The Steel in Obama's Spine

"Even to his most ardent admirers, Barack Obama is an enigma. What principles drive him? What ideology is at the heart of his policymaking? In the case of Ukraine, admirers have rushed to commend the president’s 'realistic' appreciation of the limits of American power.

"For the rest, Obama appears weak in the face of Russian resolve, whipsawed by reality, bereft of options as a result of previous policy blunders

The Steel in Barack Obama?s Spine - POLITICO Magazine

What's so funny?

what's so funny?

the notion of a trace of steel in obama's spine; or the implication that he is "bereft of options as a result of previous blunders"

as good an excuse for weakness as any i guess
What would a "strong" president do about Russians in Crimea?

well for starters probably not have his lemming surrogates blame his problems on the last guy
There were hints a few days ago that the Ukrainian leaders/activists will not be nominated for sainthood any time soon. Probably the best thing that can be said is that the pundits, the press and the pols remain clueless about forces on the loose in the world and that's why they cheer when we cut our military to buy votes from the the the trough.
It's hard to believe the New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM outlets were ignorant of how their government spearheaded the demise of an elected president and installed a political regime that includes Neo-Nazis in key positions; obviously they would prefer the rest of us remain ignorant or risk even greater set backs than they've recently experienced in Syria and Iran. Maybe we are returning to the days of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) with the Berlin Wall on Russia's western border?
There were hints a few days ago that the Ukrainian leaders/activists will not be nominated for sainthood any time soon. Probably the best thing that can be said is that the pundits, the press and the pols remain clueless about forces on the loose in the world and that's why they cheer when we cut our military to buy votes from the the the trough.
It's hard to believe the New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM outlets were ignorant of how their government spearheaded the demise of an elected president and installed a political regime that includes Neo-Nazis in key positions; obviously they would prefer the rest of us remain ignorant or risk even greater set backs than they've recently experienced in Syria and Iran. Maybe we are returning to the days of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) with the Berlin Wall on Russia's western border?

What do you know about the Urkrains history?
Don't Shoot!
The headline comes from Politico:

"As Vladimir Putin’s troops seize control of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, President Obama is facing what some have called the biggest foreign policy challenge of his presidency.

"True or not, it’s clear his response to this crisis will test him as rarely before.

"Will he risk a war in Europe to save Ukraine?

"Punish the Russians through sanctions and diplomatic isolation?

"Negotiate a face-saving compromise?

"Or let Putin have his way

The Steel in Barack Obama?s Spine - POLITICO Magazine

Or maybe Obama could find the courage to tell the American people another aspect of the recent "flowering of democracy" in Ukraine?

The part about how the US generously supported Neo-Nazi elements in Svoboda, five billion dollars according to Victoria (the "F-Word") Nuland, and how Western media makes sure its readers and viewers aren't aware of how Ukrainian fascists have been entrusted with key positions in the new administration which grant them "de-facto control over its Armed Forces, Police, Justice and Security."

The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine | Global Research

"The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition.

"The word 'Neo-Nazi' is a taboo.

"It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary.

"It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent.

"Journalists have been instructed not to use the term 'Neo-Nazi' to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector."

(Lowers his weapon) What was that? Steel? Or Play-Doh?
WE Americans are being asked to support one group of thugs versus another group of thugs.

Some of us are dumb enough to think we have a dog in this fight.
History is Important

The Urkraine has a very horrific past folks and they deserve FREEDOM
There were hints a few days ago that the Ukrainian leaders/activists will not be nominated for sainthood any time soon. Probably the best thing that can be said is that the pundits, the press and the pols remain clueless about forces on the loose in the world and that's why they cheer when we cut our military to buy votes from the the the trough.
It's hard to believe the New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM outlets were ignorant of how their government spearheaded the demise of an elected president and installed a political regime that includes Neo-Nazis in key positions; obviously they would prefer the rest of us remain ignorant or risk even greater set backs than they've recently experienced in Syria and Iran. Maybe we are returning to the days of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) with the Berlin Wall on Russia's western border?

