino-style marquee letters is,

"Democracy Sucks! If WE lose, it's FAKE!"
Of course, such self-serving paranoidal cynicism is a negation of democratic elections themselves.

Cry Baby Loser has long whined about elections in which the will of the People does not comport with is own as "fake!", "fixed!" or "stolen!" - an overwhelming amount of empirical data contradicting the evidence-free egomaniacal tantrum, notwithstanding.

Has the Republican Party now become a cult of cry baby losers who will emulate the crapping upon free and fair elections whenever the public will of Americans is not to their liking?

View attachment 541304
"Apres MOI, le déluge!"

His goons attacking Congress is a disgusting manifestation of this contempt for democracy.

He lives in your tiny brain 24/7.

Trump is KING!
Republicans undermining faith in the electoral process is just going to get less Republicans to vote.

"Why vote when the Democrats will just do what they want anyway," many Republicans will say. They'll stay home.

And Democrats will win more elections.

Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot.

Faith in elections had long been on the wane. Trumps election PROVED that election fraud has been rampant for some time.

Soon, you will be starving as the country collapses.

I say good riddance to bad rubbish.
Faith in elections had long been on the wane. Trumps election PROVED that election fraud has been rampant for some time.

Soon, you will be starving as the country collapses.

I say good riddance to bad rubbish.

Over sixty judges (10 appointed by King Rump himself) must have missed your "proof". :lol:
Oh, look. The village idiot has chimed in....
I haven’t had any faith in the election process or the electorate since before I was legal to vote (1992).

In 1990 I had the opportunity to work the election due to a high school civics class I was taking. Part of the requirements for the class was to volunteer a minimum of 40 hours for a campaign and get Election Day off to campaign at the polls. It was a very interesting experience but Election Day taught me a lot… just listening to the voters as they entered and left the polling place. The aftermath of the election taught me even more. NONE of those lessons were positive.
Those who have the positions

1. There was no election fraud


2. Oppose an audit

Are themselves fully knowledgable that there WAS ELECTION FRAUD and THEY LOVE THAT FRAUD
Trump warned that the ballot would be “rigged!” The Republican candidate Larry Elder predicted “shenanigans!” The conservative media star Tomi Lahren suggested that “voter fraud!” was inevitable.
The attempt to sew distrust in California’s recall effort began well before the Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, scored a crushing victory on Tuesday, thwarting Elder and other Republicans who hoped to replace him.
The barrage of mendacious claims echoed Trump’s BIG LIE!" of a stolen presidential election and were equally baseless. But, crucially, they also demonstrated that
undermining faith in election integrity has become normalized as a
strategy for many Republicans facing defeat at the ballot box.

Contriving to make it more difficult for Americans to vote when they are likely to vote against you, and manipulating districts to minimize the impact of the opposition, are typical stratagems to kick above one's weight level in politics (Two Senate votes for a state with a population of 40 million, 20 Senate votes for ten sparsely-populated states whose combined populace approximates that is an inherent partisan advantage.) , but the latest feature - in garish, flashing, neon, casino-style marquee letters is,

"Democracy Sucks! If WE lose, it's FAKE!"
Of course, such self-serving paranoidal cynicism is a negation of democratic elections themselves.

Cry Baby Loser has long whined about elections in which the will of the People does not comport with is own as "fake!", "fixed!" or "stolen!" - an overwhelming amount of empirical data contradicting the evidence-free egomaniacal tantrum, notwithstanding.

Has the Republican Party now become a cult of cry baby losers who will emulate the crapping upon free and fair elections whenever the public will of Americans is not to their liking?

View attachment 541304
"Apres MOI, le déluge!"

His goons attacking Congress is a disgusting manifestation of this contempt for democracy.
The fact that they would even try this in California, of all places, may give us clues as to what's still coming.

We're a long way to the end of this madness.
He lives in your tiny brain 24/7.

Trump is KING!
Yes, I am able to confront the harm the Loser is inflicting on democracy.

