The Sheer Incompetence of Progressives

Some cities in some areas like the downtown areas may have a second system in them due to the factories a century ago and more. They may have been called high pressure systems or ones that has to be activated. The water could have been just river water without treatment. Pumper Engines carry hard sections on them for fresh and untreated water is needed also to put into the rivers, reservoirs, cisterns and even pools.
Could be.
I've been to LA a 100 times or more, but I'm not from there
You just can't help yourself.
No I can't.
I mean, how can you NOT love the man..............He controls the weather.

I haven’t lived outside the US, but have done quite a bit of traveling. My wife was born in Europe. My entire extended family on her side were born in Europe and spent much of their lives there. They would beg to differ with your opinion of Europe and of the US. My family has been in this country for many generations, dating back to prior to the Revolutionary War.

My wife and I are successful, but not because we were given anything. We worked hard in both school and our professions and have been rewarded. The extent of these rewards would have never been realized in many, if not most, countries around the world. We pay a LOT of taxes and we give a lot to charity. My wife’s family has done the same despite coming to this country with nothing and building from scratch. Just because we don’t support giveaways to those that don’t put forth the same effort we did, doesn’t make us “a piece of shit.”
My wife and I are successful, but not because we were given anything.

You weren't given a society to live in, with infrastructure, an economic system, technology, housing, food..etc? You got plenty of help, stop lying. Your mommy and daddy fed you, changed your diapers, provided you with their good genes/DNA (are you of above average intelligence?), and you had access to resources, a community, and social system, that provided you with the means to get where you are now.

The working class has every right to organize a society that affords them certain rights and provides a social safety net, allowing them to live a decent life. The fact that you became a manager, or whatever you are which allowed you to make more than the average worker, doesn't make you free of your social obligations to the community that contributes to and supports your success.

Without the resources and facilities society provides its members, you wouldn't have amounted to anything, irrespective of how hard you worked or how smart you think you are. What would you be working in or for without a community? No one builds a career or becomes wealthy, in a vacuum, isolated from others.

We worked hard in both school and our professions and have been rewarded.

There are people who are poor and work just as hard as you. Many of them work two jobs and they can hardly make ends meet. Everyone is important because they're human beings and we're all part of the chain of production. That supply chain that provides us all with the goods and services that we need to live, requires everyone to contribute in their own way. We need everyone, this is a social endeavor, involving many different tasks, not just the ones that you do.

Without society, there would be no reward for you. So that system that rewards you needs to be maintained, with its infrastructure, institutions..etc. Living in a country in crisis, plagued with social unrest, gross inequality, injustice, hunger, and homelessness, undermines the "good life" you're now enjoying. Do you actually think that you can continue enjoying your wealth and security, in a country full of unemployed, hungry, sick, and desperate people? No. You'll lose it all.

The extent of these rewards would have never been realized in many, if not most, countries around the world.

You're not refuting anything I've said so far. The modern, industrialized world isn't "most countries around the world", they're a small minority, hence again, your point is moot. As far as the standard of living for the working class, the US by every metric falls behind compared to other modern, industrialized nations. , and the fact that there are 18 million millionaires in America doesn't change that.

We pay a LOT of taxes and we give a lot to charity.

And those taxes maintain the system, that allows you to build wealth.

My wife’s family has done the same despite coming to this country with nothing and building from scratch.

My grandfather came here from Cuba, in the early 60s, and in five years, working a blue-collar job was able to pay for a family home in Homestead, Florida, entirely in cash, without a bank loan. Everything you're saying depends on when you came (the golden era of our economy after WW2, when the US was the manufacturing hub of the world), who you are, and what you have access to, as in like personal gifts and talents, family upbringing and resources, community programs..etc.

No one is self-made, everyone has received a break here or there, they had doors opened for them, people came into their lives and provided guidance, and assistance. You can lie and pretend otherwise, but you're not fooling anyone.

