The Thief in the Vatican

I am appalled and totally besides myself. I have never witnessed such a spectacle of pure idolatry in my entire life. One might actually suppose that Christ Himself had returned in the personage of the Catholic Pope. Christians should be ashamed of themselves for worshipping a mere man in such a fashion. He is a THIEF!!

The Catholic Pope has stolen God's name. He is called the "Holy Father". Disgraceful blasphemy! "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name." The word "hallowed" means "holy". It is the heavenly Father who's name is hallowed or holy - not the Catholic Pope's name.

The Catholic Pope declares himself to be the Vicar of Christ. Disgraceful blasphemy! When Christ departed following His death, burial, and resurrection, He sent the Comforter or Holy Spirit as His replacement

Joh_16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Joh_15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Joh_14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh_14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

There's not a mention anywhere of any man taking over as 'vicar" or as the replacement on earth for the Christ.

perhaps you should concern yourself with your own beliefs and not worry about anyone else's.

fwiw, I think a cite to the new testament is meaningless because *my* religion says there is only one G-d and anyone who comes after is a pretender.

see how that works?
they are all preaching the wide road false "unity" message that is leading millions to hell.
I told you already:
"Vaticanas"(Latin for Vatican Unity movement)=666

"ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom which instituted the
66 books of man(6) you promote of the
"Holy Bible"=666
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called:
using the idol son of baal as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his name
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

Who better knows these truths- Dan 10:21

The Catholic bible is not the Christian bible and as I told you before the Jesus they lift up is Lucifer - it is not Jesus Christ the Messiah of the Jews which the Gospel of Jesus Christ preaches! You surely know that if there has been such an effort for a counterfeit by Satan there is an original and that original is the Son of Man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Jesus is not the messiah of the Jews, they rejected him and had Rome kill him. Have you read the bible? Are you JW and don't have the same bible?

jesus WAS a jew....

but not the messiah because the prophesies haven't been met.

you're welcome.

no one has ever been convicted of a capital crime for imagining
himself "the messiah" by the Sanhedrin. In the time of Jesus----
such a person would probably have been considered insane----which
was not a capital crime
1st post
Tears flooded my eyes as the Pope left last night, For several days it was like we had Jesus himself with us. What a man of God, or a Godly man, how ever you want to put it. Lets hope he rubbed off a bit of his goodness and humility on congress.

Yes indeed. Perhaps he isn't all bad after all:

Govt workers have right to refuse gay marriage licenses -pope

people paid to serve the people UNDER THE LAW----do not get to rewrite
the laws A judge cannot rewrite the law nor can a clerk. Of course,
the lady does have a right to quit her job. Long ago in my lifetime I have
refused to engage in some activities in health care------my right ----based
on conscience. If the issue involved "life or death"----I would not have
that right--------if the issue interfered with my functioning-----I could be legally
fired. The pope does not write American law

But . . . But . . . But . . . I thought the Pope was Christ on earth.

uhm------here is a statement which could elicit an angry response---sit tight---here
goes............. My impression of that delightful, 'humble' guy with the Hispanic accent------that SUPER STAR priest pope thing with the white yarmulke on his
baldish head --------was-------that HE SEEMED TO THINK THAT HE IS
"CHRIST" on earth. He was visiting a multicultural land------for me -----
he seemed to imagine he came here to TELL US WHATS WHAT

millions of people from all over came to see him, I guess they thought he had something of importance to say, which he did.

More often than not, the masses are wrong.
I am appalled and totally besides myself. I have never witnessed such a spectacle of pure idolatry in my entire life. One might actually suppose that Christ Himself had returned in the personage of the Catholic Pope. Christians should be ashamed of themselves for worshipping a mere man in such a fashion. He is a THIEF!!

The Catholic Pope has stolen God's name. He is called the "Holy Father". Disgraceful blasphemy! "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name." The word "hallowed" means "holy". It is the heavenly Father who's name is hallowed or holy - not the Catholic Pope's name.

The Catholic Pope declares himself to be the Vicar of Christ. Disgraceful blasphemy! When Christ departed following His death, burial, and resurrection, He sent the Comforter or Holy Spirit as His replacement

Joh_16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Joh_15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Joh_14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh_14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

There's not a mention anywhere of any man taking over as 'vicar" or as the replacement on earth for the Christ.

perhaps you should concern yourself with your own beliefs and not worry about anyone else's.

fwiw, I think a cite to the new testament is meaningless because *my* religion says there is only one G-d and anyone who comes after is a pretender.

see how that works?

