The Solution to the Mideast Crisis: Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel

In the scheme of the whole situation I understand why you have that perspective. Yet what can another country under attack by terrorist do?

I mean that is where the problem lies. How does one nation/state insure the sanctity of life when another country has members in their leading positions that wish for them to be fully annilhated?

What should the Iraqis have done? .. Roll over and allow America to rape them?

What are your feelings about the American Revolution? What response should Americans have taken to British occupation and rule?

I don't agree with your definiton of "terrorists." From my perspective and the perspective of the vast majority of the world, it is the Israelis who are terrorists .. and surely you are aware the MANY Israeli politicians and even Rabbis have called for the extinction of all arabs .. even the babies.
Thus leave Palestinians helpless, defenseless, foodless, medical supply-less, and completely dependent upon a brutal and oppressive regime.

I don't think that's the answer at all.

Of course it is. How disingenuous. If they had no missiles, they wouldn't receive any in return, hence, nothing to "defend" against.

They would have free passage for supplies, food, etc. because thy wouldn't be terrorist losers.

They aren't under any regime. Israel told them to govern themselves. Their idea of doing that was lobbing 3,000 missiles at jewish children.

A circumstance I know doesn't trouble you at all because it goes to the "struggle"...
What should the Iraqis have done? .. Roll over and allow America to rape them?

What are your feelings about the American Revolution? What response should Americans have taken to British occupation and rule?

I don't agree with your definiton of "terrorists." From my perspective and the perspective of the vast majority of the world, it is the Israelis who are terrorists .. and surely you are aware the MANY Israeli politicians and even Rabbis have called for the extinction of all arabs .. even the babies.
No BAC I was not aware of of Rabbis or Israel politicians calling for extinction of all Arabs. Truthfully I have been a busy little bee trying to mind my own business most of my life. I think in that I am your average Jo out here in cyberland.

With that said I can honestly say at this point I try to learn why people are so ignorant of their own surroundings even. Then again I also have a better line on that than I did ten years ago. It is all in the process of life here.

I am looking at the satelite images of Gaza. It appears very dry there yet in areas of Gaza it looks to be very lush. It reminds me of a friend of a friend I was introduced to about fifteen years ago. Vern Otter. Vern asked me if I would consider a process for water shortages in Seattle. He wanted me to learn about geology and help solve the water problems.

It looks like Gaza needs some help in that realm.
Movement to Boycott Israel

Naomi Klein, one of our leading intellectuals, who like Rachel Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar, presents the argument that a boycott would be an effective way to curb Israel's slaughter of civilians in Gaza.

This savagery has to be viewed as part of the Bush legacy, as the Bush Doctrine condones anyone invading or attacking anyone else if the attacker can foresee a threat in the future no matter how helpless the foe at the time of the attack. This basically does away with the carefully crafted international law that was created to prevent another Nazi-like expansionist regime.

The administration in fact condones the attack. Bush and others in his administration have expressed a great deal of sympathy for Israel's position. In fact the U.S. abstained from a U.N. Security Council vote calling for a cease fire. (Other than the U.S. abstention the vote was unanimous.)

Klein's article points out that one of the arguments in favor of Israel's position is that the U.S. is doing much worse in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is probably true but the argument is specious, as it would permit all nations to act in accordance with the lowest standard set by any nation.

It appears to me that both American political parties are of one mind on this issue. It is not politically advisable here to oppose Israel in any of its actions, so American politicians stand alone in the world in supporting its most most brutal undertakings. You are even hard pressed to find any objective reporting of the occupation of Gaza or of the treatment of the people there in recent years. For this a reader has to look to international press coverage.
Fuck you .. you fucking moron.

Obviously there was a good reason why you spent your life needing someone else to tell you what to do every fucking day of your idiot life.

You never have anything civil or sane to add to any conversation.

Obviously you don't have anything civil or sane to add either, as referenced by your pissy assed whiny posts about how bad it is for the people of Palestine.

Hey motherfucker........if I walk by a house, and they throw rocks at me, I try not to walk by there again. But....if I have to daily, I wear protective clothing (armor), and when they start screwing with me again? Eventually I level the fucking place.

But......a cowardly prick like you wouldn't know that, what with your failure in this country and all, with the military not wanting your sorry ass.....probably would have ended up getting fragged by the own men in your platoon if you actually had stayed in.

Wait......that's why you denigrate others service isn't it? You're too fucking ashamed of the yellow bellied beliefs that you have, and when you were rejected by the military, you became bitter and started shouting sour grapes, isn't it? appears that you want to appear brave and worthy, so you pick fucked up causes and start tipping at windmills.

