The truly scary, "which will come first".......

President Trump is so awesome...

Death once had a near Trump experience.

Trump has a grizzly bear carpet in his room, its not dead its just afraid to move.

Trump threw a grenade and killed 50 people, and then the grenade exploded.

Trump has been to Mars, that's why there's no signs of life there.
You never thought of a possible third option Nat.....................ever consider the possibility that N. Korea will get so pissed at the US that they sell a nuke to terrorists who detonate it here?

As far as your two choices? I think that a war is more likely. Trump will set up delays in court as long as he can. He's got a lot of lawyers already working on it.

Know what is really criminal? Trump is using campaign funds that he's raised to pay for his legal fees over the Russia investigation. First time a president has ever used campaign funds like that.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is using money donated to his re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee to pay for his lawyers in the probe of alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Following Reuters exclusive report on Tuesday, CNN reported that the Republican National Committee paid in August more than $230,000 to cover some of Trump’s legal fees related to the probe.

RNC spokesperson Cassie Smedile confirmed to Reuters that Trump’s lead lawyer, John Dowd, received $100,000 from the RNC and that the RNC also paid $131,250 to the Constitutional Litigation and Advocacy Group, the law firm where Jay Sekulow, another of Trump’s lawyers, is a partner.

The RNC is scheduled to disclose its August spending on Wednesday. The Trump campaign is due for a disclosure on Oct. 15.

The U.S. Federal Election Commission allows the use of private campaign funds to pay legal bills arising from being a candidate or elected official.

While previous presidential campaigns have used these funds to pay for routine legal matters such as ballot access disputes and compliance requirements, Trump would be the first U.S. president in the modern campaign finance era to use such funds to cover the costs of responding to a criminal probe, said election law experts.

Trump using campaign, RNC funds to pay legal bills from Russia probe: sources

No wonder he declared he was running in 2020 as soon as he got elected. He's gonna get the GOP to pay his legal fees! Still think Trump is looking out for Americans? No, he's just looking out for himself.

Why would NK get so pissed at the US?

Well, for starters there are the sanctions, and selling a nuke to terrorists could generate some money for them.

Then................there's the fact that N. Korea is unhinged and Trump keeps baiting them on Twitter.

Ok. The sanctions aspect I agree with. Would you consider that equivalent of what FDR did to the japanese when he cut off their oil and natural resources? This isn't a gotcha. I like good argument.

Japan had a building economy when FDR did the sanctions. N. Korea doesn't have a building economy like Japan did. It's been said that the attack on Pearl Harbor was spurred on by the sanctions against Japan.

But, I do think that if nothing is done diplomatically soon, we could see the start of a war. Un cannot afford to lose face with his people, so if Trump keeps throwing out empty threats, it may encourage Un to act out even more because he's going to look strong in the eyes of his country if he ignores Trump.

And, we also need to remember that N. Korea has been more active than ever in missile and nuke tests since Trump took over.

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