The Transgender Agenda revealed and it targets the Right of parents to protect their children.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.......there is an agenda here, and it is vile and evil......

Revealed: The Secretive Strategy Behind the Transgender Assault on Parental Rights

Yet when it comes to transgender identity — which can push children toward "treatments" that actually introduce a disease to healthy bodies — the document urges the government to subvert parental rights.

"For example, states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorisation when required," the document reads. Yes, this activist handbook drafted by an international law firm and backed by one of the world's largest charitable foundations directly aims to subvert parental rights through the power of the state.

Interestingly, the handbook pays lip service to politics and culture but takes direct aim at government policies. "While cultural and political factors play a key role in the approach to be taken, there are certain techniques that emerge as being effective in progressing trans rights in the 'good practice' countries," it states.

Kirkup zeroed in on three of the handbook's pieces of advice.

"Get ahead of the government agenda," the document advises. "In many of the NGO advocacy campaigns that we studied, there were clear benefits where NGOs managed to get ahead of the government and publish progressive legislative proposals before the government had time to develop their own."

Activist groups should effectively direct any reform, the handbook encourages. "NGOs need to intervene early in the legislative process and ideally before it has even started. This will give them far greater ability to shape the government agenda and the ultimate proposal than if they intervene after the government has already started to develop its own proposals."

Powerful activist groups like the Human Rights Campaign draft model legislation and regulations, pushing them on political leaders and government agencies. When then-Gov. Pat McCrory signed House Bill 2, reserving public restrooms on the basis of biological sex, five LGBT groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Shortly thereafter, Lynch's deputy, Vanita Gupta, sent a letter threatening to revoke North Carolina's federal funding for education unless it ceased its "discrimination" immediately.

LGBT activist groups had circumvented the culture and politics, going straight for government policy — and the Obama administration leapt at the opportunity to condemn a Republican governor.

The handbook also encourages transgender activists to "tie your campaign to more popular reform." Activists suggest tying the subversion of parental rights to the campaign for same-sex marriage.

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Finally, good for them then we can have an old fashion shoot them up. We wouldn't want them to be defenseless.
To these activists all children are trans. They merely need to be guided in that direction.
The moment these freaks step between me & my kids is the moment they get a first hand lesson on the Second Amendment.
Transgenderism only effects an small percentage of the population and makes life a living hell for the people that are cursed enough to have to deal with their reality. These people deserve our mercy instead of hatred. would you shit on someone with downs or some other genetic "impairment"? I'd hope not and I am asking you to have mercy on the small percentage of our society that has the brainwiring of the opposite sex.

I'll agree with you that most of society(98.5%) should be brought up normally as cis gender and by doing so is healthy for them. To do otherwise is very dangerous! We should teach our kids to be normal but to be understanding of people that are different.
Transgenderism only effects an small percentage of the population and makes life a living hell for the people that are cursed enough to have to deal with their reality. These people deserve our mercy instead of hatred. would you shit on someone with downs or some other genetic "impairment"? I'd hope not and I am asking you to have mercy on the small percentage of our society that has the brainwiring of the opposite sex.

I'll agree with you that most of society(98.5%) should be brought up normally as cis gender and by doing so is healthy for them. To do otherwise is very dangerous! We should teach our kids to be normal but to be understanding of people that are different.

The same can be said for just about any other delusional mental disease. What makes Transgenderism so special, that it should be treated any differently?

In any event, nothing about it, nor any other similar form of insanity,justifies compelling sane people to treat the insane delusions of those who are clearly mad, as if these delusions are reality. Treating falsehood as truth is ultimately harmful to all involved.

By the way, sane people never, ever use the term “cis gender” as if it has any actual meaning. It's only meaningful to mentally-defective freaks, such as yourself, who are confused about the difference between male and female,and who therefore see a need to distinguish genuine instances of male and female from the delusional “trans” versions. To a sane person, “male” means someone who is genetically, morphological, and biologically male, and does not include someone who is actually female, but who is so f•••ed-up in the head as to think herself male; and vice versa.

