The Supreme Court Deals a Harsh, Unanimous Blow to Police Reform


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Oh snap!

The Supreme Court dealt a blow to police reform in two unanimous decisions on Monday shielding officers from lawsuits accusing them of illegal brutality. Both rulings endorse a nearly insurmountable version of qualified immunity, the doctrine that protects police and other state officials from suit, raising the bar even higher for victims of unconstitutional conduct. The rulings are a major setback for the campaign to rein in qualified immunity and a clear signal that a majority of the court remains eager to protect violent officers from accountability.

Qualified immunity needs to be tossed out. That is a license for police to violate civil rights on a whim.

There are thousands of police on the street at any given moment interacting with 10s of thousands of people everyday.

How many times do you see on the news of bad situations with police that are unique, not one repeated a 100 times? And how many of those bad situations are because of a criminal doing criminal stuff and then resisting arrest or fighting the cops? So the actual amount of bad cops doing bad stuff is very very little.

A dozen or so times a cop does something wrong out of a million interactions a year is perfectly acceptable.

So maybe instead of everyone yelling "fuck the police" maybe we all should be yelling "obey the law." Because if you don't break the law you'll be fine.
Not sure how anyone that claims to be for small government can approve of this....insurmountable version of qualified immunity, the doctrine that protects police and other state officials from suit, raising the bar even higher for victims of unconstitutional conduct.
There are thousands of police on the street at any given moment interacting with 10s of thousands of people everyday.

How many times do you see on the news of bad situations with police that are unique, not one repeated a 100 times? And how many of those bad situations are because of a criminal doing criminal stuff and then resisting arrest or fighting the cops? So the actual amount of bad cops doing bad stuff is very very little.

A dozen or so times a cop does something wrong out of a million interactions a year is perfectly acceptable.

So maybe instead of everyone yelling "fuck the police" maybe we all should be yelling "obey the law." Because if you don't break the law you'll be fine.

Not necessarily. The police in some towns manufacture crimes and lie about it. The El Cajon Police stopped me early one morning in 1984 and claimed I was weaving while driving. I wasn't. They gave me a field sobriety test. I passed it but they lied in their report and said I failed it. I spent the night in jail. Somebody must have intervened because I was never contacted after they let me go.
Qualified immunity needs to be tossed out. That is a license for police to violate civil rights on a whim.
No, no, it's not.....the reality is folks like yourself and other dembot cultist have no clue what qualified immunity is, it's a buzz word that was tossed out by some Dem politicans that want to spread division and hate. ....of course none of them want to take away immunity from themselves....just the people that are out there enforcing the laws they pass
No, no, it's not.....the reality is folks like yourself and other dembot cultist have no clue what qualified immunity is, it's a buzz word that was tossed out by some Dem politicans that want to spread division and hate. ....of course none of them want to take away immunity from themselves....just the people that are out there enforcing the laws they pass

No, qualified immunity allows egregious violations of civil rights on a daily basis.

You should watch the videos of bad cops and how long they are able to hurt people for no reason other than the cop is an asshole.
Good for them. Police make life and death split second decisions. Unfortunately, sometimes they get it wrong. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes on the job without being arrested for murder. When doctors make mistakes and someone dies, they aren't arrested for murder. When pilots make mistakes (pilot error is the number one cause of crashes) they aren't arrested for murder. If you want doctors, airplane pilots, and police, you can't go throwing them in jail every time they make a mistake, otherwise, no one will want to do these jobs. If there are bad apples then weed them out.
There are thousands of police on the street at any given moment interacting with 10s of thousands of people everyday.

How many times do you see on the news of bad situations with police that are unique, not one repeated a 100 times? And how many of those bad situations are because of a criminal doing criminal stuff and then resisting arrest or fighting the cops? So the actual amount of bad cops doing bad stuff is very very little.

A dozen or so times a cop does something wrong out of a million interactions a year is perfectly acceptable.

So maybe instead of everyone yelling "fuck the police" maybe we all should be yelling "obey the law." Because if you don't break the law you'll be fine.
Such is the authoritarian right: obey, comply, conform; stay silent and ignore police criminality and civil rights violations.
There are thousands of police on the street at any given moment interacting with 10s of thousands of people everyday.

How many times do you see on the news of bad situations with police that are unique, not one repeated a 100 times? And how many of those bad situations are because of a criminal doing criminal stuff and then resisting arrest or fighting the cops? So the actual amount of bad cops doing bad stuff is very very little.

A dozen or so times a cop does something wrong out of a million interactions a year is perfectly acceptable.

So maybe instead of everyone yelling "fuck the police" maybe we all should be yelling "obey the law." Because if you don't break the law you'll be fine.
Actually, its more like 10 million interactions with the public each year....and a handful of incidents.
No, qualified immunity allows egregious violations of civil rights on a daily basis.

You should watch the videos of bad cops and how long they are able to hurt people for no reason other than the cop is an asshole.
tell me what qualified immunity is the. and how it does that
tell me what qualified immunity is the. and how it does that

Whenever a cop violates your civil rights their first response is to say they can't be sued for their actions. This video is an example of why it needs to be ended. innocent guy, walking to work, attacked by two undercover cops who misidentified him, then, to cover their asses, they charge him with a crime.
Whenever a cop violates your civil rights their first response is to say they can't be sued for their actions. This video is an example of why it needs to be ended. innocent guy, walking to work, attacked by two undercover cops who misidentified him, then, to cover their asses, they charge him with a crime.

well that’s not their first response

but regardless you didn’t answer my question

and why are we limiting to just police? what about other Govt officials? Judges, prosecutors, public works, trash pickup, mayors, town council, presidents, congressmembers, EPA officials etc
well that’s not their first response

but regardless you didn’t answer my question

and why are we limiting to just police? what about other Govt officials? Judges, prosecutors, public works, trash pickup, mayors, town council, presidents, congressmembers, EPA officials etc

I want to see ALL public officials able to be sued for when they violate the civil rights of anyone. And, yes, when a case makes it to Court that is their first line of defense.

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