The topless parade. Pride or shame?

Why do they all look Butch? The one in the mask look like the guy behind the counter at the liquor store.

I betcha that Lincoln has suicide doors too

Did you miss the redhead? She's fucking gorgeous and has a nice pair. She can parade topless last my house any time she wants.

This is the point... who's talking about War??

No one! that's what I thought! :)

Did you read the signs or just check out their breasts?


I saw (read) the 1 sign that said "War Is Indecent" and assumed it was about war..... duh!
There was the same thing at Venice Beach. Women want to be taken seriously. Then they make a joke of themselves.
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!

I think this is humorous...

Do they want to be taken seriously? (Note to women: This is NOT the way to do it)
Want people to think you are intelligent (see above)
Want people to pay attention to your agenda/protest (see above)

This is like have a GREAT commercial, and you remember the commercial, but not the product they were advertising!
dudette, equality is their agenda; did you miss it?
Sad fact of life: Homely girls are always looking for ways to draw attention to themselves. Mainly these days, it is tattoos, along with multiple body piercings. Blue or orange hair? Exposed flesh? Same thing. These poor souls want to show their teats. WGAS?

As stated above, VERY few females over the age of 25 have breasts that are attractive in the cold light of day, gravity doing what gravity does. And the ones who DO have attractive breasts are not going to be parading them down a crowded avenue.

The coarsening of American "culture" has virtually destroyed the virtues of modesty, humility, and candor.

Fuck us all.
There was the same thing at Venice Beach. Women want to be taken seriously. Then they make a joke of themselves.
i don't know; "hollywood county" has some pretty hot women that can merely expect me to unleash my "inner Pygmalion" whenever they should decide to go bottomless in public venues and appreciate them simply for the sake of Art.
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!

I think this is humorous...

Do they want to be taken seriously? (Note to women: This is NOT the way to do it)
Want people to think you are intelligent (see above)
Want people to pay attention to your agenda/protest (see above)

This is like have a GREAT commercial, and you remember the commercial, but not the product they were advertising!
dudette, equality is their agenda; did you miss it?

Actually... yes, I did LOL! I won't even blame it on them. I gave the pic a quick glance and made an erroneous assumption......
Sad fact of life: Homely girls are always looking for ways to draw attention to themselves. Mainly these days, it is tattoos, along with multiple body piercings. Blue or orange hair? Exposed flesh? Same thing. These poor souls want to show their teats. WGAS?

As stated above, VERY few females over the age of 25 have breasts that are attractive in the cold light of day, gravity doing what gravity does. And the ones who DO have attractive breasts are not going to be parading them down a crowded avenue.

The coarsening of American "culture" has virtually destroyed the virtues of modesty, humility, and candor.

Fuck us all.
Have you been neglecting your "inner Pygmalion"?
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!


Yes, American women are so persecuted in this world. If they had real priorities on who needs care and assistance and why we are here on earth, I doubt they would ever have the time to worry about going topless in Times Square.
t #30
Might KG3 have been as dismissive about the American settler's complaints of his neglect?

Can we seriously dismiss a human rights struggle?

Why pay lip service to equality under law, and then deny it to the majority?
We need to see more women topless, not less. There is no hygiene issue, only the contempt of prudes. This country has won important battles against small minded prudes and it's time we push them completely out of our culture. Nobody has the right to force everyone else to wear clothes from head to toe because they're offended.

Fuck the prudes! More breasts!!
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!

I don't know why people would be bothered. Pictures for ads use men and women in near naked pictures.

Why should children not see the naked body? Young kids take baths and showers with the parents. They see them get dressed. Many of the them were nursed. Most kids when they learn to use the potty they do so by watching their parents. There are topless and nude beaches and nudity places around.
Well said. Our kids are taught not to be ashamed about their bodies and that the human body is not obscene. The war against the prudes rages on, but I believe we are winning.
Ok, I get that so many guys have only seen airbrushed pictures of model's breasts.

I get that the only issue for some people is whether or not the woman is sufficiently fuckable.

