The threat to our power grid is real and needs to be fixed….


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This spins another aspect to the threat against our power grid……aging transformers and no way to quickly replace them.

The really dangerous part of this? A break down in our grid would serve the purposes of the anti-human left…..including the democrat party. The left as a group are misanthropes….they hate people…but love themselves, a lot…….so a massive dying off of Americans would be just fine with them.

There is no incentive for democrats to fix this problem…..

Even without the forced electrification of everything being pushed by the Biden Administration, the forced transition of our electric supply to net zero greenhouse gas production, and the introduction of less reliable power generation the basic infrastructure that keeps the lights on is aged and vulnerable to shock. And if that shock comes in the form of a shortage of transformers the likelihood that the power would get restored quickly is far too low for comfort
Also, if transformers blow during storms, it could take more than a year for power companies to get new ones due to the supply chain shortage.

Mike Partin, president and CEO of the Sequatchie Valley Electric Cooperative, says there is a supply chain problem putting USA at risk because it could take 52 to 56 weeks to get new transformers instead of the typical 4-week turnaround from manufacturers.
without refrigeration being available food supplies will plummet rapidly in any major urban area. And if the grid goes down in winter freezing to death would be on the table.
This is Bidenomics in a nutshell: demand something be done (electrify everything) and stand in the way of anything getting done. Throw money at the people you like and call it a day. Collapse follows, but your friends get rich.


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