The Socialist Plan

If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?
If people are willing to pay for it?
You make it sound optional and that is not the case now is it?
One generation chooses and every other is stuck.

True HONEST options are made by each person NOT a group. Thus you work and save for education or retirement. You budget your state for roadways and TRY to keep them on budget and on time.
If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?
If people are willing to pay for it?

The issue isn't how we label our gov't programs but rather how they are funded and by whom. The problem is the eat-the-rich class warfare constantly advocated by America's leftist fifth column which is driving us inexorably from democracy to ineptocracy.

INEPTOCRACY- (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
I am so glad that Senator Sanders is in this race. His candidacy is pointing out how our wingnuts want to make this a third world nation. Destroy science, make education impossible for anyone except the very wealthy. Anyone not wealthy should have the choice of staying healthy or dying. The average American should work until they drop, then they don't cost us all that money.

Dark Fury, you and the rest of the Anti-American far right are not at all representative of this nation. You are a shame to it, you are small of mind and mean of soul.
I am so glad that Senator Sanders is in this race. His candidacy is pointing out how our wingnuts want to make this a third world nation. Destroy science, make education impossible for anyone except the very wealthy. Anyone not wealthy should have the choice of staying healthy or dying. The average American should work until they drop, then they don't cost us all that money.

Dark Fury, you and the rest of the Anti-American far right are not at all representative of this nation. You are a shame to it, you are small of mind and mean of soul.
Where is all this FREE money coming from? Why is DOUBLING the debt a good idea? Can you dig your way out of a hole?
Every socialist should be pistol whipped in their sleep... To save the rest of the world from the cult of dumb a$$.


If you really think it will help.

:eusa_eh: Quick question...

How do we tell the 'socialists' from the rest of the ugly fuckers roaming this planet?

All DarkFury is asking is where is this money coming from?
If you're a Liberal, at least have the balls to say, "By taxing the rich!".
If you're a Conservative, at least have the balls to say you'll leave the US if Sanders is elected.
Just be honest and try to answer the question.
What you call Sanders' 'socialist' agenda, point by point, is more popular with the American people than the average rightwing anti-socialist agenda.

According to professional bureaucrat Jonathan Gruber, Americans are dumb as sticks.

If a politician promises a free lunch, something for nothing, a continuation of the gravy train then the parasitic alliance will support him/her with gusto.

If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?

If taxes are ever collected fairly, and the average, upper-middle class obligation doesn't change, I'll bet that the national income would be surprising. Might even be enough in there to rebuild some infrastructure, ass-u-me-ing we can figure out a way to spend less on the military industrial complex that's been sucking down what comes in via the corrupt code currently in place.
If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?

If taxes are ever collected fairly, and the average, upper-middle class obligation doesn't change, I'll bet that the national income would be surprising. Might even be enough in there to rebuild some infrastructure, ass-u-me-ing we can figure out a way to spend less on the military industrial complex that's been sucking down what comes in via the corrupt code currently in place.
If the American people want a socialist program and are willing to pay for it is that OK?
America has been "socialist" for at least a hundred years .

If u ask it it goes back further , to opening up the west for land grabs .
How many years does this cover?

The WSJ article has been repeatedly debunked.

When the only "argument" one side has is Photoshop, it should give you a clue to their credibility.

If speculation debunks speculation then yes you are correct. The most I got out of the debunking was no it won't cost 18 Trillion the cost will be closer to 10 Trillion where would either increase come from?
After a 75 year experiment with socialism the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics failed and converted to a market economy, after an almost 50 year experiment with socialism Eastern European states converted to market economies. There are in fact 4 socialist states extant:
The Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
The Republic of Cuba
Peoples Republic of China
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Which one should the US emulate?
If socialism were such a marvelous system why is it not used to govern most states on the planet.
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If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?

If taxes are ever collected fairly, and the average, upper-middle class obligation doesn't change, I'll bet that the national income would be surprising. Might even be enough in there to rebuild some infrastructure, ass-u-me-ing we can figure out a way to spend less on the military industrial complex that's been sucking down what comes in via the corrupt code currently in place.
If the American people want a socialist program and are willing to pay for it is that OK?

If the parasites could afford the free stuff they demand , they would not be trading their souls with the devil.

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If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?

If taxes are ever collected fairly, and the average, upper-middle class obligation doesn't change, I'll bet that the national income would be surprising. Might even be enough in there to rebuild some infrastructure, ass-u-me-ing we can figure out a way to spend less on the military industrial complex that's been sucking down what comes in via the corrupt code currently in place.
If the American people want a socialist program and are willing to pay for it is that OK?


The Railroad is probably the oldest and largest example of government building something on behalf of the people.

Social Security and Medicare also spring to mind, although Medicare started off as a gift to the insurance companies, having the taxpayers foot the bills for the just the elderly while they continue to collect from the young and healthy.
If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?

If taxes are ever collected fairly, and the average, upper-middle class obligation doesn't change, I'll bet that the national income would be surprising. Might even be enough in there to rebuild some infrastructure, ass-u-me-ing we can figure out a way to spend less on the military industrial complex that's been sucking down what comes in via the corrupt code currently in place.
If the American people want a socialist program and are willing to pay for it is that OK?


The Railroad is probably the oldest and largest example of government building something on behalf of the people.

Social Security and Medicare also spring to mind, although Medicare started off as a gift to the insurance companies, having the taxpayers foot the bills for the elderly.
There was a LOT of private investing for the railroad BUT it was the first mass use of public finds interstate.
If the American people want a program that is labeled socialist and they are willing to pay for it, is that OK?
Care to take a guess at what the projected tax rate would be for all that FREE stuff?

If taxes are ever collected fairly, and the average, upper-middle class obligation doesn't change, I'll bet that the national income would be surprising. Might even be enough in there to rebuild some infrastructure, ass-u-me-ing we can figure out a way to spend less on the military industrial complex that's been sucking down what comes in via the corrupt code currently in place.
If the American people want a socialist program and are willing to pay for it is that OK?


The Railroad is probably the oldest and largest example of government building something on behalf of the people.


On behalf of the "people" ...sort of

Why the Republican Party Elected Lincoln

"From the time he entered politics in 1832, Abraham Lincoln aspired to such a position. That is why he became a Whig, the party of the moneyed elite. Lincoln was one of the most money- and power-hungry politicians in American history.

As soon as he entered the Illinois legislature he led his local delegation in a successful Whig Party effort to appropriate some $12 million in taxpayer subsidies for railroad and canal-building corporations. In his landmark book, Lincoln and the Railroads, first published in 1927 and reprinted in 1981 by Arno Press, John W. Starr, Jr. noted how one of Lincoln’s colleagues in the legislature said "He seemed to be a born politician. We followed his lead . . . " And they followed Lincoln down a road that would nearly bankrupt the state of Illinois. The $12 million was squandered: Almost no projects were completed with it; much of the money was stolen; and the taxpayers of Illinois were put deep into debt for years to come."


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