The Science Fraud

Ok, we understand that, but the issue is whether the USA was the first place to make blacks slaves, and it was NOT.

Something about the Bible and Pharoah comes to mind.......
American blacks have been so brainwashed by their Democrat handlers that they really don't care about what happened to other races, only their own.
South American slaves? ::::yawn:::::
More slaves today in India than any other country on earth? :::: reparations for us!::::::::

Thu 9/14/2023 11:35 AM​

Hi John—

Your critique of the Dawkins weasel demonstration found its way to me, and I agree with it entirely. I offered my own critique in Undeniable (p198-200). You hit the nail on the head!

Regrettably, even solid refutations of evolutionary arguments like this don’t seem to get their proponents to rethink their position. I’ve become convinced that this is because the root problem is spiritual, not scientific or intellectual.

Best regards,

Doug Axe

Douglas Axe, PhD
Rosa Endowed Chair of Molecular Biology
Professor of Computational Biology
Co-Director of Stewart Science Honors Program
School of Science, Technology & Health
Biola University

Oh, no. You had to go there. Another creationer loon from the Disco’tute.

Axe is a zealous creationist associated with the Discovery Institute (he is the director at their “Biologic Institute"). Axe is a molecular biologist, and thus actually knows some science. He uses this knowledge to write mundane papers, at least two of which have been published in low-tier, although genuine, journals - despite being uninteresting and mundane. Axe’s work is hailed by the Discovery Institute as evidence for their views. Of course, there is no actual support of intelligent design in these published papers, and Axe himself admits as much: Axe (2004) and the evolution of enzyme function

Insofar as Axe is a creationist with real scientific publications to his name, Axe’s work is one of the main contributions to a sheen of legitimacy for the ID movement. But given that his publications do not at all support or even touch on their views (but are willfully interpreted as such by other ID-proponents without Axe complaining) he is an important contributor to erecting the framework of dishonesty that is the ID movement.

Diagnosis: Dishonest wingnut who might pose a genuine if minor threat to science and rationality as a creationist with actually published (though unrelated) material.
It's interesting how all the atheists and pseudointellectuals have fallen silent.
They no longer tout their own scientific knowledge while calling me names.

I love to teach, both the willing and the uncooperative. The latter need it the most.

Hopefully I'm getting through to some of them.

It's pretty hard to top Doug Axe's credentials and his confirmation of my critique of Richard Dawkins' monkey business.
It's interesting how all the atheists and pseudointellectuals have fallen silent.
They no longer tout their own scientific knowledge while calling me names.

I love to teach, both the willing and the uncooperative. The latter need it the most.

Hopefully I'm getting through to some of them.

It's pretty hard to top Doug Axe's credentials and his confirmation of my critique of Richard Dawkins' monkey business.

It’s comical how the creationer retreats to quacks and charlatans from the Disco’tute for “scientific knowledge”. It was Ann Gauger and Doug Axe who perpetrated a total fraud by trying to represent themselves as scientists as opposed to the religiously insane.

The industry of creationer fraud has become just a fringe element of religious extremism. As an example of just how fraudulent the Disco’tute, for one example, really is:

Intelligent design think tank's “institute” is a Shutterstock image

A green screen plus a stock image of a lab equals instant credibility.

Intelligent design think tank's “institute” is a Shutterstock image

A green screen plus a stock image of a lab equals instant credibility.

Hey, do the one where it looks like you're on the moon next.

Hey, do the one where it looks like you're on the moon next.
Discovery Institute
As a think tank focused on intelligent design, the Discovery Institute presumably has no need for physical laboratories—its research is mostly imagination-based. So it seemed odd to Richard Hoppe of Panda’s Thumbwhen he saw a video of one of the Institute’s researchers spouting all sorts of bad science from a lab setting. Although the video was datelined from the “Biologic Institute” of the Discovery Institute, it turns out that the nonsensical rant was green-screened in front of a stock image
It just occurred to me this very morning that the anti-science of Darwinism promotes the anti-intellectualism of atheists. They think that because "evolution" gives them the sense that all life made itself, from nothing, that they can extrapolate this pseudoscience to all matter, energy, correspondence, and elegance. Both inanities are completely wrong.

"Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." - Richard Dawkins

“I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.” -― Richard Dawkins

This is a lie of unbelievable proportion. Religious scientists throughout history have sought to understand the world, and continue to do so today.
Dawkins has only lies, and he continues to support them with more lies.
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It just occurred to me this very morning that the anti-science of Darwinism promotes the anti-intellectualism of atheists. They think that because "evolution" gives them the sense that all life made itself, from nothing, that they can extrapolate this pseudoscience to all matter, energy, correspondence, and elegance. Both inanities are completely wrong.

"Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." - Richard Dawkins

“I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.” -― Richard Dawkins

This is a lie of unbelievable proportion. Religious scientists throughout history have sought to understand the world, and continue to do so today.
Dawkins has only lies, and he continues to support them with more lies.

It should have occurred to you that slogans such as “Darwinism” are clear indicators that your cut and paste "quotes" are stolen from one of the ID'iot creationer ministries; AIG, Disco'tute, Harun Yahya for example. Which one did you steal from?

I'm afraid that your endless cut and paste "quotes" provide no supporting documentation for your opinions. The facts of biological evolution derive from the sciences of paleontology, anthropology, geology, oceanography, physics, archaeology, and other branches of science that conflict with your extremist religious beliefs.

We discriminate between ideas based on evidence and reason. There are a certain number of ideas in science in which we have such overwhelming evidence to support the theory that the unsupported claims of the hyper-religious are just not meaningful. Biological evolution is one of those sciences. There will always be a certain number of people who for religious or philosophical reasons reject that facts of science. But there is a reason the argumentum ad populum is a logical fallacy, because it tells us nothing about what is actually true.

October 3, 2023

John, I think you were spot on.
Well put.
I think it's incredibly dumb to take Dawkins' position as fact or even possible.

Jason Cordova, PhD, Biochemistry
[Postnote: After considerable thought, I have an important addition that was not given to Douglas Axe and Jason Cordova. Note that Richard Dawkins asserts, “We shall make it relatively easy by giving him (the monkey) a typewriter with a restricted keyboard, only 26 keys…”

Thus Dawkins extrapolates from “a restricted keyboard,” producing only one brief sentence, to typing out “all the works of Shakespeare” (sic) rather than what Sir Eddington originally said, “All the books in the British Museum” – a prodigiously larger collection of works than Shakespeare’s.

This ignorant extrapolation of a monkey typing a single line, to typing all of Shakespeare’s works, much less the British Museum’s, is no different from the ignorance of trivial adaptations being extrapolated to produce all living organisms from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).]
Something about the Bible and Pharoah comes to mind.......
American blacks have been so brainwashed by their Democrat handlers that they really don't care about what happened to other races, only their own.
South American slaves? ::::yawn:::::
More slaves today in India than any other country on earth? :::: reparations for us!::::::::

The Dutch took the first slaves to Brazil to work the plantations of the Sugar Jews. If you lived back then you could have bought stock in the slave ships or the Dutch West Indies Company.

The Dutch first participated in transatlantic slavery in the 1630s by transporting slaves to Brazil. Following that, the Netherlands also got involved in the slave trade to the Spanish colonies. In the 18th century, the country’s most important slavery markets were what are today Suriname and Guyana.

Initially, the Dutch trade was organised by the so called Dutch West Indies Company, but after 1730, an era of free trade developed. The Dutch part in transatlantic slavery is estimated at 5-7 percent. This means that about 550,000 – 600,000 Africans were deported by the Netherlands.

Dutch Orthodox Rabbi Lody van de Kamp wrote a book about Dutch Jewish complicity in the transatlantic slave trade. He talks about the Jodensavanne (“Jewish Savannah”), an agricultural community with 40 Jewish-owned plantations with at least 5,000 enslaved people in a part of former Dutch Guyana.

Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh states that Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 enslaved people on the Caribbean island of Curacao.

According to Drescher, there was a time when Jewish people controlled about 17 percent of the Caribbean trade in Dutch colonies. However, Jewish involvement in transatlantic slavery is not unique as wealthy merchants across Europe of different faiths all participated.
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It should have occurred to you that slogans such as “Darwinism” are clear indicators that your cut and paste "quotes" are stolen from one of the ID'iot creationer ministries; AIG, Disco'tute, Harun Yahya for example. Which one did you steal from?