I have no need to worship the Loser as my lord and master.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.

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"Yes, it is!"
I haven’t had any faith in the election process or the electorate since before I was legal to vote (1992).

In 1990 I had the opportunity to work the election due to a high school civics class I was taking. Part of the requirements for the class was to volunteer a minimum of 40 hours for a campaign and get Election Day off to campaign at the polls. It was a very interesting experience but Election Day taught me a lot… just listening to the voters as they entered and left the polling place. The aftermath of the election taught me even more. NONE of those lessons were positive.
Mindless cynicism aside, we are a nation of laws and not of men, and when the nation's top lawyer, Trump's own Attorney General, labels Trump's self-serving lies regarding the election as "Bullshit!", and dozens of judges, Trump-appointees included, reject the Loser's evidence-free challenges as bullshit, there is no rational reason to pretend it's not bullshit.

Republican Governors, Republican Attorneys General, Republican Secretaries of State, even after recounts and audits, all certified their states' election results. There is no rational reason to substitute bullshit.
The fact that they would even try this in California, of all places, may give us clues as to what's still coming.

We're a long way to the end of this madness.
The Loser's cult has perverted elective politics and, thereby, democracy.

"If WE win, the election's fair and legitimate, even if we had insisted - just to be safe - that it would be "rigged!" or "fixed!'" or '"fake!"
(See Trump's lies prior to the 2016 election.) Of course, if you happen to win the electoral college vote, it's suddenly

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Trump's goons attacking democracy on January 6 is only the ugly manifestation of the pervasive contempt for Americans' self-governance.

For the cult, it is a case of politics being the weird worship of one dude, his lies more precious to them than objective truth.
Trump warned that the ballot would be “rigged!” The Republican candidate Larry Elder predicted “shenanigans!” The conservative media star Tomi Lahren suggested that “voter fraud!” was inevitable.
The attempt to sew distrust in California’s recall effort began well before the Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, scored a crushing victory on Tuesday, thwarting Elder and other Republicans who hoped to replace him.
The barrage of mendacious claims echoed Trump’s BIG LIE!" of a stolen presidential election and were equally baseless. But, crucially, they also demonstrated that
undermining faith in election integrity has become normalized as a
strategy for many Republicans facing defeat at the ballot box.

Contriving to make it more difficult for Americans to vote when they are likely to vote against you, and manipulating districts to minimize the impact of the opposition, are typical stratagems to kick above one's weight level in politics (Two Senate votes for a state with a population of 40 million, 20 Senate votes for ten sparsely-populated states whose combined populace approximates that is an inherent partisan advantage.) , but the latest feature - in garish, flashing, neon, casino-style marquee letters is,

"Democracy Sucks! If WE lose, it's FAKE!"
Of course, such self-serving paranoidal cynicism is a negation of democratic elections themselves.

Cry Baby Loser has long whined about elections in which the will of the People does not comport with is own as "fake!", "fixed!" or "stolen!" - an overwhelming amount of empirical data contradicting the evidence-free egomaniacal tantrum, notwithstanding.

Has the Republican Party now become a cult of cry baby losers who will emulate the crapping upon free and fair elections whenever the public will of Americans is not to their liking?

View attachment 541304
"Apres MOI, le déluge!"

His goons attacking Congress is a disgusting manifestation of this contempt for democracy.
Jesus Christ how many pathetic TDS threads do you need to make?
The Loser's cult has perverted elective politics and, thereby, democracy.
That party has made its Faustian bargain, and the country is paying for it.

And I continue to wonder: Exactly how does the country get to a point where Middle America and the NASCAR crowd fall head over heels in love with a flamboyant, hair sprayed, spray tanned, hypersensitive, childlike, petulant New York City billionaire? How in the world do they think that he and they are actually somehow simpatico? Have they been THAT desperate for a con man to come along and tell them what they want to hear?

It seems to me that we've not yet stopped being shocked, and started asking real questions about what has happened to our society. How did this happen to us?
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