The Sham Trial Against Trump

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Yes I have. And I've heard that Justice Thomas agrees with her freedom of speech in such activities.

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... And even that her husband Clarance agrees with his wife.

That has 0 to do with the judge in the Trump trial. Very stupid response. You can do better.
No disclaimer will get you off the hook if you knowingly lied in an effort to defraud the people you’re lying to.

Those “use at your own risk” disclaimers don’t work on amusement rides if the owners know they’re unsafe and keep them running anyway. If somebody is injured and it can proven you knew the ride was unsafe, that’s negligence and you’ll be arrested for endangering the public.
Nothing will get you off when the judge is biased.
So I wonder how it would have gone during my military enlistment if...

When filling out the application form I checked the boxes that I had no communist ties, never did drugs, etc.

Then in the comments wrote a "worthless clause" that said that the attestations that were on the proceeding parts of the form were to the best of my knowledge but were not necessarily correct and that I could not be punished or held liable if the United States Government later found out I was a communist or smoked weed behind the school gym.***


[DISCLAIMER: I'm not a communist and never smoked weed in high school or at anytime during my 20 year military career.]

he did NOTHING that countless other businesses haven't done, and yet hes the ONLY one on trial for it!!!


a tired and dumb lie offered by a toddler
But if you have actually read a reliable source that backs up your screeds, you should easily be able to post a link to it.
When given links, you demand "excerpts".

You are determined to remain ignorant no matter the cost.
Shady business practices are crimes. Fraud. His corporation even got caught not paying taxes. The CFO paid for his kids private school rather than take $ and he didn't pay taxes on it. That's a crime. Trump used his charity as a slush fund. Crime. He paid Stormy with campaign money. Crime. He conspired to rig an election. Crime. He lied to FBI and didn't turn over documents. Crime.

So excuse me if I don't play along with your delusion Trump is an innocent man.
The CFO however pled guilty and served time in prison yet today is free. He probably saved enough money to pay the taxes. Stormy Daniels I understand recanted that she had sex with Trump. She extorted Cohen in other terms.
Trump has an army of workers doing many jobs. Start blaming them for crimes you think Trump did. For instance, how about you going to prison for what your own accountant did in the name of cutting your taxes. He knows the tax law and you do not.

In the Jan. 30, 2018, signed statement, Daniels denied having an affair with Trump, which reversed earlier statements that an affair had occurred; she also said that she had not been paid “hush money” to sign the denial. Another statement released by Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, earlier that month also quoted Daniels as denying the affair.
When given links, you demand "excerpts".

You are determined to remain ignorant no matter the cost.
This is not about her, but you and your personal remarks. Stop trying to pin the blame on her.
This is not about her, but you and your personal remarks. Stop trying to pin the blame on her.
Thank you. I may have slipped up a time or two, but I generally summarize the content I think most pertinent in a lengthy article or document, reference where to find the information, and post the link. I think people who actually understand what they are saying based on facts and not on prejudice or partisanship do that.

People as knowledgeable as yourself are their own 'expert witnesses' and I find extremely helpful, but you provide verifiable facts in your 'testimony' that can be checked out for those who think you might be wrong. Those who have nothing but "Trump broke the law" or "Trump lied" have nothing but their own TDS and prejudice.
Yes. It was our financials that allowed us to buy our home in Albuquerque even though we still had a large mortgage in Kansas. Technically we didn't have the income for two mortgages and we were both working on commission at the time so didn't even have guaranteed incomes. But the lender saw that we had been making mortgage and rent payments on time for a year, our commissions had been providing a decent income for months, we had some cash in savings, our credit was clean, and we got our loan.

Many things are factored into a person's credit worthiness.
Democrats ignore the Clinton home in NY State where they paid 1.7 million dollars for it, despite not having a pot to piss in. And his salary as president soon ended after he departed the presidency.

"President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday settled the question of where the First Family will live once their lease on the White House expires, signing a contract to buy a $1.7 million, 11-room Dutch Colonial home in the wooded suburbs of Westchester County.Sep 3, 1999"

I damned near lost a sale when I represented one of the Washington Redskins players and the team sent me a document stating he and they were in negotiations and he was not certain to keep a job.

I got on the phone to the Redskins and one of them asked me "What do you need?" I told him Anthony has to have a stable job. And your wording of it made it seem as if he could lose his job. The upshot is the Redskins sent to me a new form stating his job was steady.

Anthony also cashed in his retirement allowing him to keep his home after being traded to Tampa Bay's football team.

