The State of Israel is Not Our Friend

Not since 1948.

The United States provided $28.3 million in foreign assistance and funding programs to China via USAID and the State Department in 2012, according to a May report from the Congressional Research Service. It projects that number to decrease slightly in 2013, to $25.5 million. Roughly half of the U.S. funding is administered by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which focuses on four main areas in China: environmental protection, rule of law, HIV/AIDS, and sustainable development for Tibetans. “I believe that our foreign aid to China furthers U.S. interests,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), who chairs the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommitttee of the Foreign Relations Committee, in a phone interview. But a USAID official, who asked to speak on background, took issue with calling the assistance to China “aid.” “We are using some assistance to do technical cooperation in a few key areas, which are narrow and defined in scope,” the official said. It’s “directed” assistance, the official added, noting that these programs were not controversial.

You are making fool of yourself since this is your entire post I replied to:

"US taxpayers don't provide foreign aid to China since 1948."

2012 is one of those years since 1948 ( a number you haven't explained)

China does get foreign aid from America just as I showed.

20 to go
You are making fool of yourself since this is your entire post I replied to:

"US taxpayers don't provide foreign aid to China since 1948."

2012 is one of those years since 1948 ( a number you haven't explained)

China does get foreign aid from America just as I showed.

20 to go

28 million in 2012? How does that compare with the billions Israel has received over the past 70 years.
Stop calling them Zionists.
They are COMMUNISTS and any connection to Zionism or Judaism is cultural or ethnic only; they are atheists without any affiliation to the religion of the Holy Bible, the Law and the Prophets etc.
1. a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.


Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת‎ Tsiyyonut [tsijoˈnut] after Zion) is both an ideology and nationalist movement that espouses the establishment of, and support for a Jewish state centered in the area roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, the region of Palestine or Eretz Israel on the basis of a long Jewish connection and attachment to that land.
Zionism - Wikipedia
Why Does The U.S. Still Give Millions Of Dollars In Aid To China
The USA does not give "aid" to China. The USA does give China and other countries support in the development of medicines’ and science research.

The United States did not intend our aid to Israel was going to support murdering Palestinian children or cutting off Palestinian fishing rights among other things.
a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel
Throw that dictionary out.
The shady business with bulldozers, building permits, and protection rackets has got to go.
The Daughter of Zion can't be such an ugly bitch. Really now.
The USA does not give "aid" to China. The USA does give China and other countries support in the development of medicines’ and science research.

The United States did not intend our aid to Israel was going to support murdering Palestinian children or cutting off Palestinian fishing rights among other things.
Did Obama specifiy what the plane loads of cash He laundered through Swiss banks and then gifted to Iran were supposed to be used for?
The American left and the Israeli state are in love in each other. Michael Bloomberg's AIPAC-Israeli-Jewish gun control initiatives in America, for one thing.
THE BIGGEST Israel supporter in all of Congress was Anthony Weiner. By far, hands down, not even close. Then there's Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Charles Schumer.
THE BIGGEST Israel supporter in all of Congress was Anthony Weiner. By far, hands down, not even close. Then there's Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Charles Schumer.
Jewish people supporting Israel, and this you present as if it proves something... ah yes, a global conspiracy by Jews to destroy Germany, er, the USA, right?
Democrats feel the same way about America as they do Israel. They hate both countries and are working to destroy them.
I'm a Democrat. I'm working to save the USA from traitors like you, and I strongly support Israel.

You seem to be eminently full of crap.
Because it didn't happen. Whomever Trump was illegally speaking with is the one who was being spied on. Because that’s the CIA's job.
I see. It couldn't have happened because it wasn't supposed to have happened.
Eye rolling :rolleyes: stuff.
And of course the CIA has NEVER done things it's not supposed to do.

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