The only thing that you achieve by using the “cis…” prefix is to identify yourself as a mentally-defective freak, who should not be regarded as credible on any topic.
Yes.......there is an agenda here, and it is vile and evil......

Revealed: The Secretive Strategy Behind the Transgender Assault on Parental Rights

Yet when it comes to transgender identity — which can push children toward "treatments" that actually introduce a disease to healthy bodies — the document urges the government to subvert parental rights.

"For example, states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorisation when required," the document reads. Yes, this activist handbook drafted by an international law firm and backed by one of the world's largest charitable foundations directly aims to subvert parental rights through the power of the state.

Interestingly, the handbook pays lip service to politics and culture but takes direct aim at government policies. "While cultural and political factors play a key role in the approach to be taken, there are certain techniques that emerge as being effective in progressing trans rights in the 'good practice' countries," it states.

Kirkup zeroed in on three of the handbook's pieces of advice.

"Get ahead of the government agenda," the document advises. "In many of the NGO advocacy campaigns that we studied, there were clear benefits where NGOs managed to get ahead of the government and publish progressive legislative proposals before the government had time to develop their own."

Activist groups should effectively direct any reform, the handbook encourages. "NGOs need to intervene early in the legislative process and ideally before it has even started. This will give them far greater ability to shape the government agenda and the ultimate proposal than if they intervene after the government has already started to develop its own proposals."

Powerful activist groups like the Human Rights Campaign draft model legislation and regulations, pushing them on political leaders and government agencies. When then-Gov. Pat McCrory signed House Bill 2, reserving public restrooms on the basis of biological sex, five LGBT groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Shortly thereafter, Lynch's deputy, Vanita Gupta, sent a letter threatening to revoke North Carolina's federal funding for education unless it ceased its "discrimination" immediately.

LGBT activist groups had circumvented the culture and politics, going straight for government policy — and the Obama administration leapt at the opportunity to condemn a Republican governor.

The handbook also encourages transgender activists to "tie your campaign to more popular reform." Activists suggest tying the subversion of parental rights to the campaign for same-sex marriage.

Wheres that cw2 already

The same can be said for just about any other delusional mental disease. What makes Transgenderism so special, that it should be treated any differently?

In any event, nothing about it, nor any other similar form of insanity,justifies compelling sane people to treat the insane delusions of those who are clearly mad, as if these delusions are reality. Treating falsehood as truth is ultimately harmful to all involved.

By your logic, Religion is a mental disease. You think you have to act a certain way, or a magic man in the sky is going to torture you for all eternity. Or send you to the Outer Darkness.... or whatever.

By the way, sane people never, ever use the term “cis gender” as if it has any actual meaning. It's only meaningful to mentally-defective freaks, such as yourself, who are confused about the difference between male and female,and who therefore see a need to distinguish genuine instances of male and female from the delusional “trans” versions. To a sane person, “male” means someone who is genetically, morphological, and biologically male, and does not include someone who is actually female, but who is so f•••ed-up in the head as to think herself male; and vice versa.

Again, still waiting for you to tell me how this has any effect on your life, that some people are Trans. Look, just because you picked up that She-male at the bar once, we all believe you have a case of the "not gays".

The only thing that you achieve by using the “cis…” prefix is to identify yourself as a mentally-defective freak, who should not be regarded as credible on any topic.

People who think their underwear is magic shouldn't be calling anyone mentally defective...
I hear they're buying guns and getting permitted to carry.
I can't help what wonder what an armed person would think if they grabbed a woman only to find out that it was really a man there in the dress.

God bless you always!!!

No need to wonder.
Transgender Florida Woman’s Body Found in Her Burning Car
Thank you, but now my question is, why was the person killed? Was it because of their lifestyle or would the murder have happened no matter what?

God bless you always!!!


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