The Society In Which We Live…

Mar 24, 2017
…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.

So all these people are going to be artisans who sell their products to each other (even if they produce nothing because they have artists block?) because you think that your food, shelter, transportation, maintenance, sanitation, etc,... should be provided freely because you're a son of Mary?



The Sons Of Martha

The Sons of Mary seldom bother, for they have inherited that good part;
But the Sons of Martha favour their Mother of the careful soul and the troubled heart.
And because she lost her temper once, and because she was rude to the Lord her Guest,
Her Sons must wait upon Mary's Sons, world without end, reprieve, or rest.

It is their care in all the ages to take the buffet and cushion the shock.
It is their care that the gear engages; it is their care that the switches lock.
It is their care that the wheels run truly; it is their care to embark and entrain,
Tally, transport, and deliver duly the Sons of Mary by land and main.

They say to mountains, " Be ye removèd" They say to the lesser floods " Be dry."
Under their rods are the rocks reprovèd - they are not afraid of that which is high.
Then do the hill tops shake to the summit - then is the bed of the deep laid bare,
That the Sons of Mary may overcome it, pleasantly sleeping and unaware.

They finger death at their gloves' end where they piece and repiece the living wires.
He rears against the gates they tend: they feed him hungry behind their fires.
Early at dawn, ere men see clear, they stumble into his terrible stall,
And hale him forth like a haltered steer, and goad and turn him till evenfall.

To these from birth is Belief forbidden; from these till death is Relief afar.
They are concerned with matters hidden - under the earthline their altars are
The secret fountains to follow up, waters withdrawn to restore to the mouth,
And gather the floods as in a cup, and pour them again at a city's drouth.

They do not preach that their God will rouse them a little before the nuts work loose.
They do not teach that His Pity allows them to leave their job when they damn-well choose.
As in the thronged and the lighted ways, so in the dark and the desert they stand,
Wary and watchful all their days that their brethren's days may be long in the land.

Raise ye the stone or cleave the wood to make a path more fair or flat;
Lo, it is black already with blood some Son of Martha spilled for that !
Not as a ladder from earth to Heaven, not as a witness to any creed,
But simple service simply given to his own kind in their common need.

And the Sons of Mary smile and are blessèd - they know the angels are on their side.
They know in them is the Grace confessèd, and for them are the Mercies multiplied.
They sit at the Feet - they hear the Word - they see how truly the Promise runs.
They have cast their burden upon the Lord, and - the Lord He lays it on Martha's Sons !

Rudyard Kipling

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…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.

Why can't food just be free? Because people don't work for free. Every society that has attempted the 'free food' plan, has failed. You want to be on the verge of starving to death like Venezuelans are?

Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Are you missing the irony of that statement? Kind of goes back to why food isn't free.

We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

When did we ever 'coalesce' around a real vision of changes that need made? When did that ever happen? The only countries I know of that "coalesced" around specific visions of what they wanted their countries to be, are the Nazis, the Soviets, the Communists in China, Cuba, Venezuela, and a few others.

People don't get together as a group and coalesce around visions of the future.

Our country was built on individuals advancing themselves and their families, for their own good. Do you think the people in the 1600s 'coalesced' around a vision of what America would be like in the 1700s? Or those in the 1700s, around a vision of the US in the 1800s, 1900s, or the 2000s?

Of course not. And the best possible way to advance forward, is to allow our culture to grow organically. The only guide we need, is to live right, with morality, and justice.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Again, people don't work for free. Building a home is horribly expensive. I am not going to sweat and strain, and work myself to death, so that some idiot behind a web cam, and cry "leave Brittany alone!" in the comfort of what he didn't work for.

If the content these people produce is literally worth money, then people will pay for it. If they don't, then it's not. If it's not, then they shouldn't get a free house and food.

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society.

Quite frankly, I don't want a large class of artisans. The whole reason starving artists, are starving, is because we don't need them.

You know what I need? My home A/C is broke, and I don't know how to fix it. I need a guy to fix it, and I'm willing to pay more for that. Put down your web-cam and figure out how to do something useful for society.

Even my upstairs bathroom faucet leaks, and I'm worthless at doing home repair. I need a guy who can fix the faucet. Shut off your blog, with all your useless videos of you lipsyncing Meghan Trainor who is also lipsyncing, that you recorded with a cell phone from the 3rd balcony at an over priced concert... and instead learn how to do something useful that people will pay you for.
…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.
spam bot.

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…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.

Why can't food just be free? Because people don't work for free. Every society that has attempted the 'free food' plan, has failed. You want to be on the verge of starving to death like Venezuelans are?

Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Are you missing the irony of that statement? Kind of goes back to why food isn't free.

We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

When did we ever 'coalesce' around a real vision of changes that need made? When did that ever happen? The only countries I know of that "coalesced" around specific visions of what they wanted their countries to be, are the Nazis, the Soviets, the Communists in China, Cuba, Venezuela, and a few others.

People don't get together as a group and coalesce around visions of the future.

Our country was built on individuals advancing themselves and their families, for their own good. Do you think the people in the 1600s 'coalesced' around a vision of what America would be like in the 1700s? Or those in the 1700s, around a vision of the US in the 1800s, 1900s, or the 2000s?