Yeah......I think I've got ya painted. A motherfucking coward who is too pussy assed to do anything worthwhile, other than feed his own ego with idiots like himself.
funny... lots of people say naomi klein is a liar who distorts facts in her book for financial gain...

but whateverr...bring in another house jew.... you like them. let me know when we can discuss civil rights so i can talk about all the self-loathing blacks that the rabid racists in the south love to trot out! whoo hooo!

btw, your girl naomi doesn't seem to have been a rhodes scholar. a lie... shocking.

Naomi Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you think using jews to illustrate your hatred has any effect on people who don't already hate jews.

you know what justice frank said to Roosevelt when Roosevelt asked what we should do about the Jews in Germany that the nazis were frying?

he said "it isn't our battle"....

for which roosevelt allowed 6 million jews and 5 million other people to die.

so you know what you can do with your house jews?
Obviously you don't have anything civil or sane to add either, as referenced by your pissy assed whiny posts about how bad it is for the people of Palestine.

Hey motherfucker........if I walk by a house, and they throw rocks at me, I try not to walk by there again. But....if I have to daily, I wear protective clothing (armor), and when they start screwing with me again? Eventually I level the fucking place.

But......a cowardly prick like you wouldn't know that, what with your failure in this country and all, with the military not wanting your sorry ass.....probably would have ended up getting fragged by the own men in your platoon if you actually had stayed in.

Wait......that's why you denigrate others service isn't it? You're too fucking ashamed of the yellow bellied beliefs that you have, and when you were rejected by the military, you became bitter and started shouting sour grapes, isn't it? appears that you want to appear brave and worthy, so you pick fucked up causes and start tipping at windmills.

Yeah......I think I've got ya painted. A motherfucking coward who is too pussy assed to do anything worthwhile, other than feed his own ego with idiots like himself.

Look, I'm not going to defend or excuse BAC here, hell I don't agree with him. However if memory serves, he was in US armed forces. More importantly his daughter recently returned from deployment, in a war he vehemently disagreed with, though supporting his daughter. He owes no explanations regarding his patriotism, no matter how wrong he may be on issues.
Look, I'm not going to defend or excuse BAC here, hell I don't agree with him. However if memory serves, he was in US armed forces. More importantly his daughter recently returned from deployment, in a war he vehemently disagreed with, though supporting his daughter. He owes no explanations regarding his patriotism, no matter how wrong he may be on issues.

Listen.........when a failed idiot like that talks down to another person who has SERVED as well as retired, (RGS for example), and tells them that they are too stupid to be around as all they did was take orders?

Well......I'm gonna call the failure on the carpet and ask him to explain his fucked up views.
Dublin protest calls for boycott of Israel
Dublin protest calls for boycott of Israel - The Irish Times - Sat, Jan 10, 2009

Irish MPs summon Israeli ambassador to account of Gaza slaughter

London, (IRNA): The Irish Foreign Affairs Committee has summoned Israeli Ambassador to Dublin Zion Evrony to parliament next week to account for the ongoing massacre of nearly 800 Palestinians in Gaza.

"We will be putting it to him why he should not be expelled as a result of his country's actions," said Labour member Joe Costello.

-- more at link
The Muslim News
Listen.........when a failed idiot like that talks down to another person who has SERVED as well as retired, (RGS for example), and tells them that they are too stupid to be around as all they did was take orders?

Well......I'm gonna call the failure on the carpet and ask him to explain his fucked up views.

I'll not get into that fight, that's between you vets. On the other hand, I do have a problem with Robert calling RGS 'senile', when his own whine is about being referred to as a 'kid' or 'child'. RGS may be a bull in a china shop, but is far from senile.
Look, I'm not going to defend or excuse BAC here, hell I don't agree with him. However if memory serves, he was in US armed forces. More importantly his daughter recently returned from deployment, in a war he vehemently disagreed with, though supporting his daughter. He owes no explanations regarding his patriotism, no matter how wrong he may be on issues.

I appreciate that .. but don't waste your time.

I couldn't care less what he thinks .. didn't even read his post.
Listen.........when a failed idiot like that talks down to another person who has SERVED as well as retired, (RGS for example), and tells them that they are too stupid to be around as all they did was take orders?

Well......I'm gonna call the failure on the carpet and ask him to explain his fucked up views.

RGS is often rude and condescending himself, most people respond negatively to that kind of behavior.
I appreciate that .. but don't waste your time.

I couldn't care less what he thinks .. didn't even read his post.

Wasn't asking for your appreciation, just giving my opinion. Would do the same for RGS, Robert, anyone who I think is being unfairly dismissed.
RGS is often rude and condescending himself, most people respond negatively to that kind of behavior.

Absolutely .. and if you read his post that I responded to you'll find it full of attacks and obscenities .. yet I'm supposed to salute his dumb ass?

If you pay attention to this thread, you'll also be able to clearly determine which side the vulgarity and obscenities are coming from.

I ONLY respond with obscenites when they come my way.

They are incapable of sane discussion .. so I won't engage in the silly puffed-up psuedo-macho crap.

Thanks for the sanity.

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