But . . . But . . . But . . . No one minds his own business on this forum.

people paid to serve the people UNDER THE LAW----do not get to rewrite
the laws A judge cannot rewrite the law nor can a clerk. Of course,
the lady does have a right to quit her job. Long ago in my lifetime I have
refused to engage in some activities in health care------my right ----based
on conscience. If the issue involved "life or death"----I would not have
that right--------if the issue interfered with my functioning-----I could be legally
fired. The pope does not write American law

But . . . But . . . But . . . I thought the Pope was Christ on earth.

uhm------here is a statement which could elicit an angry response---sit tight---here
goes............. My impression of that delightful, 'humble' guy with the Hispanic accent------that SUPER STAR priest pope thing with the white yarmulke on his
baldish head --------was-------that HE SEEMED TO THINK THAT HE IS
"CHRIST" on earth. He was visiting a multicultural land------for me -----
he seemed to imagine he came here to TELL US WHATS WHAT

millions of people from all over came to see him, I guess they thought he had something of importance to say, which he did.

More often than not, the masses are wrong.

Please note------over the past several days ----I have asked "has the pope
said anything worthy of discussion yet"?????? I never got an answer
I am appalled and totally besides myself. I have never witnessed such a spectacle of pure idolatry in my entire life. One might actually suppose that Christ Himself had returned in the personage of the Catholic Pope. Christians should be ashamed of themselves for worshipping a mere man in such a fashion. He is a THIEF!!

The Catholic Pope has stolen God's name. He is called the "Holy Father". Disgraceful blasphemy! "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name." The word "hallowed" means "holy". It is the heavenly Father who's name is hallowed or holy - not the Catholic Pope's name.

The Catholic Pope declares himself to be the Vicar of Christ. Disgraceful blasphemy! When Christ departed following His death, burial, and resurrection, He sent the Comforter or Holy Spirit as His replacement

Joh_16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Joh_15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Joh_14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh_14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

There's not a mention anywhere of any man taking over as 'vicar" or as the replacement on earth for the Christ.

perhaps you should concern yourself with your own beliefs and not worry about anyone else's.

fwiw, I think a cite to the new testament is meaningless because *my* religion says there is only one G-d and anyone who comes after is a pretender.

see how that works?

But . . . But . . . But . . . No one minds his own business on this forum.

really? I don't care what anyone else believes so long as they don't think I need to live by their beliefs.

your point?
5th post
I am appalled and totally besides myself. I have never witnessed such a spectacle of pure idolatry in my entire life. One might actually suppose that Christ Himself had returned in the personage of the Catholic Pope. Christians should be ashamed of themselves for worshipping a mere man in such a fashion. He is a THIEF!!

The Catholic Pope has stolen God's name. He is called the "Holy Father". Disgraceful blasphemy! "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name." The word "hallowed" means "holy". It is the heavenly Father who's name is hallowed or holy - not the Catholic Pope's name.

The Catholic Pope declares himself to be the Vicar of Christ. Disgraceful blasphemy! When Christ departed following His death, burial, and resurrection, He sent the Comforter or Holy Spirit as His replacement

Joh_16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Joh_15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Joh_14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh_14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

There's not a mention anywhere of any man taking over as 'vicar" or as the replacement on earth for the Christ.

perhaps you should concern yourself with your own beliefs and not worry about anyone else's.

fwiw, I think a cite to the new testament is meaningless because *my* religion says there is only one G-d and anyone who comes after is a pretender.

see how that works?

But . . . But . . . But . . . No one minds his own business on this forum.

really? I don't care what anyone else believes so long as they don't think I need to live by their beliefs.

your point?

Have I ever told you what to believe or even preached to you? The answer is NO!
Here goes another inciteful statement------I was not happy that the pope seemed to
conduct himself as if he has some level of AUTHORITY in the conduct
of the USA government. Not entirely HIS fault------he was handed a public
More incitement from rosie-----the oracle of usmb. -------I was slightly put off
by the POPE'S INSTRUCTION to the people of the USA------"open your
doors (I think he said 'hearts" too) to the refugees"
people paid to serve the people UNDER THE LAW----do not get to rewrite
the laws A judge cannot rewrite the law nor can a clerk. Of course,
the lady does have a right to quit her job. Long ago in my lifetime I have
refused to engage in some activities in health care------my right ----based
on conscience. If the issue involved "life or death"----I would not have
that right--------if the issue interfered with my functioning-----I could be legally
fired. The pope does not write American law

