The Seditionists' Indictment You Can Read For Yourselves

Since I don't have a propagandist I'd say you are full of shit. I'd much rather hear about Epps and Sullivan. How bout you.
Yes, you do worship politicians. By your constant repeating of the same mantra you are claiming in your own mind that people could not possibly support a politician or their policies unless they worship that politician.

Your limitations in thought betray you. You indeed worship EmperorShitzHizPantz. The senile fascist fake that let Jimmy Carter off of the hook for being worst president in US History, is in fact your god, and your messiah.
No, sorry. You worship your orange God and have left Yahweh behind. Yahweh, being a vain and ruel god, has noticed your heresy and your idol worship of the orange pile of shit. So don't expect the pearly gates to be open for you, if you buy the farm tomorrow.
Trump won, really. LOL

Yeah, he did. Legit presidents don't hide.... Only third world dictators need to hide. Or how about that inauguration? Two thousand hand picked "supporters", even Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War, had a normal inauguration. So yeah, Trump did win, and the actions of YOUR illegitimate resident PROVE that beyond doubt.



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No, sorry. You worship your orange God and have left Yahweh behind. Yahweh, being a vain and ruel god, has noticed your heresy and your idol worship of the orange pile of shit. So don't expect the pearly gates to be open for you, if you buy the farm tomorrow.
So did Joe Biden win the 2020 Election with 81 Million Votes, and if so, why are you people claiming "Voter Suppression" or claiming Hillary had her election stolen when you claim our elections are secure?

If they are secure and there is no voter suppression, why are you trying to pass a voter's rights bill which makes our elections less secure?

Why do you hate God? Do you hate Christians? Do you hate Jews?

Let's have a discussion instead of giving you a platform to spew propaganda like some foaming at the mouth nut in a straight jacket.
Yeah, he did. Legit presidents don't hide.... Only third world dictators need to hide. Or how about that inauguration? Two thousand hand picked "supporters", even Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War, had a normal inauguration. So yeah, Trump did win, and the actions of YOUR illegitimate resident PROVE that beyond doubt.


So did Joe Biden win the 2020 Election with 81 Million Votes, and if so, why are you people claiming "Voter Suppression" or claiming Hillary had her election stolen when you claim our elections are secure?

If they are secure and there is no voter suppression, why are you trying to pass a voter's rights bill which makes our elections less secure?

Why do you hate God? Do you hate Christians? Do you hate Jews?

Let's have a discussion instead of giving you a platform to spew propaganda like some foaming at the mouth nut in a straight jacket.
Don't ask me questions. I am not here to nurture and soothe your orange God worship.
Since I don't have a propagandist I'd say you are full of shit. I'd much rather hear about Epps and Sullivan. How bout you.
Epps is an Arizona Oath Keeper who owns a wedding venue. What about him that hasn't already been thoroughly debunked in this topic?

It's like whack-a-mole with you people.
Epps is an Arizona Oath Keeper who owns a wedding venue. What about him that hasn't already been thoroughly debunked in this topic?

It's like whack-a-mole with you people.

epps is an fbi plant.

Don't ask me questions. I am not here to nurture and soothe your orange God worship.
I thought this was a debate forum. You know questions and answers. Maybe the mods should classify you as a troll since you really don't want to participate in any discussions.

I'll give you another chance since I am cool like that.

So did Joe Biden win the 2020 Election with 81 Million Votes, and if so, why are you people claiming "Voter Suppression" or claiming Hillary had her election stolen when you claim our elections are secure?

If they are secure and there is no voter suppression, why are you trying to pass a voter's rights bill which makes our elections less secure?

Why do you hate God? Do you hate Christians? Do you hate Jews?

Let's have a discussion instead of giving you a platform to spew propaganda like some foaming at the mouth nut in a straight jacket.

It's spelled out in the indictment you are too terrified to read.

I read the indictment - unlike you.

It's typical leftist innuendo and claptrap.

If that shit ever gets to a jury it will be laughed out of court.

Oberfuhrer Garland is busy hunting down family members and threatening children in order to coerce confessions - as the thugs in the DOJ always do. He can't win in a fair trial.
Here, hold my beer.
Watch your stay up to date.
This is gonna be a fascinating story!
The characters are colorful (a gun-nut leader who shoots himself in the face and loses an eye!!!); the story compelling; and the stakes high.
Watch it. Should be fun.

Personally, speaking for my avatar ---- we are skeptical that good poster Claudette's legal argument of "a pig's ass" will get an acquittal. Betcha.

This cake is still baking. Betcha.
I suspect deals will be made.

Doesn‘t make it less a grasping at straws prosecution, by a politicized DoJ.

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