The Trump Years - A Review

“…politicized the Justice Department…”

GWB did the same thing – Obama had to clean up that mess and Trump comes along and turns Justice into a rightwing partisan sewer again.

Electing Republicans president is the definition of insanity.

trump is busy trying to screw up as much as he can for the incoming Biden administration. And he still expects to run in 2024, after he proves he is nothing more than a self absorbed child. The man should never be placed in a position of authority again.

Bushie Boy didn't leave NEAR the mess that Dotard will. It's gonna take six months just to figure where he hid all the goodies - You know, like where's the nuke football? And of course, they'll need to start with many men in hazmat suits.


Republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

The next one will be worse than trump.
“…politicized the Justice Department…”

GWB did the same thing – Obama had to clean up that mess and Trump comes along and turns Justice into a rightwing partisan sewer again.

Electing Republicans president is the definition of insanity.

trump is busy trying to screw up as much as he can for the incoming Biden administration. And he still expects to run in 2024, after he proves he is nothing more than a self absorbed child. The man should never be placed in a position of authority again.

Bushie Boy didn't leave NEAR the mess that Dotard will. It's gonna take six months just to figure where he hid all the goodies - You know, like where's the nuke football? And of course, they'll need to start with many men in hazmat suits.


Republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

The next one will be worse than trump.

Yep, I'm afraid this White Nationalist populism is here to stay for the time being due to Extreme Demographic Anxiety (EDA). Next time we may get an autocrat who actually knows what the hell he's doing. Dangerous territory unless you're a fan of Putin, Erdogan and Orban.
They kinda forgot how great things were in this country before the very convenient Chinese virus.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy. All that with Trump at the helm.

Most of what the op listed I agree with. The rest, well, Of course it takes shit to write shit.

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