The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots to Michigan Arena


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
More hard cold irrefutable evidence of fraud, folks:

Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!
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The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.
** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center. ** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room. ** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room. ** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later. ** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots. ** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries. ** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!
More hard cold irrefutable evidence of fraud, folks:

Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!
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The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.
** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center. ** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room. ** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room. ** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later. ** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots. ** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries. ** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!

The Gateway Pundit is hardly a reliable source. There is another thing that proves there is nothing to see here. The number of voters and the number of votes are in rough alignment. In a hearing with Giuliani and his crazy wirness, a Republican legislator pointed out that if ballots were scanned multiple times there would be a major discrepancy in the election books between the number of votes counted and the number of voters.

Why do you want to keep beating a dead horse?
More hard cold irrefutable evidence of fraud, folks:

Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!
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The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.
** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center. ** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room. ** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room. ** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later. ** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots. ** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries. ** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!

The Gateway Pundit is hardly a reliable source. There is another thing that proves there is nothing to see here. The number of voters and the number of votes are in rough alignment. In a hearing with Giuliani and his crazy wirness, a Republican legislator pointed out that if ballots were scanned multiple times there would be a major discrepancy in the election books between the number of votes counted and the number of voters.

Why do you want to keep beating a dead horse?
YEs, I knew you would attack the source. Of course, GP is far more credible than any of the fake news sources you consume.

How would you know how many real voters there were? That claim is absolutely unsupported. The fraudulent ballots were manufactured.
More hard cold irrefutable evidence of fraud, folks:

Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!
Advertisement - story continues below
The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.
** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center. ** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room. ** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room. ** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later. ** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots. ** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries. ** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!

The Gateway Pundit is hardly a reliable source. There is another thing that proves there is nothing to see here. The number of voters and the number of votes are in rough alignment. In a hearing with Giuliani and his crazy wirness, a Republican legislator pointed out that if ballots were scanned multiple times there would be a major discrepancy in the election books between the number of votes counted and the number of voters.

Why do you want to keep beating a dead horse?
YEs, I knew you would attack the source. Of course, GP is far more credible than any of the fake news sources you consume.

How would you know how many real voters there were? That claim is absolutely unsupported. The fraudulent ballots were manufactured.

I suppose they were manufactured in North Korea and shipped to the US.

"During her exchange with Johnson the following day, the GOP state lawmaker questioned her claim that 30,000 votes were counted multiple times but were not reflected in the poll book, which indicates how many absentee ballots were cast in each precinct.

“We’re not seeing the poll book off by 30,000 votes,” he said."

Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan was deemed ‘not credible.’ Then, her loud testimony went viral. (
More hard cold irrefutable evidence of fraud, folks:

Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!
Advertisement - story continues below
The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.
** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center. ** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room. ** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room. ** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later. ** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots. ** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries. ** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!

Democrats did not work alone.
You often hear the term "Establishment deep State", yet many cannot put faces and names or even organizations to that term.

Here are a few SPECIFIC "Establishment, deep state" operatives.....
There are tens of thousands in various positions and walks of life.
They all share a common agenda.....revoking civil rights and human rights in favor of rule by their circle of power.

Madmen......with means.


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