Do Y'all Know What A Common Denominator Is?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I invoke, quite often, see the money, follow the agenda- I often get hyperbolic reactions, but, rarely get a legitimate, sound rebuttal.

I'm going to post a couple of comments from an article first- let them sink in. Or not- be observant and remember, knowledge isn't biased in its origin- and, can manifest itself in unimaginable ways- sow seeds, some will bear fruit, etc.

(1) Judeo supremacists have captured the nodes of power in media, retailing, banking, law-making, and government policy.
They are grooming their children to rule the West, like the British colonials ruled India.
There is a French phrase, Maitre chez nous, which means ‘masters of our own house’. It became popular during de-colonization. Whites must choose to be masters of their own house, or servants.

(2) I don’t understand why White people are so opposed to Jewish dominance. After all, we’ve been renting a god from them for well over a thousand years now…

Hyperbole is a reaction, not a response- follow the money, see the agenda is a truth.

And, for the record, I have never said (the empty hyperbolic) "it's all the joooooooos fault" (see the title for my belief) Common Denominator-
a shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.
  • a feature shared by all members of a group.
Now, voters love to point fingers, at each other- remember 3 fingers are pointing back- voters (and politicians) like to blame the other side, or another Country- why? Why do people blame others for their own lack of observation and convictions?

I say that, (conviction), because, allegedly, this is the land of the free, yet, we the stinky tourists, refuse to see- how can one have a conviction when refusing to convict? How can allegedly educated people not see what is right in front of them?

Oh, granted we want to convict- the other guy, some other country- but, not the real culprits- yes, politicians in the many Districts of Criminals around the country, beginning in DC on BOTH sides of the aisle.

But, I digress, I put this here because- higher education- or, a more thorough indoctrination.

Who's Miseducating America's Elites?
7 of 8 Ivy League Presidents Are Jewish

When the choice is the dignity of their children versus promises of money, power and prestige, the bourgeoisie opts for the latter.
I invoke, quite often, see the money, follow the agenda- I often get hyperbolic reactions, but, rarely get a legitimate, sound rebuttal.

I'm going to poat a couple pof comments from an article first- let them sink in. Or not- be observant and remember, knowledge isn't biased in its origin- and, can manifest itself in unimaginable ways- sow seeds, some will bear fruit, etc.

(1) Judeo supremacists have captured the nodes of power in media, retailing, banking, law-making, and government policy.
They are grooming their children to rule the West, like the British colonials ruled India.
There is a French phrase, Maitre chez nous, which means ‘masters of our own house’. It became popular during de-colonization. Whites must choose to be masters of their own house, or servants.

(2) I don’t understand why White people are so opposed to Jewish dominance. After all, we’ve been renting a god from them for well over a thousand years now…

Hyperbole is a reaction, not a response- follow the money, see the agenda is a truth.

And, for the record, I have never said (the empty hyperbolic) "it's all the joooooooos fault" (see the title for my belief) Common Denominator-
a shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.
  • a feature shared by all members of a group.
Now, voters love to point fingers, at each other- remember 3 fingers are pointing back- voters (and politicians) like to blame the other side, or another Country- why? Why do people blame others for their own lack of observation and convictions?

I say that, (conviction), because, allegedly, this is the land of the free, yet, we the stinky tourists, refuse to see- how can one have a conviction when refusing to convict? How can allegedly educated people not see what is right in front of them?

Oh, granted we want to convict- the other guy, some other country- but, not the real culprits- yes, politicians in the many Districts of Criminals around the countrym beginning in DC on BOTH sides of the aisle.

But, I digress, I put this here because- higher education- or, a more thorough indoctrination.

Who's Miseducating America's Elites?
7 of 8 Ivy League Presidents Are Jewish

When the choice is the dignity of their children versus promises of money, power and prestige, the bourgeoisie opts for the latter.
(1) Judeo supremacists have captured the nodes of power in media, retailing, banking, law-making, and government policy.
They are grooming their children to rule the West, like the British colonials ruled India.

You still haven't explained why uber billionaire Christians have JOOOS run their businesses.
It could be 20+ years of concentrating on school and, for the most part, pilfering far less than their Christian counterparts.
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You still haven't explained why uber billionaire Christians have JOOOS run their businesses.
Do you have to be led everywhere? Can you not think, see for yourself? good lord- an epitome of willfully blind-

BTW, ass wipe- what do you have against proper spelling? Hyperbole much do you? Did you read the fucking article? Higher educated are you? Good lord!
You still haven't explained why uber billionaire Christians have JOOOS run their businesses.
Do you have to be led everywhere? Can you not think, see for yourself? good lord- an epitome of willfully blind-