The escrow was closed and he moved into the home. His brortehr now owns the home as he bought it from his brother.
Thank you. I may have slipped up a time or two, but I generally summarize the content I think most pertinent in a lengthy article or document, reference where to find the information, and post the link. I think people who actually understand what they are saying based on facts and not on prejudice or partisanship do that.

People as knowledgeable as yourself are their own 'expert witnesses' and I find extremely helpful, but you provide verifiable facts in your 'testimony' that can be checked out for those who think you might be wrong. Those who have nothing but "Trump broke the law" or "Trump lied" have nothing but their own TDS and prejudice.
Great post. The epitome of excellence. I have never read any of your posts that were not accurate. TX executed an inmate last evening where the lawyers told the court several things. Such as a witness named Coons testimony was wrong so the inmate should not be executed under TX law. Several high courts rejected this since the crime of murder had clearly been admitted to. But the inmate confessed his crime. So the witness even if wrong, was not saving the now dead inmate.
Yes. It was our financials that allowed us to buy our home in Albuquerque even though we still had a large mortgage in Kansas. Technically we didn't have the income for two mortgages and we were both working on commission at the time so didn't even have guaranteed incomes. But the lender saw that we had been making mortgage and rent payments on time for a year, our commissions had been providing a decent income for months, we had some cash in savings, our credit was clean, and we got our loan.

Many things are factored into a person's credit worthiness.
It is not clear to me that most Americans understand the nature of how to get a mortgage loan to purchase their home. I guess some believe in the magic fairy. The honest truth as you related it above is lending standards must be met, but the ability to get the loan can be a factor by the lender. My mortgage firm did many loans that were placed with some banks and also with the then second largest lender in America and they never kicked any of our packages back. For example, when the Clintons bought in NY State, a home they paid 1.7 million dollars for, at the time of purchase they could not legally support the home. So a lender took other factors into consideration and they got this huge loan. And the Clintons were dead broke when he left office.
Amazing how many MAGA legal experts there are here. Plus they know every move their orange God makes, and know he's done nothing wrong.

Very impressive.
I can explain that. We are not arguing with legal experts on the Democrats side.
This is not about her, but you and your personal remarks. Stop trying to pin the blame on her.
Staggering how you guys treat sources and citations differently depending on who is providing them.

I provided a link to a PDF with relevant page number and it's not good enough.

You provided a link to the entire regulatory structure for banks and you told me to find the regulation on my own.
Because Trump admitted that some of the numbers are inflated. And that his net worth is based on what he thinks the value of his “brand” is.

Trump’s “brand” is never reflected on his balance sheets, nor should it be because it’s not quantifiable. Bankers call it “Goodwill”.

If you own the best restaurant in town, where people are lined out the door every day, that’s worth real money to a prospective purchaser but it’s not in your balance sheet. And if your chef quits, that line up could go away along with the value of your goodwill.

For tax purposes for both the buyer and seller, the purchase agreement will reflect various values - land and buildings/lease, equipment and fixtures, inventory and goodwill. The value of all of these items will appear on the balance sheets of the business, except the value of the goodwill.

Trump also lied big time when he said that his “brand” and his name on the side of a building increased its value. It actually does the opposite because Trump is a crappy builder and an even worse project manager. And since January 6th, owners can’t get his name off their buildings fast enough.
Banks use a system for qualified customers to factor in good will and they follow formulas. And take this to the bank. Every move made by the customer is closely analyzed by banks. Perhaps your bank fooled you into thinking they trust you. Banks do not trust customers at all. That is why home loans go to people whose every statement is verified independently. Bank on that.

What is a VOE form for mortgage?

VOE or Verification of Employment is a type of mortgage program where all of the verification is handled directly with the employer. If you're a salaried worker or a wage earner, this program could work for you as an alternate type of financing.

VOE Loans - Mortgage Broker Los Angeles​

Staggering how you guys treat sources and citations differently depending on who is providing them.

I provided a link to a PDF with relevant page number and it's not good enough.

You provided a link to the entire regulatory structure for banks and you told me to find the regulation on my own.
Why should we professionals have to learn the loan rules but you can simply skip them? When you asked a question, you got a fast reply and the fact it came from FDIC means it is accurate and if you spent half the time there as here, you would have verified I am correct. But hell no, you sent me on your personal mission. I do not post to provide you free legal materials. Sorry about that. That document is one you can trust and it was not just an opinion.

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