But the fact that any man can take off his shirt, whether he is attractive or not, in public, but a woman doing the same thing will get arrested, is an issue.
WB #34
I sincerely appreciate your civil rights / human rights commitment.
But I've never seen a one-sided coin.

Equal rights for women.

But it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a woman might go topless, and a hetero-man see her; and get lumber in the britches.

That can be an "inconvenience" if he's in public.


If it happens on a bus, he can retain his seat, keep his coat or his attaché case tastefully over the swollen member.

But at some point he's going to have to exit the bus, before it's parked at the depot.

It's not about him pawing her ferociously, or even knocking her down and knocking her up. He can control that.

But there are some physiological responses which are beyond his control. And personally, I don't want to get arrested for having a two by four sticking out above my belt.
WB #34
I sincerely appreciate your civil rights / human rights commitment.
But I've never seen a one-sided coin.

Equal rights for women.

But it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a woman might go topless, and a hetero-man see her; and get lumber in the britches.

That can be an "inconvenience" if he's in public.


If it happens on a bus, he can retain his seat, keep his coat or his attaché case tastefully over the swollen member.

But at some point he's going to have to exit the bus, before it's parked at the depot.

It's not about him pawing her ferociously, or even knocking her down and knocking her up. He can control that.

But there are some physiological responses which are beyond his control. And personally, I don't want to get arrested for having a two by four sticking out above my belt.

The issue is all about equal rights.

Where do you live that it is illegal to have an erection?
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!
i thought for sure that Bill Clinton would of joined the march.
WB #34
I sincerely appreciate your civil rights / human rights commitment.
But I've never seen a one-sided coin.

Equal rights for women.

But it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a woman might go topless, and a hetero-man see her; and get lumber in the britches.

That can be an "inconvenience" if he's in public.


If it happens on a bus, he can retain his seat, keep his coat or his attaché case tastefully over the swollen member.

But at some point he's going to have to exit the bus, before it's parked at the depot.

It's not about him pawing her ferociously, or even knocking her down and knocking her up. He can control that.

But there are some physiological responses which are beyond his control. And personally, I don't want to get arrested for having a two by four sticking out above my belt.

WB #34
I sincerely appreciate your civil rights / human rights commitment.
But I've never seen a one-sided coin.

Equal rights for women.

But it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a woman might go topless, and a hetero-man see her; and get lumber in the britches.

That can be an "inconvenience" if he's in public.


If it happens on a bus, he can retain his seat, keep his coat or his attaché case tastefully over the swollen member.

But at some point he's going to have to exit the bus, before it's parked at the depot.

It's not about him pawing her ferociously, or even knocking her down and knocking her up. He can control that.

But there are some physiological responses which are beyond his control. And personally, I don't want to get arrested for having a two by four sticking out above my belt.
I don't think you have considered the jade factor. Seeing naked breasts on a daily basis as a quotidian part of life, the thrill will wear off. There's no doubt women will still be attractive, but the crazed sex-on-the-brain obsession that is uniquely American is attributed to our prudish culture. In Europe, where breasts are seen commonly, they have a much more relaxed posture toward both sex and nudity.

Pornography and Prudishness are two sides of the same perversion. They both objectify the human body, make an indecent thing out of it, and therefore make it an object of inordinate desire. All the people you hear say they don't want to see nudity because of all the imperfect bodies out there are expressing prudishness fueled by their porn addled brains. It's a diseased mindset and the only cure is copious amounts of public nudity.
Ok, I get that so many guys have only seen airbrushed pictures of model's breasts.

I get that the only issue for some people is whether or not the woman is sufficiently fuckable.

But the fact that any man can take off his shirt, whether he is attractive or not, in public, but a woman doing the same thing will get arrested, is an issue.
There's no hygiene issue like there is around the pubic region. All there is is "I'm offended at unclad people, so I'm going to make everyone wear clothes so I don't feel uncomfortable." As soon as we realize there is no practical reason for women not to be topless, we can proceed with pushing prudes further out of the mainstream.

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