The Schools Cannot Be Saved....They Must Be Destroyed

What it takes to teach Home Skool

Sleep till noon
Have the kids watch TV all morning as part of their instruction
Teach your kids about hating Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks….
Learn them about Creation Science and the evils of evolution
Forbid them from interacting with those who are not your kind
"Two morons in Oregon (of COURSE) made and distributed the video that led to their own suspension when they did a TikTok of themselves saying “F*** YOU” and flipping the bird at the idea of parents objecting to the brainwashing of kids at Mountain View Middle School in Newberg, Oregon.

Someone who thinks "the flag should not be aloud" is teaching American children? Time to yank your children out of public school and let the morons scream as they see their funding going DOWN THE TUBE! Suck it, bitches!
Because of radical infestation…and if that title isn’t heeded, neither can America be saved.

1.The infection runs too deeply. The amount of damaging curriculum, bureaucracy, and political leaning cannot be incised, and the system remain. It must be re-built from the top down, the bottom up, and both sides as well. If any true Americans wish to have children that respect them, love their country, and continue to be recognizable as their own offspring, then they need to opt for carefully chosen private education, or home schooling.

Nor do I have the slightest faith that any such will be done. We will simply continue to bask in the afterglow of a once great nation.

2. This is mandated government schooling throughout our once-free nation:

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.” Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.”

3. “ Through the late 60's, City College (of New York City) was justifiably known as the "proletarian Harvard" so high were its admissions standards, so challenging its curriculum and so prestigious its degrees. Hunter, Brooklyn and Queens Colleges were similarly prestigious.
CUNY Was Known as 'Proletarian Harvard' - The New York ...

Take a look at the current result of American students compared to the rest of the world’s students today:

“U.S. Students Show No Improvement in Math, Reading, Science on International Exam Most troubling among the results was that an international performance gap in education is widening.
"Scores have flatlined for a decade. Worse yet, scores for our most vulnerable students continue to decline. We are being outpaced not only by our global competitors like China and Russia, but also by countries like Estonia, Finland and Canada."

4. Just as Democrats/Communists yearn for a ‘worker’s paradise,’ I yearn for a ‘scholar’s paradise,’ and nothing could be further from that dream than government schooling. There are things that could and must be changed in a new school system, and using the 'woke' terminology.....a school system that must be "re-imagined."

5. “In the 1950s, when the United States was considered the top rung of the world, only the students who were academically inclined were encouraged (sometimes threatened) to go to college.
Students who weren’t well suited for college gravitated toward careers in trades and other careers where a college education isn’t essential. That was the perceptive way of doing things, and it worked pretty well.

At some point, someone got the bright idea that “every kid should go to college.” I know Bill Clinton said it.
Now, this is important; from a psychological standpoint it should be noted that he did NOT say “Every kid should HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to go to college.” This implies a choice.

But what he said implies that the choice has just been removed.”
What is wrong with American high schools? | The Liberty Loft

Remember....choice, freedom, these are not part of the Democrat vocabulary.
What arrogance.

Good point. Having seen the quality of education being provided in math, science, English, and history, I wouldn't want those same people teaching my kids sex, even if it wasn't creepy. I'm hoping to have more grandchildren someday. These retards would have them trying to reproduce by sticking their finger in their partner's nostril or something.
Good point. Having seen the quality of education being provided in math, science, English, and history, I wouldn't want those same people teaching my kids sex, even if it wasn't creepy. I'm hoping to have more grandchildren someday. These retards would have them trying to reproduce by sticking their finger in their partner's nostril or something.

I bet you've seen the results of our government schooled kids on international exams....


PISA - PISA - OECD › pisa

PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds' ability to use their reading, mathematics and science ...


"Liberal Perv Parade Proving Exactly Why Florida Law Is Needed​

American leftists have long been open about viewing parents as annoying obstacles to the public education indoctrination process. That’s how “Pre-K” came into being in the first place. The sooner they can get the kids out of the house for several hours a day, the easier it is to start brainwashing them with a radicalized agenda.

...Democrats are so hell-bent on being able to talk to innocent, vulnerable children who are barely removed from toddlerhood about sex.

...lamenting was not being able to talk to his young charges (kindergarteners) about his personal life with his gay partner.

But at least one teacher, Amber Mercier who works at The Academy, says she’ll keep lying to parents about their kids, and she’s willing to lose her job over it.
Mercier is gay, and she believes keeping secrets about sexuality from her students’ families — if the student wants her to — is worth losing her job over. “I just want to go ahead and state that I would rather lose my job than out one of my students to their families. Being a safe person and a safe place for kids who don’t have that at home is one of the best parts of being a teacher, so, yeah, I’m not doing it. Fire me, sue me, take me to jail — I’m not doing it.”
Again, we’re talking about kids between the ages of four and eight, exactly what is she going to out them for?"

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