The Steel in Obama's Spine

Ukrainian neo-Nazis are largely nationalists opposed to an alliance with the EU or with Russia, unlike a majority of western Ukrainians who favor closer ties with Europe (and the IMF). In order to bring about an undemocratic coup in Kiev, the US and its opposition allies relied on the neo-Nazis to gain control of the streets and force the democratically elected president to flee to Russia; neo-Nazis accomplished this by throwing fire bombs at police officers and government buildings. According to some sources today the same fascist elements are purging people in positions of authority within the civil service, regional and municipal governments, and education, and there appear to be racial overtones that remind many eastern Ukrainians of how their western brothers and sisters conspired with Hitler during WWII.
Interesting theory. How about something factual to support the claims? And what's the plan to get rid of them or do we send the KKK over to set up shop for the US?
Facts that we could both agree came from credible sources might be difficult to locate at this time. As far as a plan, I would suggest a vote by all eligible Ukrainians on whether they want ties to the EU or Russia or both; if that results in a division of the country along ethnic lines, it might be the least worst choice available.

The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine | Global Research
Don't Shoot!
The headline comes from Politico:

"As Vladimir Putin’s troops seize control of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, President Obama is facing what some have called the biggest foreign policy challenge of his presidency.

"True or not, it’s clear his response to this crisis will test him as rarely before.

"Will he risk a war in Europe to save Ukraine?

"Punish the Russians through sanctions and diplomatic isolation?

"Negotiate a face-saving compromise?

"Or let Putin have his way

The Steel in Barack Obama?s Spine - POLITICO Magazine

Or maybe Obama could find the courage to tell the American people another aspect of the recent "flowering of democracy" in Ukraine?

The part about how the US generously supported Neo-Nazi elements in Svoboda, five billion dollars according to Victoria (the "F-Word") Nuland, and how Western media makes sure its readers and viewers aren't aware of how Ukrainian fascists have been entrusted with key positions in the new administration which grant them "de-facto control over its Armed Forces, Police, Justice and Security."

The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine | Global Research

"The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition.

"The word 'Neo-Nazi' is a taboo.

"It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary.

"It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent.

"Journalists have been instructed not to use the term 'Neo-Nazi' to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector."

This is SUCH a non-issue!

Obama IS SOOOOOOOO NOT going to war about this.
The issue isn't whether Obama starts a global nuclear war or not. It is about why he isn't telling the American people about their government's support of a coup in Ukraine that depended heavily on Neo-Nazis tossing fire bombs at police and government buildings for its success.



[ame=]Col Ralph Peters on Obama - YouTube[/ame]
The very best description I have ever heard of how Bobo handles anything that could ever remotely land on his lap for which he must take personal responsibility is: "Obama's Emerging Response". Perfect!
That's how he has behaved since childhood. He never gets his own hands dirty and he always has a 'fall-guy' waiting in the wings.
The country is counting t days until he waddles back to the sewer he slithered out of in Chicagoland.
Barrack voted present in congress instead of making decisions and he's voting present now. And the left still swoons at his magnificence.
Take your own advice and learn about Colonel Ralph Peters's plans for the New Middle East:

"A relatively unknown map of the Middle East, NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan, and Pakistan has been circulating around strategic, governmental, NATO, policy and military circles since mid-2006.

"It has been causally allowed to surface in public, maybe in an attempt to build consensus and to slowly prepare the general public for possible, maybe even cataclysmic, changes in the Middle East.

"This is a map of a redrawn and restructured Middle East identified as the 'New Middle East.'”

"The following map was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters. It was published in the Armed Forces Journal in June 2006, Peters is a retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy. (Map Copyright Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters 2006).

"Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO’s Defense College for senior military officers.

"This map, as well as other similar maps, has most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles."

obama doesn't have steel in his spine. He believes he is never wrong and never makes a mistake. That's why he never tests the ground before he takes a step. He assumes the world will do what he says because democrats at home do. He announced sanctions against Russia before asking Europe if they would support sanctions then found out no one, not even Britian would. He announced freezing Russia's assets before making a phone call, then found out no one would support freezing assets not even Germany. He announced a boycott of the G8, then found out he's the only one staying home. To the bewilderment of the world, obama says that Russia will be isolated when it is clear that due to obama's silliness he is creating the isolation of the US.
What difference, at this point, does that make?

Because the world's slouching toward a showdown between a pair of nuclear superpowers and the resident regime in Kiev (which was installed by the West) shows no sign of favoring dialogue between the principals involved.

Some in this country would probably label Obama "weak" if he proposed a meeting between himself, Putin, Yanukovych, and the presiding chief executive of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov.

Would you?

How Bush would have handled this is irrelevant, he isn't the president, and giving an opinion of how he would handle this would be just that, an opinion. It's nonsensical to even ask the question. Shall we play the "Romney: if, then" game too? Blarg.

"President Putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations," Obama said, "but I don't think that's fooling anybody." obama is a putz.

