The totally ignorant Hamas' college student supporters have no idea what Hamas is... thanks to Soros!

They're protesting the indiscriminate murder of the Palestinian people.

The solution to Hamas using the Palestinians as shields, isn't to murder the shields, IDIOT!
Really? Well Hamas should according to YOU not use hospitals as shields. They should not use hostages as shields.
The Associated Press reported on Friday that evidence disclosed since the end of this summer’s war between Israel and Hamas indicated that the Palestinian terror group had deliberately used civilians as human shields while launching rockets at Israeli civilians, and that even Hamas officials now admitted they had embraced the tactic. The wire bluntly noted that “discussion is not about whether the Hamas rockets were fired from civilian areas, but exactly how close they were to the actual buildings.”
Hamas officials cited by the AP defended their use of human shields by asserting that the population density of the Gaza Strip gave them little choice except to operate around civilians, a practiced codified as a war crime by the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Geneva Conventions:

Ideally Hamas should be abiding by the The International Criminal Court in The Hague prosecutes those accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. In 1998, 60 countries signed the Rome Statute after it was opened for signature by the United Nations.
They're protesting the indiscriminate murder of the Palestinian people.

The solution to Hamas using the Palestinians as shields, isn't to murder the shields, IDIOT!
IOW, the solution is to allow the use of human shields to work, thus ensuring ever more human shields will be used by combatants wanting to hide from the results of their actions?
I wouldn't trade my longhorn for any of these idiots.

When they cleaned out Stamford last week, very few of those arrested were students. They were all outside agitators.

Iran, China and Russia are all working to undermine US democracy. They have completely infiltrated right wing media and policy. Tucker Carlson is telling them what a great guy Putin is.
I think Tic Toc deserves more thanks. Does Soros own that platform of disinformation?

Yes, Tik Tok has been very efficient at showing Americans the things that will undermine their faith in the Biden Administration. Or gin up outrage against gays and trannies. Anything to destabillize your democracy.

And nothing critical of China.

You're making it easy for them to destroy your government.
When they cleaned out Stamford last week, very few of those arrested were students. They were all outside agitators.

Iran, China and Russia are all working to undermine US democracy. They have completely infiltrated right wing media and policy. Tucker Carlson is telling them what a great guy Putin is.

So why do iran, china, and russia hate us so much?
Yes, Tik Tok has been very efficient at showing Americans the things that will undermine their faith in the Biden Administration. Or gin up outrage against gays and trannies. Anything to destabillize your democracy.

And nothing critical of China.

You're making it easy for them to destroy your government.
No. My wife is. She is addicted to Tic Toc videos. I routinely have to tell her that the news she hears on it is mostly lies.
Anyone alive during the 60s/70s should feel a sense of having been there before.

Students were protesting an unjust war th. As they are now and they were ugly about it.

Laudable goals with messy actions.

This is very similar.

Regardless of what those kids were saying back then (and they said a lot of stupid shit) they didn’t support the VC or North Vietnamese, they wanted the war to stop

This is no different
Anyone alive during the 60s/70s should feel a sense of having been there before.

Students were protesting an unjust war th. As they are now and they were ugly about it.

Laudable goals with messy actions.

This is very similar.

Regardless of what those kids were saying back then (and they said a lot of stupid shit) they didn’t support the VC or North Vietnamese, they wanted the war to stop

This is no different
Well one of the differences is the US Draft was sending 18 year old conscripts to fight, kill, and die halfway around the world. A friend of mines dad is still MIA over the North. We've been supporting Israel over the Palestinian terrorist for over 50 years now. We also support the two state solution, even Papa Bush confronted them over the WB settlements, but they still are stealing land in the WB.
Well one of the differences is the US Draft was sending 18 year old conscripts to fight, kill, and die halfway around the world. A friend of mines dad is still MIA over the North. We've been supporting Israel over the Palestinian terrorist for over 50 years now. We also support the two state solution, even Papa Bush confronted them over the WB settlements, but they still are stealing land in the WB.
All true but the similarities are still there
That's because most of the "student" protestors aren't students. They are paid agitators.

The actual students are just dumb, stupid babies with no sense of morals, values and standards. They are just big babies that can't think for themselves.

They should arrest them all. Jail the ones that aren't students, and expel all ones that are.
That's because most of the "student" protestors aren't students. They are paid agitators.

The actual students are just dumb, stupid babies with no sense of morals, values and standards. They are just big babies that can't think for themselves.

They should arrest them all. Jail the ones that aren't students, and expel all ones that are.
Pretty much what was said in the 60s
The problem with your argument is that the internet and social media exist so people are able to see what Israel is and has been doing to Palestinians :itsok:
So you recognize the access to the internet which is what I've done... where is your unbiased news regarding "Palestinians"? 98% of Palestinians are muslims.

The Hamas Covenant​

The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement was issued on August 18, 1988. The Islamic Resistance Movement, also known as the HAMAS, is an extremist fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in the territories under Israeli control. Its Covenant is a comprehensive manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War).
Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (Preamble)

So please tell me what YOUR response would be if the USA Constitution stated:
"The USA goal is of destroying the terrorist groups known as HAMAS"