I'm afraid that your endless cut and paste "quotes" provide no supporting documentation for your opinions. The facts of biological evolution derive from the sciences of paleontology, anthropology, geology, oceanography, physics, archaeology, and other branches of science that conflict with your extremist religious beliefs.

We discriminate between ideas based on evidence and reason. There are a certain number of ideas in science in which we have such overwhelming evidence to support the theory that the unsupported claims of the hyper-religious are just not meaningful. Biological evolution is one of those sciences. There will always be a certain number of people who for religious or philosophical reasons reject that facts of science. But there is a reason the argumentum ad populum is a logical fallacy, because it tells us nothing about what is actually true.

The bull horn font size works for you ... like the Roman noblewoman in LoB "Oh good, it's about time the meek got something" ...
The Dutch took the first slaves to Brazil to work the plantations of the Sugar Jews. If you lived back then you could have bought stock in the slave ships or the Dutch West Indies Company.

The Dutch first participated in transatlantic slavery in the 1630s by transporting slaves to Brazil. Following that, the Netherlands also got involved in the slave trade to the Spanish colonies. In the 18th century, the country’s most important slavery markets were what are today Suriname and Guyana.

Initially, the Dutch trade was organised by the so called Dutch West Indies Company, but after 1730, an era of free trade developed. The Dutch part in transatlantic slavery is estimated at 5-7 percent. This means that about 550,000 – 600,000 Africans were deported by the Netherlands.

Dutch Orthodox Rabbi Lody van de Kamp wrote a book about Dutch Jewish complicity in the transatlantic slave trade. He talks about the Jodensavanne (“Jewish Savannah”), an agricultural community with 40 Jewish-owned plantations with at least 5,000 enslaved people in a part of former Dutch Guyana.

Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh states that Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 enslaved people on the Caribbean island of Curacao.

According to Drescher, there was a time when Jewish people controlled about 17 percent of the Caribbean trade in Dutch colonies. However, Jewish involvement in transatlantic slavery is not unique as wealthy merchants across Europe of different faiths all participated.
Or you could cut out the middle man and deal direct with the Arab slavers.
From the science fraud of Darwinism, Leftists have tried to change the subject to slavery, and the "white man's" responsibility for it. The Left lies relentlessly. Slavery and reparations and "racism" are some of their favorites.

National Geographic had an article on slavery some months ago. In it, they stated "there are more slaves worldwide today than ever before in history." You think slavery has been eliminated, you are ignorant and naive to think that.

India has the largest number of slaves in the world today. I spoke to a man from India and told him how amazed I was at the Indian practice of the Caste System. "It's as bad as slavery," I said.
He corrected me. "No, it's worse."

So much for the Leftist lie of "systemic racism" in America. If that were so, America would not have more immigrants than the next four countries combined. I spoke to an African immigrant and asked him how he got along with native born blacks. "I can't talk to them. They all have a chip on their shoulder." It was put there by Democrats, perpetuating race warfare for votes. How cynical, cowardly, and destructive.

Countries with the most slaves include1234:
  • India (11,050,000 people in modern slavery)
  • China (5,771,000)
  • North Korea (2,696,000)
  • Pakistan (2,349,000)
  • Russia (1,899,000)

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[Postnote: After considerable thought, I have an important addition that was not given to Douglas Axe and Jason Cordova. Note that Richard Dawkins asserts, “We shall make it relatively easy by giving him (the monkey) a typewriter with a restricted keyboard, only 26 keys…”

Thus Dawkins extrapolates from “a restricted keyboard,” producing only one brief sentence, to typing out “all the works of Shakespeare” (sic) rather than what Sir Eddington originally said, “All the books in the British Museum” – a prodigiously larger collection of works than Shakespeare’s.

This ignorant extrapolation of a monkey typing a single line, to typing all of Shakespeare’s works, much less the British Museum’s, is no different from the ignorance of trivial adaptations being extrapolated to produce all living organisms from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).]
Tell us again about why the periodic table is wrong and very high school, university and college uses it incorrectly……but you are the only one in the world who gets it right. Tell us.

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