Putin is a ruthless sob, proceed accordingly. obama is a known liar, proceed accordingly.

Color me skeptical that I don't trust either of them.
I suspect it's even worse than that; both Putin and Obama serve the same corporate masters, and their biggest problem is continuing a world-wide financial scam that requires a certain level of economic partnership without upsetting the "Patriots" they both answer to politically.(especially in their respective militaries)
Well, you can give up Politico as an Unbiased news source and start sending them Obama knee pads

How would Bush II have handled this situation in Ukraine?
Bush would kiss Vlad's ass like he did when Putin invaded Georgia.
No, Bush would have followed through with the defense shield he brokered with Poland instead of jerking the rug out from under their feet like Obama. And he wouldn't have run around the world stage acting like a pocorn fart.
And if Putin had been building a "missile defense shield" in Mexico to save Canada from North Korean nukes, how would Bush have handled that?
Because the world's slouching toward a showdown between a pair of nuclear superpowers and the resident regime in Kiev (which was installed by the West) shows no sign of favoring dialogue between the principals involved.

Some in this country would probably label Obama "weak" if he proposed a meeting between himself, Putin, Yanukovych, and the presiding chief executive of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov.

Would you?

How Bush would have handled this is irrelevant, he isn't the president, and giving an opinion of how he would handle this would be just that, an opinion. It's nonsensical to even ask the question. Shall we play the "Romney: if, then" game too? Blarg.

"President Putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations," Obama said, "but I don't think that's fooling anybody." obama is a putz.

Putin is a ruthless sob, proceed accordingly. obama is a known liar, proceed accordingly.

Color me skeptical that I don't trust either of them.
I suspect it's even worse than that; both Putin and Obama serve the same corporate masters, and their biggest problem is continuing a world-wide financial scam that requires a certain level of economic partnership without upsetting the "Patriots" they both answer to politically.(especially in their respective militaries)

You imagining that doesn't make it true.


not bullshit
You man with the steel spine

Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine
Obama traveled to Ukraine with Sen. Dick Lugar in 2005 just seven months after he became a senator, touring surplus weapons stockpiles
Most of the small arms and ammunition were left over when Soviets withdrew from Eastern bloc nations, and later dumped in Ukraine
The two senators secured U.S. funding to help destroy the weapons instead of leaving them intact

Ukraine exported more than 700,000 small arms in 2004-2007, including 101,000 each to Libya and the UK, and 260,000 to the U.S.
But most of the ammunition stockpiles – crucial for keeping a standing army battle-ready – were destroyed
Ukraine is in a staring match with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has designs on recapturing portions of the former Soviet nation
How would Bush II have handled this situation in Ukraine?
Bush would kiss Vlad's ass like he did when Putin invaded Georgia.
No, Bush would have followed through with the defense shield he brokered with Poland instead of jerking the rug out from under their feet like Obama. And he wouldn't have run around the world stage acting like a pocorn fart.
And if Putin had been building a "missile defense shield" in Mexico to save Canada from North Korean nukes, how would Bush have handled that?
That's a lot of what ifs. Let's say Cuba, been ther done that. Hopefully he would do the same. However, the US isn't invading Mexico (it's the other way around, really) or Canada and they have nothing to fear like Poland does.
How Bush would have handled this is irrelevant, he isn't the president, and giving an opinion of how he would handle this would be just that, an opinion. It's nonsensical to even ask the question. Shall we play the "Romney: if, then" game too? Blarg.

"President Putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations," Obama said, "but I don't think that's fooling anybody." obama is a putz.

Putin is a ruthless sob, proceed accordingly. obama is a known liar, proceed accordingly.

Color me skeptical that I don't trust either of them.
I suspect it's even worse than that; both Putin and Obama serve the same corporate masters, and their biggest problem is continuing a world-wide financial scam that requires a certain level of economic partnership without upsetting the "Patriots" they both answer to politically.(especially in their respective militaries)

You imagining that doesn't make it true.


not bullshit
It takes no imagination to realize Putin and Obama are both rich politicians serving the richest 1% of their citizens at the expense of their majorities.

Why you continue to insist Obama is anything other than a corporate tool in the mold of Bush, Clinton, or Palin requires more imagination than I can manage.
The only steel found in obabbles spine was remnants of rust from Vlad's metal condom...

Or his "Steely Dan."

A dildo in the William Burroughs novel 'Naked Lunch'. According to Burroughs, the first Steely Dan was a metal dildo that an evil German bulldyke prostitute crushed using her nether regions, and the second Steely Dan is still in use.

Band Name Origins |

and the second Steely Dan is still in use (BY VLADIMIR PUTIN ON BARACK OBAMA!!!)
WE Americans are being asked to support one group of thugs versus another group of thugs.

Some of us are dumb enough to think we have a dog in this fight.

Good point.

Apparently the US is following the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" protocol - so we do have a dog in the fight! That is why we are now in bed with Neo-Nazi's.....:lol:

Seig Heil....

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