But . . . But . . . But . . . I thought the Pope was Christ on earth.

uhm------here is a statement which could elicit an angry response---sit tight---here
goes............. My impression of that delightful, 'humble' guy with the Hispanic accent------that SUPER STAR priest pope thing with the white yarmulke on his
baldish head --------was-------that HE SEEMED TO THINK THAT HE IS
"CHRIST" on earth. He was visiting a multicultural land------for me -----
he seemed to imagine he came here to TELL US WHATS WHAT

millions of people from all over came to see him, I guess they thought he had something of importance to say, which he did.

More often than not, the masses are wrong.

Please note------over the past several days ----I have asked "has the pope
said anything worthy of discussion yet"?????? I never got an answer

I said everything he, a few days ago and you know it.
More incitement from rosie-----the oracle of usmb. -------I was slightly put off
by the POPE'S INSTRUCTION to the people of the USA------"open your
doors (I think he said 'hearts" too) to the refugees"

Yes its really not a jewish thing, it ended when you jews came from Poland. That's all that matters. Israel wants to get rid of anyone non jew, so that says it all.
10th post
I will agree with you that Peter was the leader of the apostles.

So when Peter died, that position died with it? That's what Jesus had in mind? Everybody on their own from now on, or just choose your favorite preacher?

So many of you try too hard to dismiss the papacy and authority of the Church Jesus established.
Last edited:
I will agree with you that Peter was the leader of the apostles.

So when Peter died, that position died with it? That's what Jesus had in mind? Everybody on their own from now on, or just choose your favorite preacher?

So many of you try too hard to dismiss the pope, the Virgin Mary, purgatory, confession and holy communion. Is it because it did not follow Luther or Calvin, so no one since has the humility or courage to rethink it?

No. It's simply because the printing press made the Bible available for everyone to read if they wished. When people began to read it and understand it, they discovered many errors in what different religious denominations taught and are continuing to teach. Knowledge has increased but religious dogma and doctrines remain unchanged. The church has not kept pace with an educated population.
In the books of men, the following titles are commonly used with reference to a man: "Pope," "Holy Father," "Vicar of Christ," "Sovereign Pontiff." All of these are titles that rightly belong only to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God the Father. There is not a single instance in the Scriptures where any of the above titles are applied to a man. The term, "Holy Father" is used only once in the entire Bible, and it is used by Jesus in addressing God the Father. (John 17:11) Among the above titles is the bold assertion that the Pope is the "Vicar of Christ." A "vicar" is "One serving as a substitute or agent; one authorized to perform the functions of another in higher office." (Webster). .
You can quote ,all the verses you want, but you still haven't come to terms with Matthew 16:18 and 18:18. Why are your citations more important than mine?
In the books of men, the following titles are commonly used with reference to a man: "Pope," "Holy Father," "Vicar of Christ," "Sovereign Pontiff." All of these are titles that rightly belong only to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God the Father. There is not a single instance in the Scriptures where any of the above titles are applied to a man. The term, "Holy Father" is used only once in the entire Bible, and it is used by Jesus in addressing God the Father. (John 17:11) Among the above titles is the bold assertion that the Pope is the "Vicar of Christ." A "vicar" is "One serving as a substitute or agent; one authorized to perform the functions of another in higher office." (Webster). .
You can quote ,all the verses you want, but you still haven't come to terms with Matthew 16:18 and 18:18. Why are your citations more important than mine?

That is in your mind. I say I have answered both and very clearly. My OP had nothing at all to do with Peter. It dealt with the Pope being called Vicar of Christ and Holy Father.
I will agree with you that Peter was the leader of the apostles.

So when Peter died, that position died with it? That's what Jesus had in mind? Everybody on their own from now on, or just choose your favorite preacher?

So many of you try too hard to dismiss the pope, the Virgin Mary, purgatory, confession and holy communion. Is it because it did not follow Luther or Calvin, so no one since has the humility or courage to rethink it?

No. It's simply because the printing press made the Bible available for everyone to read if they wished. When people began to read it and understand it, they discovered many errors in what different religious denominations taught and are continuing to teach. Knowledge has increased but religious dogma and doctrines remain unchanged. The church has not kept pace with an educated population.

