The so-called China travel ban.....the REAL hoax...Trump lies, people die

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
From Reuters:

APRIL 5, 2020 / 7:08 AM / UPDATED 4 HOURS AGO
As Trump administration debated travel restrictions, thousands streamed in from China

"Each day that the administration debated the travel measures, roughly 14,000 travelers arrived in the United States from China, according to figures cited by the Trump administration. Among them was a traveler who came from Wuhan to Seattle in mid-January, who turned out to be the first confirmed case in the United States.""""

WTF? The EU countries took much longer than Trump and they are paying in blood for their delay.
Biden said stopping the flights was "xenophobic", meaning that Biden would never have stopped the flights from China. Trump saved US lives, Biden would have been a disaster.
"In January, Biden also criticized as xenophobic the administration’s travel ban to China as the outbreak began to worsen, although it was instrumental in preventing an outbreak in the United States much sooner.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said during an Iowa campaign event."
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Biden said stopping the flights was "xenophobic", meaning that Biden would never have stopped the flights from China.
Gee, you have no evidence to back up that assumption.

“Labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace the accountability for the misjudgements that have taken place so far by the Trump administration,” Biden said. “The [Wuhan] coronavirus does not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender, or zip code.”
430,000 People Have Traveled From China to U.S. Since Coronavirus Surfaced
There were 1,300 direct flights to 17 cities before President Trump’s travel restrictions. Since then, nearly 40,000 Americans and other authorized travelers have made the trip, some this past week and many with spotty screening.
While I do not claim to be a prophet I have been around the block a time or two.Earlier in another thread I said I thought there was more to this contrived "crisis" than we're aware of and it would manifest itself at some point...Well,low and behold I'm watching the weather channel and they are showing graphs on how the worlds' emissions have decreased dramatically since the "crisis". And as a globalist pondered, if we could just come together as one earth and commit to combat an even greater enemy climate change........and there it is....that my friends is what is driving the hyper hysteria,the disproportionate measures being taken compared to other pandemics.This is just not about shutting down Trump,which is part of it,but shutting down the world for it's own good...
It was too soon... no, wait it was too slow.... no, wait it was xenophobic.... no, wait it was russian collusion.... no wait it was ukraine.... no wait it was tax returns.... no wait it was Jared....

You useless fucks continue shit the bed and squirm in it. For my enjoyment. Thank you.
"China Virus" is how trump labeled Covid-19; and his loyal followers have been using this xenophobic phrase. VP Biden did not cause or create the number of people coming into the US, that was an issue directly related to the incompetence and chaos in the White House.

When a leader is stumped, and waits to find a way to benefit and not be blamed for X, then S/He is not a leader. Real leaders are rational, they convene with experts and listen to them; trump puts himself first in every situation, and he is incapable of critical thinking while focused solely on himself.
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WTF? The EU countries took much longer than Trump and they are paying in blood for their delay.
Biden said stopping the flights was "xenophobic", meaning that Biden would never have stopped the flights from China. Trump saved US lives, Biden would have been a disaster.
"In January, Biden also criticized as xenophobic the administration’s travel ban to China as the outbreak began to worsen, although it was instrumental in preventing an outbreak in the United States much sooner.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said during an Iowa campaign event."

No. They didn't take much longer than Trump. That is a lie.
From Reuters:

APRIL 5, 2020 / 7:08 AM / UPDATED 4 HOURS AGO
As Trump administration debated travel restrictions, thousands streamed in from China

"Each day that the administration debated the travel measures, roughly 14,000 travelers arrived in the United States from China, according to figures cited by the Trump administration. Among them was a traveler who came from Wuhan to Seattle in mid-January, who turned out to be the first confirmed case in the United States.""""

Trumps wacist!



"China Virus" is how trump labeled Covid-19; and his loyal followers have been using this xenophobic phrase. VP Biden did not cause or create the number of people coming into the US, that was an issue directly related to the incompetence and chaos in the White House.

When a leader is stumped, and waits to find a way to benefit and not be blamed for X, then S/He is not a leader. Real leaders are rational, they convene with experts and listen to them; trump puts himself first in every situation, and he is incapable of critical thinking when focused solely on himself.
It is a combined effort of Harvard Medicine and Wuhan University so indeed it is the China virus.PC be damned
"China Virus" is how trump labeled Covid-19; and his loyal followers have been using this xenophobic phrase. VP Biden did not cause or create the number of people coming into the US, that was an issue directly related to the incompetence and chaos in the White House.

When a leader is stumped, and waits to find a way to benefit and not be blamed for X, then S/He is not a leader. Real leaders are rational, they convene with experts and listen to them; trump puts himself first in every situation, and he is incapable of critical thinking when focused solely on himself.
It is a combined effort of Harvard Medicine and Wuhan University so indeed it is the China virus.PC be damned

In short ^^^, diplomacy be damned.; not a very bright or considered comment.
'Mr. Trump has repeatedly suggested that his travel measures impeded the virus’s spread in the United States. “I do think we were very early, but I also think that we were very smart, because we stopped China,” he said at a briefing on Tuesday, adding, “That was probably the biggest decision we made so far.” Last month, he said, “We’re the ones that kept China out of here.”

But the analysis of the flight and other data by The New York Times shows the travel measures, however effective, may have come too late to have “kept China out,” particularly in light of recent statements from health officials that as many as 25 percent of people infected with the virus may never show symptoms. Many infectious-disease experts suspect that the virus had been spreading undetected for weeks after the first American case was confirmed, in Washington State, on Jan. 20, and that it had continued to be introduced. In fact, no one knows when the virus first arrived in the United States.'

430,000 People Have Traveled From China to U.S. Since Coronavirus Surfaced
There were 1,300 direct flights to 17 cities before President Trump’s travel restrictions. Since then, nearly 40,000 Americans and other authorized travelers have made the trip, some this past week and many with spotty screening.
"China Virus" is how trump labeled Covid-19; and his loyal followers have been using this xenophobic phrase. VP Biden did not cause or create the number of people coming into the US, that was an issue directly related to the incompetence and chaos in the White House.

When a leader is stumped, and waits to find a way to benefit and not be blamed for X, then S/He is not a leader. Real leaders are rational, they convene with experts and listen to them; trump puts himself first in every situation, and he is incapable of critical thinking when focused solely on himself.
It is a combined effort of Harvard Medicine and Wuhan University so indeed it is the China virus.PC be damned

In short ^^^, diplomacy be damned.; not a very bright or considered comment.
Yeah diplomacy.....killing me softly

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