Of course not. And the best possible way to advance forward, is to allow our culture to grow organically. The only guide we need, is to live right, with morality, and justice.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Again, people don't work for free. Building a home is horribly expensive. I am not going to sweat and strain, and work myself to death, so that some idiot behind a web cam, and cry "leave Brittany alone!" in the comfort of what he didn't work for.

If the content these people produce is literally worth money, then people will pay for it. If they don't, then it's not. If it's not, then they shouldn't get a free house and food.

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society.

Quite frankly, I don't want a large class of artisans. The whole reason starving artists, are starving, is because we don't need them.

You know what I need? My home A/C is broke, and I don't know how to fix it. I need a guy to fix it, and I'm willing to pay more for that. Put down your web-cam and figure out how to do something useful for society.

Even my upstairs bathroom faucet leaks, and I'm worthless at doing home repair. I need a guy who can fix the faucet. Shut off your blog, with all your useless videos of you lipsyncing Meghan Trainor who is also lipsyncing, that you recorded with a cell phone from the 3rd balcony at an over priced concert... and instead learn how to do something useful that people will pay you for.
Looks like you Andylusion too the high schooler's bait.
Bernie's Bolsheviks are dipping all the way into high school now.

They want free tuition too.
…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't LIsten to Him

The Internet is a copycat medium. The omnipotent 1% felt safe in allowing it after they had dumbed the people down through education, the media, and entertainment hypnotism.

The Gutenberg Revolution is a fallacy. If the people had been as conformist to a false diversity of the ruling class's opinions as they are today, the printing press would have only magnified the slavery of their minds.

In our decadent times, any one who gets paid to write, broadcast, or teach us is of the same ilk as those who get paid to have sex. The high and mighty pundits have the same low opinion of us. As we do of ourselves if we don't see through those ambitious imbeciles.
Bernie's Bolsheviks are dipping all the way into high school now.

They want free tuition too.
"Let Them Eat Free Tuition," Smirked Marie Antoinette. Then She Laughed Her Head Off.

You really have to be dumbed down if you think that people deserve a job just because they went four or more years without a job, which is all college "education" means. It's significant that the false-flag Far Left is designated as the extreme when the tuition-free students would still have to live like dependent teenagers who are afraid to grow up. Those who force this unfunded mandate on us better give the few who belong in college the same adult allowance and paid-up tuition they give to their HeirHead moochers, or we will make sure those spoiled brats never graduate.

If you want your food, shelter, education, medical, and even foreign vacations, provided for you by the government go see you local recruiter.


…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.

I know a number of artists who cannot make a living with their art. They have day jobs. Some of the best music in Atlanta is made by people who support themselves in some other way.
…is straining to keep up with recent technological and cultural changes. Much like the printing press revolutionized the world half a millennia ago, so now the internet and mobile technologies are transforming the landscape of modern life. I read somewhere that the American Revolution would not have been possible without newspapers and printed material. The United States and its institutions are an outgrowth of the change made possible by the printing press. Separation of Church and State made possible by a Reformation directly coinciding with the developments of the printing press. Now the internet makes possible a new revolutionary change in how we organize ourselves as a society. We are collectively envisioning a world with new rules and institutions in a progression which is just a part of the dawn of this age of information. However, we have yet to coalesce around any real vision of what changes need to be made to our old institutions for this new world to exist.

Our current institutions are wonderful and still needed, but they have matured in an age of industrialization and reflect the values of this age. More than this, they reflect the possibilities of this age. Today we live in a new age with evolving values and new possibilities. When the United States was founded, most people were farmers, not artists. Possibilities were severely limited by the fact that a majority of people were needed to simply maintain our food supply. Today 1% of the population can grow the food that feeds the other 99% thanks to developments in farming technology. This is such a drastic fundamental difference in society, and yet the institution of a competitive market to keep prices low is still how we regulate this industry. Why can’t food just be free? Today we value artists a whole lot more, but we haven’t made the changes necessary to support a larger class of artisans as is possible with the technology we currently have. Art is free, and yet many artists cannot support themselves through their work.

Most people used to farm. Then, the industrial revolution happened. Today, with more automation of labor, what are most people to do? We cannot all be sales people selling each other goods and changing money between people this way. Such a system will just not work as it is currently not working. Why can’t we create a new institution to exist alongside the competitive market. An institution where people create, write, produce music, paint, and so forth. This is kind of what the internet allows us to see. The value of such an institution. That we are already creating this institution. But it is not yet an established part of the economy as most people cannot make their living in these endeavors. In fact, our current economy is not sustainable because society is not reorganizing fast enough with regards to its new possibilities. Much of the content of the internet is made by people who are working for free because it is what they love to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the people producing this content at least had free shelter? Free food?

Maybe we can achieve this societal support of a larger class of artisans through a shift in how we structure our society. Planned collective bargaining communities can purchase staple foods in bulk and organize in rural areas with free public transit into the city. Essentially building new cities just for artists. This initiative can be sponsored by the government, but the cities themselves can be designed by the people who will be living there. This could be an economic driver similar to the space program to launch us from the industrial age to the information age.

Thank you for reading this short essay by Hello and Lullaby.

I know a number of artists who cannot make a living with their art. They have day jobs. Some of the best music in Atlanta is made by people who support themselves in some other way.

but if people wont pay artists enough to create art libnazi govt should force them to pay because libnazi govt knows better than the people how their money should be spent!!

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