The Tea Party In The Presidential Line Of Succession?


Sep 23, 2010
Television’s filthy sneaks did a good job of giving the presidency papacy status in spite of Bill Clinton and Barack Taqiyya; i.e., respect the office if not the man. The election in 2016 promises more of the same. Taqiyya the Liar is a disgrace. That was no secret in 2008, and certainly not in 2012, yet the media would have done Rome’s Pretorian Guard proud the way they protected their emperor.


Think back and you will be hard put coming up with the kind of criticisms Taqiyya is now getting. And it is not because of ISIS. The things he did before the 2012 election and ISIS were just as bad. Only an ostrich with his head in the sand could fail to see that an ISIS-type army was coming the minute he announced plans to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Incidentally, media’s favorite cover story is making the rounds again: The president is not leading. That was always B.S. Taqiyya the Liar led the country exactly where he wanted to take it while every one of his media stooges and congressional Democrat followed along.

Now that Taqiyya is not running for reelection saving congressional Democrats is the media’s number one priority. He is so bad it is necessary for the media to attack the very policies they whitewashed for six years. Put it in perspective this way: Barack Taqiyya cannot claim one success.

As usual, the media is gearing up to pick the Republican candidate in 2016. The criterion has not changed. The Republican candidate must be an acceptable substitute for the Democrat. That means that a Tea Party conservative does not stand a chance against any of Karl Rove’s Republican RINO when it comes to media coverage.

Tea Party choices have long been portrayed as radical extremists. I never understood the media’s definition of radical or extreme. It must be the opposite of Taqiyya the Liar’s mainstream views! Mark my words on this one. It is going to get so bad in the months ahead media clips of Tea Party favorites will show them growing horns.

Many voters buy into the radical extremist picture of Tea Party conservatives without asking themselves why they should vote for multinational corporations and Wall Street hustlers? which is exactly what media-anointed candidates will give them. Neither rank & file Republican or Democrat workers benefitted from the people who sent millions and millions of jobs overseas in the name of a global economy which is doublespeak for “Make bankers wealthier.” Not only did outsourcing put tens of millions of Americans out of work the New World Order crowd gave the country open-borders.

Incidentally, the New World Order crowd basically says “Give us your love and loyalty instead of wasting them on your country.” Ruling classes will never understand why decent men know better than to put their trust in rulers who promise a better world but always deliver lower and lower living standards for everybody except themselves. Not falling for collectivism’s promises is the hard part. Global government is nothing more than a modern innovation of the same lies ruling classes have been telling since the first government was created.

Finally, for more than a year experts have been warning about an imminent nuclear attack on an American city. ISIS brought that possibility a lot closer to certainty.

ISIS about to become a nuclear power?
Pakistan teetering as Islamic supremacists expand
Published: 21 hours ago

ISIS about to become a nuclear power

With a nuclear attack in mind I want to comment on the presidential line of succession one more time.

The Constitution gives Congress the authority needed to change the presidential line of succession. Why should it be changed? Answer: Every bureaucrat on the current list is scarier than a thirsty Count Dracula. Check it out for yourself then tell me if there is one bureaucrat on the list that you want for president. Most of them should be run out of town on a rail never mind becoming president by a fluke:

Years ago, I suggested changing the line; replacing the bureaucrats with state governors starting with the governor from the most populous state irrespective of political party. He or she would be followed by the governor from the least populous state; then alternate in the same way down through all of the governors. I would even put the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the current line before every bureaucrat including the Secretary of Defense.

Parenthetically, it was understood that Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright were not eligible when they were in the line of succession because they were naturalized citizens as was George W. Bush’s secretary of labor, Elaine Chao.

With or without changing the line of succession, Congress, and/or the Supreme Court, should eliminate all wiggle room for presidential eligibility in elections and succession.

Every bureaucrat in the line must be replaced by elected officials. Note that cabinet secretaries who once held elected positions are no exception when it comes to the line of succession.

And have you noticed that liberals scream the loudest about their sacred Right to vote for the people who govern them, yet nobody votes for the bureaucrats who fill the line of succession after the first three elected officials; the vice president, the speaker of the house, and the president pro tem of the Senate.

It got worse in 2011

The Presidential Line Of Succession Act of 2011 added ambassadors to the line if the others are wiped out. I looked for a complete list of everybody in the current line and could not find one that included the ambassadors first proposed by the 109th Congress. I wonder why it is such a secret?

How does America-hater Samantha Power for president grab you?

H.R. 1943 and S.920

These bills were introduced in the 109th Congress (2005-2006). Their provisions included adding the following positions to the end of the current line-of-succession:

Secretary of Homeland Security,

Ambassador to the United Nations, (Samantha Power)

Ambassador to Great Britain,

Ambassador to Russia,

Ambassador to China, and

Ambassador to France.

Presidential Succession
Here’s something to ponder. Karl Rove’s Republicans so hate conservative Americans they will do everything it takes to defeat Tea Party conservatives. The establishment’s hatred of everything the Tea Party advocates runs so deep they will never allow one Tea Party activist to make it onto the line of succession.

Think about this way: Democrats and Republicans alike use bureaucracies to implement big government, global government, policies that could never be legislated; so there is not a chance a Tea Party conservative will ever head a federal bureaucracy let alone one that would place them in the line of succession where they might suddenly ascend to the presidency after a nuclear attack. For the same reason Democrats and Republicans will never replace bureaucrats with state governors as I suggested.

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