Not everyone is the same, and you're pretending because one person becomes wealthy, by working hard, that implies everyone who works just as hard will likewise become wealthy and if they don't there's something wrong with them. Not everyone wants to become a millionaire. Their concept of personal wealth and success differs from yours, which is measured by how much money you have.

There are scientists that earn much less than you yet are making important contributions to the world through their work. They don't pursue money, but rather focus on their scientific research, which for them is like a vocation and life mission. They're not money "reward" oriented like you are and yet are providing an extremely important service to humanity.

Just because we don’t support giveaways

Society providing a social safety net for working-class people isn't charity or a "giveaway", it's what's required to maintain the system that has rewarded you with wealth. Living in a modern, civilized society that recognizes everyone's human dignity and right to at least the basics of life, isn't an option but a requirement for long-term social order and success.

to those that don’t put forth the same effort we did,

Like I said, many people work just as hard if not harder than you, in hazardous environments, where they risk life and limb, and yet make much less than you. They might even need two jobs to pay their bills, and they don't have the time, energy or money to go to school.

doesn’t make us “a piece of shit.”

If you are wealthy, and support policies that undermine the lives of working-class people, then you're a piece of shit.
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You weren't given a society to live in, with infrastructure, an economic system, technology, housing, food..etc? You got plenty of help, stop lying. Your mommy and daddy fed you, changed your diapers, provided you with their good genes/DNA (are you of above average intelligence?), and you had access to resources, a community, and social system, that provided you with the means to get where you are now.

The working class has every right to organize a society that affords them certain rights and provides a social safety net, allowing them to live a decent life. The fact that you became a manager, or whatever you are which allowed you to make more than the average worker, doesn't make you free of your social obligations to the community that contributes to and supports your success.

Without the resources and facilities society provides its members, you wouldn't have amounted to anything, irrespective of how hard you worked or how smart you think you are. What would you be working in or for without a community? No one builds a career or becomes wealthy, in a vacuum, isolated from others.

There are people who are poor and work just as hard as you. Many of them work two jobs and they can hardly make ends meet. Everyone is important because they're human beings and we're all part of the chain of production. That supply chain that provides us all with the goods and services that we need to live, requires everyone to contribute in their own way. We need everyone, this is a social endeavor, involving many different tasks, not just the ones that you do.

Without society, there would be no reward for you. So that system that rewards you needs to be maintained, with its infrastructure, institutions..etc. Living in a country in crisis, plagued with social unrest, gross inequality, injustice, hunger, and homelessness, undermines the "good life" you're now enjoying. Do you actually think that you can continue enjoying your wealth and security, in a country full of unemployed, hungry, sick, and desperate people? No. You'll lose it all.

You're not refuting anything I've said so far. The modern, industrialized world isn't "most countries around the world", they're a small minority, hence again, your point is moot. As far as the standard of living for the working class, the US by every metric falls behind compared to other modern, industrialized nations. , and the fact that there are 18 million millionaires in America doesn't change that.

And those taxes maintain the system, that allows you to build wealth.

My grandfather came here from Cuba, in the early 60s, and in five years, working a blue-collar job was able to pay for a family home in Homestead, Florida, entirely in cash, without a bank loan. Everything you're saying depends on when you came (the golden era of our economy after WW2, when the US was the manufacturing hub of the world), who you are, and what you have access to, as in like personal gifts and talents, family upbringing and resources, community programs..etc.

No one is self-made, everyone has received a break here or there, they had doors opened for them, people came into their lives and provided guidance, and assistance. You can lie and pretend otherwise, but you're not fooling anyone.

Not everyone is the same, and you're pretending because one person becomes wealthy, by working hard, that implies everyone who works just as hard will likewise become wealthy and if they don't there's something wrong with them. Not everyone wants to become a millionaire. Their concept of personal wealth and success differs from yours, which is measured by how much money you have.

There are scientists that earn much less than you yet are making important contributions to the world through their work. They don't pursue money, but rather focus on their scientific research, which for them is like a vocation and life mission. They're not money "reward" oriented like you are and yet are providing an extremely important service to humanity.

