The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

What is a "hard drug," besides Viagra. You ridiculous dumbass. :p
The worst of marijuana is that so many people think it is harmless and give it to their children, or at least allow their children to have it. Long term use results in psychosis or schizophrenia. But people think it's harmless.
Well, I see it's going the way I thought it would, the 2 digit IQ crowd loves the shit, others with a higher IQ read the story, realized it wasn't about alcohol, or Viagra, and had an opinion.... Continue, it's entertaining!
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Cannabis use is just as safe as ever. What you neglected to mention was this study was carried out by conservative government officials with a bias and an agenda.

Israeli researchers have been studying cannabis for over 50 years. Unlike most pharmaceuticals, it's benefits FAR exceed its' risks. You can die from drinking too much water (water intoxication et al.) even the OP article conceeds you can't overdose from cannabis.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.
From the posted link:

  • One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
  • Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
  • Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
  • Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin'

Read more: The terrible truth about cannabis Daily Mail Online
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Cannabis use is just as safe as ever. What you neglected to mention was this study was carried out by conservative government officials with a bias and an agenda.

Israeli researchers have been studying cannabis for over 50 years. Unlike most pharmaceuticals, it's benefits FAR exceed its' risks. You can die from drinking too much water (water intoxication et al.) even the OP article conceeds you can't overdose from cannabis.

Nothing like a little diversion from a 20 year study! :rolleyes-41:
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Cannabis use is just as safe as ever. What you neglected to mention was this study was carried out by conservative government officials with a bias and an agenda.

Israeli researchers have been studying cannabis for over 50 years. Unlike most pharmaceuticals, it's benefits FAR exceed its' risks. You can die from drinking too much water (water intoxication et al.) even the OP article conceeds you can't overdose from cannabis.

Nothing like a little diversion from a 20 year study! :rolleyes-41:

Nothing like a non-rebuttal repoly when the cat's out of the bag.

This was an Australian study too btw focusing a lot on Aboriginies who've been the subject of racist policies by white Australians since Australia became a thing. Before I believe some Johnny come lately study claiming something with clear and irrefutable medicinal use is suddenly all dangerous, I'm going to ask 'who benefits from this?' The multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry the conservative are on their knees pleasing maybe?
Get ready folks, in the coming years you're going to be smelling the stink of pot everywhere.

Where I live after several years of medical marijuana being legal, you walk down just about any street, and the stink will eventually rear it's ugly head.
You mean it should be illegal because it stinks?
Get ready folks, in the coming years you're going to be smelling the stink of pot everywhere.

Where I live after several years of medical marijuana being legal, you walk down just about any street, and the stink will eventually rear it's ugly head.
Sounds like New York City in the 70s when you could smoke in the streets. Now when I am in New York I find it funny to see people standing outside of bars smoking cigarettes. In the 70s we stood outside of bars to smoke joints.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.
From the posted link:

  • One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
  • Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
  • Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
  • Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin'

Read more: The terrible truth about cannabis Daily Mail Online
The part about driving is especially suspect. They once did a test on people driving under the influence and no one drove worse and some people drove better. The research was scrapped because of it.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Worth mentioning the naysayers of cannabis use are all medical industry associations. Bought and paid for by the pharmnaceutical companies. ALL of whom stand to loose revenue if cannabis use catches on since it cures things outright ins ome cases, and when it doesn't cure it alleviates pain and suffering far better than anything else. Gee, wonder why the medical establishment would wanna villify something that works? ...Maybe because you don't need doctors or addictive narcotic treatments if a joint a day cures what ails ya? NO! I'm sure it's nothing like that. (rolls eyes)
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Worth mentioning the naysayers of cannabis use are all medical industry associations. Bought and paid for by the pharmnaceutical companies. ALL of whom stand to loose revenue if cannabis use catches on since it cures things outright ins ome cases, and when it doesn't cure it alleviates pain and suffering far better than anything else. Gee, wonder why the medical establishment would wanna villify something that works? ...Maybe because you don't need doctors or addictive narcotic treatments if a joint a day cures what ails ya? NO! I'm sure it's nothing like that. (rolls eyes)

Come on. No one believes that pharmaceutical companies would be so dishonest.
Note the timing too of this study coming out. Right on the heels of CNN's recent cannabis documentaries showing the miraculous effects of high CBD strains and general versions. The pharmaceutical companies must be shitting themselves.
Legalize, regulate, and tax ALL drugs.

I propose

Background checks and 7 day waiting lists before you can purchase.
Taxes so high that basically no one can afford to purchase
If you purchase, use, or sell drugs you must register with the government
NO open carry of drugs

Lets start there

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