The Scramble To Protect Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

The Press/Party along with the deep state will make sure no investigations of the 47 years of blatant corruption by Xi's man Quid Pro is allowed. When/If Xi's man is sworn in, the Press/Party along with the deep state will tell America that firing Special Counsel Durham is proof that Quid Pro is an honest and upright man protecting the nation from the division that investigations bring about. Nasty Madcow will explain that investigation of a sitting president is UnAmerican. Potato Brian Stelter will report that investigations into Biden corruption is in fact treason.

America is done.

MAYBE we take it back in '22. But that means stopping the election fraud in Georgia - which we just FAILED to do in the presidential election. The Maoists are emboldened. They know they can openly rig elections and we will do NOTHING to stop them. So I would say America is over.

If we DO stop the Communists in Georgia and we take the house in '22 - Harris must be impeached on day one of that new Congress. The Communists have set precedent, impeachment needs no legal reason. Impeach her for being a tramp - it doesn't matter, just impeach and remove her.
I hear Obama was really born in Kenya
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

No wonder he will keep Wray as head of the FBI. Wray's head is pretty far up Biden's ass.
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

The Press/Party along with the deep state will make sure no investigations of the 47 years of blatant corruption by Xi's man Quid Pro is allowed. When/If Xi's man is sworn in, the Press/Party along with the deep state will tell America that firing Special Counsel Durham is proof that Quid Pro is an honest and upright man protecting the nation from the division that investigations bring about. Nasty Madcow will explain that investigation of a sitting president is UnAmerican. Potato Brian Stelter will report that investigations into Biden corruption is in fact treason.

America is done.

MAYBE we take it back in '22. But that means stopping the election fraud in Georgia - which we just FAILED to do in the presidential election. The Maoists are emboldened. They know they can openly rig elections and we will do NOTHING to stop them. So I would say America is over.

If we DO stop the Communists in Georgia and we take the house in '22 - Harris must be impeached on day one of that new Congress. The Communists have set precedent, impeachment needs no legal reason. Impeach her for being a tramp - it doesn't matter, just impeach and remove her.

Agreed that the United States is "over."

But it will limp along for a few more decades until it collapses by the end of this century.

There are many reasons for its implosion, including some that may be discussed only in private.

Our great-grandchildren's great-grandchildren face a grim future, unless they are fortunate enough to find a congenial place in this world to live. But that is doubtful.
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

Joe DiGenova for AG!
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

We've been over this several times, kids.

Gateway pundit is not news, it's an entertainment site. You can't use it as a source of anything but jokes.
Since the reality tv guy prefers to pardon confederates over promoting the general welfare in our republic, Biden could and should decree by executive order for faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation. Official weights and measures should be established in order to better provide for the general welfare.
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We've been over this several times, kids. Gateway pundit is not news, it's an entertainment site. You can't use it as a source of anything but jokes.

Yes, we have seen you spew the same opinion more than once, every time you can't debunk what they are reporting.

Last edited:
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

We've been over this several times, kids.

Gateway pundit is not news, it's an entertainment site. You can't use it as a source of anything but jokes.
Here's an idea.

Why don't you debunk their report?

Some of you have no idea why or how to discredit a source.
Biden loyalists can wipe corporation records, but they can't wipe the criminal evidence against the Bidens the DHS and Treasury Department have already declared publicly they have.
We've been over this several times, kids. Gateway pundit is not news, it's an entertainment site. You can't use it as a source of anything but jokes.

Yes, we have seen you spew the same opinion more than once, every time you can't debunk what they are reporting.

It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Sorry for your luck.
The DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared publicly they have physical financial records / evidence the Bidens took $1.5 BILLION from China and that Hunter Biden laundered money for the Russians. State Department Reps testified under oath before Congress that Biden DID meet with Hunter's co-Board Members when they showed up in DC asking for a meeting with Biden, using Hunter's name as leverage to get the meeting. Whistle Blowers have already testified under oath Joe Biden was involved in his son's Influence Peddling, as was Joe's Brother...There is enough evidence already to indict, charge, and convict Hunter Biden and indict / Impeach Biden the moment he takes the oath of office; however, the FBI and DOJ refuse to take any action.

The FBI knew about Hunter's crimes and the Biden's financial scams during the Democrats' faux Impeachment hearings, but FBI Director Wray withheld the evidence - PROVEN by recently released official documents. Biden even confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM to get the top Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son and the criminal-owned energy company he was working for.

An investigation into Dominion, the company whose voting machines were used in this past election, revealed that the ChiCom govt paid Dominion $400 MILLION before the election.

Joe's financial connection to China has been proven beyond doubt....but the effort to wipe any and all evidence is still underway:

Firm Linked To Joe Biden Scrubs Website
Of All China Related Business

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm cofounded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden’s election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants.

An archived version of the WestExec site states that “U.S. research universities” were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to “remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs.”

The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense.

Great....a Secretary of Defense linked to China....and Biden....

We've been over this several times, kids.

Gateway pundit is not news, it's an entertainment site. You can't use it as a source of anything but jokes.
Here's an idea.

Why don't you debunk their report?

Some of you have no idea why or how to discredit a source.
Why don't you provide a real report?

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