And if you are NOT a Muslim... YOU are in danger in the future as the objective of Muslims is:
They believe that what they do is Jihad (holy war). They say that killing unbelievers is mandatory for every Muslim. They do not kill because they wish to break the laws of Islam but because they think this is what true Muslims should do.
I think most people are in agreement that Hamas is evil and don't support Hamas. The issue is with the treatment of the innocent civilians in Gaza and the west bank that are being targeted and killed by Israel. It is a very tragic genocide that the innocent don't deserve. Yes terrorism is awful, but why should the innocent pay for their crimes with their lives? Innocent men, women and children who have nothing to do with Hamas are being slaughtered. Their homes have been destroyed. They have no food or water or supplies. They have no homes to go back to. This is what is so awful. I think really this is what most people are protesting. Unfortunately the media label these people as Hamas supporters when in reality most of them are against the genocide happening to the innocent in Gaza and are not all supportive of Hamas. Haven't enough innocent lives been lost, haven't enough homes been destroyed, haven't enough hospitals been destroyed, haven't enough schools been destroyed? When will Israel stop this genocide against the innocent civilians in Gaza? Isn't it time for a cease fire and two state solution? How much more bloodshed is enough for Isreal?
You wrote: "Innocent men, women and children who have nothing to do with Hamas are being slaughtered."
Here are FACTS not guesses as you seem wont to do!
In these areas combined, there are around 7 million Palestinians.
This region has played a major role throughout history, as it is important to several of the world’s major religions—with nearly 98% of all Palestinians being Muslim—
According to the poll, only seven percent of Gazans blamed Hamas for their suffering. Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7 — up 14 points among Gazans and down 11 points among West Bank Palestinians compared to three months ago. Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.

NOTE: These are 71% that agree that Hama's Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel was correct!

SO what about the Palestinians who saw NOTHING wrong with as you wrote...
Innocent men, women and children who have nothing to do with ISRAEL are being slaughtered."
Really? Well Hamas should according to YOU not use hospitals as shields. They should not use hostages as shields.
The Associated Press reported on Friday that evidence disclosed since the end of this summer’s war between Israel and Hamas indicated that the Palestinian terror group had deliberately used civilians as human shields while launching rockets at Israeli civilians, and that even Hamas officials now admitted they had embraced the tactic. The wire bluntly noted that “discussion is not about whether the Hamas rockets were fired from civilian areas, but exactly how close they were to the actual buildings.”
Hamas officials cited by the AP defended their use of human shields by asserting that the population density of the Gaza Strip gave them little choice except to operate around civilians, a practiced codified as a war crime by the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Geneva Conventions:

Ideally Hamas should be abiding by the The International Criminal Court in The Hague prosecutes those accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. In 1998, 60 countries signed the Rome Statute after it was opened for signature by the United Nations.
You know who didn't sign? Israel.
Damn, why don't you just have it tattooed across your forehead, "I am a dumbass". I mean you posted a link to a timeline that you can expand, why don't you go ahead and identify which program financed by the Open Society Foundation seeks to indoctrinate these students? Ah hell, who I am kidding. That would require both work and thinking, the former, you won't do, the later, you can't do.

I did find this,

NEW YORK—The Open Society Foundations are profoundly concerned with the escalating violence of the ongoing Hamas-Israel war and urge all to support diplomatic efforts toward a humanitarian ceasefire and the release of all hostages.

We unequivocally condemn the attacks conducted by Hamas on Israeli citizens on October 7 and grieve for the lives lost and injured. The cruelty displayed was heartbreaking and inexcusable and we mourn the loss of innocent civilians.

Israel, as every nation, has a right and a responsibility to defend its citizens. Its current military campaign, however, is becoming increasingly indiscriminate. The deprivation of electricity, water, fuel, and food to the population of the besieged Gaza Strip; the blocking of almost all humanitarian relief efforts; and a bombing campaign that has caused unprecedented casualties is likely to be judged as collective punishment. International humanitarian law must be respected.

Tragedy need not beget further tragedy and add to an already far too long multigenerational cycle of violence and trauma among both Israelis and Palestinians. The international community must redouble efforts to provide immediate humanitarian relief to the Gaza Strip, secure the release of all hostages, and work to de-escalate mounting tensions within Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the wider Middle East that pose a threat to global stability.

The international consensus on a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the principle of national self-determination, is a laudable goal. But, in the last two decades, the international community has hollowed out this consensus, complacently using it as a fig leaf for diplomatic inaction while the situation has festered. This too must change, and recent developments should serve as a wake-up call.

Open Society has long supported efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict, based on our fundamental values of support for human rights and our desire for Israelis and Palestinians alike to live in safety and dignity. However far off it may seem at this moment, a two-state solution remains the only realistic and viable outcome.

The Open Society Foundations have worked in Palestine and Israel since 1999. Our grant giving has focused on supporting Palestinians and Israelis, alongside their respective civil societies, to find a fair and enduring solution that fulfills the aspirations of both to live in freedom and peace. We support a range of partners around the world that are working toward securing the rights of all who live in the region. This has included funding Israeli and Palestinian organizations that research and document violations of human rights and international humanitarian law; that contribute to international policy analysis and discourse; and that advocate for equality and justice for all.

Rebuttal that.
Leftards are LIARS.

They lie all the time, about everything.

If the mouth is open, there's a lie coming out of it
Anyone alive during the 60s/70s should feel a sense of having been there before.

Students were protesting an unjust war th. As they are now and they were ugly about it.

Laudable goals with messy actions.

This is very similar.

Regardless of what those kids were saying back then (and they said a lot of stupid shit) they didn’t support the VC or North Vietnamese, they wanted the war to stop

This is no different
What a fool believes... ^^^
Open Society Foundations are direct liars!
Open Society Foundations has donated to At three colleges.
The protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

SOROS FUNDED, HAMAS APPROVED: Billionaire paying students to organize anti-Israel campus protests nationwide
Since 2017, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) has received at least $300,000 from Soros’
Open Society Foundations.
The group has also received $355,000 in funds from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.
Rebutted and checkmate!

You're the liar.
Palestinians as you call them. A group of people who never existed ARE Hamas you moron.

Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood. It was founded in the 1920s as a reaction to Jewish Nationalism.

They have always been called Palestinian Arabs.. like Kuwaiti Arabs or Iraqi Arabs.

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