What do you know about the Urkrains history?

I'd imagine at least a bit more than you since apparently you can't even spell the name of the place...... :rolleyes:

"Urkrains", the survey says ... nope
"Urikrane", strike two
"Urikranian", Confucius say: your credentials as a Ukrainian history professor are deeply suspect.
It's hard to believe the New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM outlets were ignorant of how their government spearheaded the demise of an elected president and installed a political regime that includes Neo-Nazis in key positions; obviously they would prefer the rest of us remain ignorant or risk even greater set backs than they've recently experienced in Syria and Iran. Maybe we are returning to the days of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) with the Berlin Wall on Russia's western border?

What do you know about the Urkrains history?

I'd imagine at least a bit more than you since apparently you can't even spell the name of the place...... :rolleyes:

"Urkrains", the survey says ... nope
"Urikrane", strike two
"Urikranian", Confucius say: your credentials as a Ukrainian history professor are deeply suspect.

yes I spell for shit.

NOW tell us what you know about their history
What do you know about the Urkrains history?

I'd imagine at least a bit more than you since apparently you can't even spell the name of the place...... :rolleyes:

"Urkrains", the survey says ... nope
"Urikrane", strike two
"Urikranian", Confucius say: your credentials as a Ukrainian history professor are deeply suspect.

yes I spell for shit.
Yeah I've noticed unfortunately your ability to use reason and evidence to make an actual argument doesn't appear to be any better, but you do waive a mean set of hyperpartisan pom-poms.

NOW tell us what you know about their history
You first Captain Urikranus.

You mean noodle.
Obama's spine?
Apparently, you're not alone in that assessment.
How would Bush II have handled this situation in Ukraine?

What difference, at this point, does that make?

Because the world's slouching toward a showdown between a pair of nuclear superpowers and the resident regime in Kiev (which was installed by the West) shows no sign of favoring dialogue between the principals involved.

Some in this country would probably label Obama "weak" if he proposed a meeting between himself, Putin, Yanukovych, and the presiding chief executive of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov.

Would you?
Nuland and other neo-cons sound like they're proposing a future for Ukraine that is based on IMF austerity measures that have recently proven disastrous for a majority of Greeks and others while providing major revenue streams for private western investors.

You mean noodle.
Obama's spine?
Apparently, you're not alone in that assessment.
How would Bush II have handled this situation in Ukraine?
Bush would kiss Vlad's ass like he did when Putin invaded Georgia.

"I looked the man [Putin] in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy and we had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul… Can I trust him? I can."
— President George Bush
Obama's spine?
Apparently, you're not alone in that assessment.
How would Bush II have handled this situation in Ukraine?

What difference, at this point, does that make?

Because the world's slouching toward a showdown between a pair of nuclear superpowers and the resident regime in Kiev (which was installed by the West) shows no sign of favoring dialogue between the principals involved.

Some in this country would probably label Obama "weak" if he proposed a meeting between himself, Putin, Yanukovych, and the presiding chief executive of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov.

Would you?

How Bush would have handled this is irrelevant, he isn't the president, and giving an opinion of how he would handle this would be just that, an opinion. It's nonsensical to even ask the question. Shall we play the "Romney: if, then" game too? Blarg.

"President Putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations," Obama said, "but I don't think that's fooling anybody." obama is a putz.

Putin is a ruthless sob, proceed accordingly. obama is a known liar, proceed accordingly.

Color me skeptical that I don't trust either of them.
How would Bush II have handled this situation in Ukraine?
Bush would kiss Vlad's ass like he did when Putin invaded Georgia.
No, Bush would have followed through with the defense shield he brokered with Poland instead of jerking the rug out from under their feet like Obama. And he wouldn't have run around the world stage acting like a pocorn fart.

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