The Senate Border bill, which some Republicans favor (but I was not able to read)


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

OK, I could have read the bill but I tried to copy it onto my flashdrive and was not able to. I have no idea why.

I don't have time to read the thing right now, which is why I tried to copy it for reading later.

I am curious if any usmb folks have read this bill? I don't trust it.

The reason I don't is because there doesn't need to be another damn bill or any more damn $$ spent on securing the border. It seems like a very dishonest thing... the bill, that is.

OK, I could have read the bill but I tried to copy it onto my flashdrive and was not able to. I have no idea why.

I don't have time to read the thing right now, which is why I tried to copy it for reading later.

I am curious if any usmb folks have read this bill? I don't trust it.

The reason I don't is because there doesn't need to be another damn bill or any more damn $$ spent on securing the border. It seems like a very dishonest thing... the bill, that is.
you would do better to ask on any of the other threads on this topic than start a new one where people have to repeat themselves again,,
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The whole thing is a sham, written up by a bunch of globalist fags.

It is designed to codify the invasion, allowing 8000+ aliens a day.
The bald headed fag in charge of DHS would be given “special authority” to grant asylum to anyone he wants without review.
Only one DC circuit court would be allowed to hear challenges.


I have not found any other. I normally look b4 posting.

I doubt there are literally 5 also

there ae others

OK, I could have read the bill but I tried to copy it onto my flashdrive and was not able to. I have no idea why.

I don't have time to read the thing right now, which is why I tried to copy it for reading later.

I am curious if any usmb folks have read this bill? I don't trust it.

The reason I don't is because there doesn't need to be another damn bill or any more damn $$ spent on securing the border. It seems like a very dishonest thing... the bill, that is.
I read the funding portion. $118B. This is supposed to be a bill to secure the border. Why is only $14B going to accomplish that and another $14B for aid to Israel with the other $90B GOING TO UKRAINE. Ukraine is NOT THE SOUTHERN BORDER. Ukraine is also not an ally of the US nor a member of NATO. Israel IS an ally and they want to send a paltry $14B to them. They are also NOT THE SOUTHERN BORDER. This bill is more DEMOCRAT LIES. Fuck that bill.
The whole thing is a sham, written up by a bunch of globalist fags.

It is designed to codify the invasion, allowing 8000+ aliens a day.
The bald headed fag in charge of DHS would be given “special authority” to grant asylum to anyone he wants without review.
Only one DC circuit court would be allowed to hear challenges.

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wow... just wow

I tried to copy THIS to my flashdrive and was unable to, just like when I tried to copy the bill.

I tend to trust Cotton.

I don't know much about Lankford... I thought being from OK would mean he is conservative? doesn't want big gummit?
I read the funding portion. $118B. This is supposed to be a bill to secure the border. Why is only $14B going to accomplish that and another $14B for aid to Israel with the other $90B GOING TO UKRAINE. Ukraine is NOT THE SOUTHERN BORDER. Ukraine is also not an ally of the US nor a member of NATO. Israel IS an ally and they want to send a paltry $14B to them. They are also NOT THE SOUTHERN BORDER. This bill is more DEMOCRAT LIES. Fuck that bill.


As stated b4, they don't NEED another damn taxpayer gouging BILL

The laws on the books already are sufficient.. have not been adhered to..

I guess they think we are all a bunch of dumbasses...

(as if that's a new thought I am having) :banghead:
The whole thing is a sham, written up by a bunch of globalist fags.

It is designed to codify the invasion, allowing 8000+ aliens a day.
The bald headed fag in charge of DHS would be given “special authority” to grant asylum to anyone he wants without review.
Only one DC circuit court would be allowed to hear challenges.

View attachment 897928

View attachment 897929
WOW! So the "US District Court of the District of Columbia will have sole and original jurisdiction to hear challenges whether constitutional or otherwise" WTF, is this an end run around the SCOTUS? Fuck this bill.
The true question is where do they plan to get all that money? Is the government going to pay for it or is it going to come from the American tax dollar? (I haven't been able to see the bill yet either btw.)
C'mon April! Where do you think the government gets their money? IT ALL COMES FROM THE AMERICAN TAX DOLLAR.

True good point. I guess what I was trying to ask is are they going to use the money they already have or raise the taxes in order to pay for it.
What part of DOA don't you understand? :dunno:

Are we talking about the bill or the braindead idiots in the white house? Now that I think of it you're probably meaning the first part and not the latter but both are and we're DOA in different ways.

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