Society providing a social safety net for working-class people isn't charity or a "giveaway", it's what's required to maintain the system that has rewarded you with wealth. Living in a modern, civilized society that recognizes everyone's human dignity and right to at least the basics of life, isn't an option but a requirement for long-term social order and success.

Like I said, many people work just as hard if not harder than you, in hazardous environments, where they risk life and limb, and yet make much less than you. They might even need two jobs to pay their bills, and they don't have the time, energy or money to go to school.

If you are wealthy, and support policies that undermine the lives of working-class people, then you're a piece of shit.
If you want to live in a communist society, I'd suggest that you SWIM TO CUBA!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off, Marxist vermin.
Socialism is coming, watch and see. People like you will make it happen by making conditions even worse for the working class.
Do you actually think that you can continue enjoying your wealth and security, in a country full of unemployed, hungry, sick, and desperate people?

Do you actually think those who don't work can continue getting their freebees if taxpayers don't continue to work and make money? Where will the money come from?

You weren't given a society to live in, with infrastructure, an economic system, technology, housing, food..etc? You got plenty of help, stop lying. Your mommy and daddy fed you, changed your diapers, provided you with their good genes/DNA (are you of above average intelligence?), and you had access to resources, a community, and social system, that provided you with the means to get where you are now.

I guess I should have stated that we didn't get any more help than others in this country.

And those taxes maintain the system, that allows you to build wealth.

And taxpayers like myself and others sustain them. Remember, about 50% pay NO federal income tax. That is not sustaninable.

leNo one is self-made, everyone has received a break here or there, they had doors opened for them, people came into their lives and provided guidance, and assistance. You can lie and pretend otherwise, but you're not fooling anyone.

Society providing a social safety net for working-class people isn't charity or a "giveaway", it's what's required to maintain the system that has rewarded you with wealth. Living in a modern, civilized society that recognizes everyone's human dignity and right to at least the basics of life, isn't an option but a requirement for long-term social order and success.

There are plenty of social safety nets, in fact, to the point where we are disincentivizing work. On top of that, we have this false idea that we can provide help for anyone and everyone that walks into our country.

Like I said, many people work just as hard if not harder than you, in hazardous environments, where they risk life and limb, and yet make much less than you. They might even need two jobs to pay their bills, and they don't have the time, energy or money to go to school.

I realize this, but what protections do these people not have?

If you are wealthy, and support policies that undermine the lives of working-class people, then you're a piece of shit.

What policies would those be?

Socialism does not work, particularly in a society with as many diverse thoughts as we have in the US. Countries like Finland, that is often used as a model for leftists in the US, are very homogeneous. It is quite ironic that the left pushes diversity in the US which is exactly what will NOT work in the method of government they promote. Socialism and it's close cousin, Communism, require like minds(group think), which is exactly why children are indoctrinated from birth in Communist countries.
Socialism is coming, watch and see. People like you will make it happen by making conditions even worse for the working class.

And you will be happy, until you aren't. Socialism doesn't work.

Conditions in the US are far from bad compared to the vast majority of the world. That is an absolute lie.
And you will be happy, until you aren't. Socialism doesn't work.

Conditions in the US are far from bad compared to the vast majority of the world. That is an absolute lie.
Compared to other modern, industrialized countries, our working class is highly exploited, and overworked, with little benefits, living paycheck to paycheck. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but those are the facts.
Compared to other modern, industrialized countries, our working class is highly exploited, and overworked, with little benefits, living paycheck to paycheck. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but those are the facts.

Again, you just don't know what you are talking about. I have traveled enough to know that my standard of living in the US is far better than the overwhelming majority of the world. There are people in the US that live in large blue cities that make a lot of money, but whose standard of living is frankly horrible given their income. The US has reasonable taxes, plenty of space to spread out with much less restrictions that many other countries. I have no desire to live in a shoebox in a large Western European city with my laundry room in my kitchen. If that is your thing, then move there.

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