The State of Israel is Not Our Friend

This has nothing to do with Jews, Jillian. Or Hamas or Palestinians. It has to do with the State of Israel irresponsibly allowing the sale of software for the purpose of illegally spying on citizens of other countries.
im sure we spy on other countries too....
Correct. That's how Trump was "spied on" - by talking to America's adversaries using unofficial channels.

And even though it was totally proper Trumpers went ballistic.

They kept asking for a back channel to the Kremlin.. Trump's posse is so dumb they didn't know all those calls are routinely monitored.
Politically, no one wants to lose such a minority in the Middle East. Israeli society will always win in the Middle East, thanks to this strategic partnership of interests, in addition to some of its characteristic strengths. Today, if the relations between the United States and Israel deteriorate, the relations between Russia and Israel will be much better than normal, if Russia - Israel deteriorates, relations between China and Israel will improve significantly. In addition,

Jews have a serious business discipline, although not as common as the Japanese and Germans. In Turkey, this man is one of the men who are called Jews, that his business and finances are very successful and stable. No one excludes a society that loves to group and share, is disciplined and self-confident, and has achieved serious success in some fields. Even though Iran-Israel, Turkey-Israel relations continue with tension, chaos and threats in front of the media, they continue with partnerships and trade behind the camera. He is aware of the importance of diplomacy despite the sharia in Iran. For this reason, he can say that we helped Abd in Afghanistan.
Today, if the relations between the United States and Israel deteriorate, the relations between Russia and Israel will be much better than normal, if Russia - Israel deteriorates, relations between China and Israel will improve significantly. In addition,
Israel's "relations" as such are with Communist Party operatives in Russia, China, and the U.S.
The past can be debated but nothing can change what was done

November 6, 1944. Zionist terrorists of the Stern Gang assassinated the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo.

The Assassination of Lord Moyne on JSTOR
July 22, 1946. Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem,.,.,killing or injuring more than 200 persons.
King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia

October 1, 1946. The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.
1946 British Embassy bombing - Wikipedia

September 3, 1947. A postal bomb addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs. (The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p.8)
Terrorismo: per non dimenticare (

December ll, 1947. Six Arabs were killed and 30 wounded when bombs were thrown from Jewish trucks at Arab buses in Haifa; 12 Arabs were killed and others injured in an attack by armed Zionists on an Arab coastal village near Haifa.

When the Zionists start murdering Americans it is time to stop the USA cash flow that keeps these Zions afloat.

The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship
, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

A torpedo boat


The deliberate attack on an American Navy Vessel by the Israeli military in broad daylight in international waters should have resulted in the USA declaring WAR on The State of Israel. The government who was responsible for this massacre.

Let us not forget the USS Liberty.


Should this act of murder in the first degree be cast away into an outdated history book-?

When the Zionists start murdering Americans it is time to stop the USA cash flow that keeps these Zions afloat.
Stop calling them Zionists.

They are COMMUNISTS and any connection to Zionism or Judaism is cultural or ethnic only; they are atheists without any affiliation to the religion of the Holy Bible, the Law and the Prophets etc.

And yes I do mean the present day government of the modern state of Israel and Palestine.

Israel is a communist country and has been ever since the Second World War.
Really are you that ignorant?

07/15/2013 10:40 am ET

Why Does The U.S. Still Give Millions Of Dollars In Aid To China

Isaac Stone Fish Foreign Policy



22 to go

Not since 1948.

The United States provided $28.3 million in foreign assistance and funding programs to China via USAID and the State Department in 2012, according to a May report from the Congressional Research Service. It projects that number to decrease slightly in 2013, to $25.5 million. Roughly half of the U.S. funding is administered by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which focuses on four main areas in China: environmental protection, rule of law, HIV/AIDS, and sustainable development for Tibetans. “I believe that our foreign aid to China furthers U.S. interests,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), who chairs the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommitttee of the Foreign Relations Committee, in a phone interview. But a USAID official, who asked to speak on background, took issue with calling the assistance to China “aid.” “We are using some assistance to do technical cooperation in a few key areas, which are narrow and defined in scope,” the official said. It’s “directed” assistance, the official added, noting that these programs were not controversial.
Stop calling them Zionists.

They are COMMUNISTS and any connection to Zionism or Judaism is cultural or ethnic only; they are atheists without any affiliation to the religion of the Holy Bible, the Law and the Prophets etc.

And yes I do mean the present day government of the modern state of Israel and Palestine.

Israel is a communist country and has been ever since the Second World War.

Nope.. Israel isn't communist. You have to go back to the 1920s and 30s to call them socialists.

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