You would be wrong, IMO. The vast majority of believers in the 1500s - 1900 relied on their preachers or church to explain the message of the Bible to them. Besides, many were illiterate and many others could not take the time to read a lot Scripture and discern it all for themselves. Are you suggesting the Catholic Church, or even your protestant theologians had no advantage over some novice? The Bible was learned and interpreted by thousands of learned men and theologians in every century proceeding 1500. They did not need to wait for a printing press.

Also -- there were not "many denominations" prior to the printing press and the positions of the Catholic Church were pretty much universal amongst their clergy. Dogma was not changed nor was doctrine over the years. Some was referred to as being "unfolded" over the centuries and better understood. Such as purgatory. No faithful rural pioneer reading the book on his own in 1700 is going to turn that all over. What errors you speaking of anyway?
I will agree with you that Peter was the leader of the apostles.

So when Peter died, that position died with it? That's what Jesus had in mind? Everybody on their own from now on, or just choose your favorite preacher?

So many of you try too hard to dismiss the pope, the Virgin Mary, purgatory, confession and holy communion. Is it because it did not follow Luther or Calvin, so no one since has the humility or courage to rethink it?

No. It's simply because the printing press made the Bible available for everyone to read if they wished. When people began to read it and understand it, they discovered many errors in what different religious denominations taught and are continuing to teach. Knowledge has increased but religious dogma and doctrines remain unchanged. The church has not kept pace with an educated population.

You would be wrong, IMO. The vast majority of believers in the 1500s - 1900 relied on their preachers or church to explain the message of the Bible to them. Besides, many were illiterate and many others could not take the time to read a lot Scripture and discern it all for themselves. Are you suggesting the Catholic Church, or even your protestant theologians had no advantage over some novice? The Bible was learned and interpreted by thousands of learned men and theologians in every century proceeding 1500. They did not need to wait for a printing press.

Also -- there were not "many denominations" prior to the printing press and the positions of the Catholic Church were pretty much universal amongst their clergy. Dogma was not changed nor was doctrine over the years. Some was referred to as being "unfolded" over the centuries and better understood. Such as purgatory. No faithful rural pioneer reading the book on his own in 1700 is going to turn that all over. What errors you speaking of anyway?

Yes, there were educated men who taught what they wanted to teach. They scared the hell out of a lot of people. They told their own flocks that they would be raptured away to bliss in Heaven before everything hit the fan while the sinners would experience all kinds of hell on earth. They taught that when a Christian died, he automatically winged it off to heaven to bliss while the sinner was human toast in Hell. They taught to speak gibberish in some kind of unknown tongue supposed to be the language of the angels, they taught that when Christ was dead and buried, he and the thief on the cross went frolicking off to a Paradise holiday in the center of an earth of molten nickel, and that Christ went off and freed a whole bunch of souls somewhere and took them off to Heaven. The problem is they continue to teach these false things and the people are educated enough now to know better.
Whatever happened with his statement of opening the Vatican's financial records? Vatican's like the richest single entity on Earth.
More incitement from rosie-----the oracle of usmb. -------I was slightly put off
by the POPE'S INSTRUCTION to the people of the USA------"open your
doors (I think he said 'hearts" too) to the refugees"

Yes its really not a jewish thing, it ended when you jews came from Poland. That's all that matters. Israel wants to get rid of anyone non jew, so that says it all.

"jews came from Poland? what are are you talking about I am not from poland
Yes, there were educated men who taught what they wanted to teach. They scared the hell out of a lot of people. They told their own flocks that they would be raptured away to bliss in Heaven before everything hit the fan while the sinners would experience all kinds of hell on earth. They taught that when a Christian died, he automatically winged it off to heaven to bliss while the sinner was human toast in Hell. They taught to speak gibberish in some kind of unknown tongue supposed to be the language of the angels, they taught that when Christ was dead and buried, he and the thief on the cross went frolicking off to a Paradise holiday in the center of an earth of molten nickel, and that Christ went off and freed a whole bunch of souls somewhere and took them off to Heaven. The problem is they continue to teach these false things and the people are educated enough now to know better.

Well that changes the argument for me.

What you are referring to above in specific is basically amongst various protestant denominations. None of that sounds Catholic to me. Catholic councils strongly debated and weeded out heretical movements. Those heretics could not be called part of the Church as a result.

Luther and Calvin going forward, I would have to agree with you. Very serious distortions and misinterpretations and strong JUDGMENTS by particular voices or creeds caused error and confusion.

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