BTW, ass wipe- what do you have against proper spelling? Hyperbole much do you? Did you read the fucking article? Higher educated are you? Good lord!
I have read your articles have issues.
You still haven't explained why uber billionaire Christians have JOOOS run their businesses.
And Jews have zero desire to take over the world.
  • Thread starter
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  • #5
I have read your articles have issues.
You still haven't explained why uber billionaire Christians have JOOOS run their businesses.
And Jews have zero desire to take over the world.
Yeah- and they go in one ear and out he other- just like you're told, by your betters, to do- you DON'T do for yourself and resort to hyperbole and now straw man trying to be something you ain't- or, maybe not, since intellectual dishonesty seems to be a common trait, i.e. denominator. Among the willfully blind, like yourself- and I have NEVER made the claim you're stupid enough to say I make- geezus- you better bring a flash light and something to eat fuck face- you're gonna be here til the cows get home, at least, trying to be clever.
I have read your articles have issues.
You still haven't explained why uber billionaire Christians have JOOOS run their businesses.
And Jews have zero desire to take over the world.
Yeah- and they go in one ear and out he other- just like you're told, by your betters, to do- you DON'T do for yourself and resort to hyperbole and now straw man trying to be something you ain't- or, maybe not, since intellectual dishonesty seems to be a common trait, i.e. denominator. Among the willfully blind, like yourself- and I have NEVER made the claim you're stupid enough to say I make- geezus- you better bring a flash light and something to eat fuck face- you're gonna be here til the cows get home, at least, trying to be clever.
I invoke, quite often, see the money, follow the agenda- I often get hyperbolic reactions, but, rarely get a legitimate, sound rebuttal.

I'm going to post a couple of comments from an article first- let them sink in. Or not- be observant and remember, knowledge isn't biased in its origin- and, can manifest itself in unimaginable ways- sow seeds, some will bear fruit, etc.

(1) Judeo supremacists have captured the nodes of power in media, retailing, banking, law-making, and government policy.
They are grooming their children to rule the West, like the British colonials ruled India.
There is a French phrase, Maitre chez nous, which means ‘masters of our own house’. It became popular during de-colonization. Whites must choose to be masters of their own house, or servants.

(2) I don’t understand why White people are so opposed to Jewish dominance. After all, we’ve been renting a god from them for well over a thousand years now…

Hyperbole is a reaction, not a response- follow the money, see the agenda is a truth.

And, for the record, I have never said (the empty hyperbolic) "it's all the joooooooos fault" (see the title for my belief) Common Denominator-
a shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.
  • a feature shared by all members of a group.
Now, voters love to point fingers, at each other- remember 3 fingers are pointing back- voters (and politicians) like to blame the other side, or another Country- why? Why do people blame others for their own lack of observation and convictions?

I say that, (conviction), because, allegedly, this is the land of the free, yet, we the stinky tourists, refuse to see- how can one have a conviction when refusing to convict? How can allegedly educated people not see what is right in front of them?

Oh, granted we want to convict- the other guy, some other country- but, not the real culprits- yes, politicians in the many Districts of Criminals around the country, beginning in DC on BOTH sides of the aisle.

But, I digress, I put this here because- higher education- or, a more thorough indoctrination.

Who's Miseducating America's Elites?
7 of 8 Ivy League Presidents Are Jewish

When the choice is the dignity of their children versus promises of money, power and prestige, the bourgeoisie opts for the latter.
Liberals Jews are anti-Jewish values.
or rises above it UnKotare

so many control freaks on this rock protect themselves via this racial bullshit

and so few of us call them out on it.....

Who cares what the jews are doing when trump is ruining our nation singlehandedly ? I can't say as I ever heard of a person of jewish faith trying to destroy anything.
I invoke, quite often, see the money, follow the agenda- I often get hyperbolic reactions, but, rarely get a legitimate, sound rebuttal.

I'm going to post a couple of comments from an article first- let them sink in. Or not- be observant and remember, knowledge isn't biased in its origin- and, can manifest itself in unimaginable ways- sow seeds, some will bear fruit, etc.

(1) Judeo supremacists have captured the nodes of power in media, retailing, banking, law-making, and government policy.
They are grooming their children to rule the West, like the British colonials ruled India.
There is a French phrase, Maitre chez nous, which means ‘masters of our own house’. It became popular during de-colonization. Whites must choose to be masters of their own house, or servants.

(2) I don’t understand why White people are so opposed to Jewish dominance. After all, we’ve been renting a god from them for well over a thousand years now…

Hyperbole is a reaction, not a response- follow the money, see the agenda is a truth.

And, for the record, I have never said (the empty hyperbolic) "it's all the joooooooos fault" (see the title for my belief) Common Denominator-
a shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.
  • a feature shared by all members of a group.
Now, voters love to point fingers, at each other- remember 3 fingers are pointing back- voters (and politicians) like to blame the other side, or another Country- why? Why do people blame others for their own lack of observation and convictions?

I say that, (conviction), because, allegedly, this is the land of the free, yet, we the stinky tourists, refuse to see- how can one have a conviction when refusing to convict? How can allegedly educated people not see what is right in front of them?

Oh, granted we want to convict- the other guy, some other country- but, not the real culprits- yes, politicians in the many Districts of Criminals around the country, beginning in DC on BOTH sides of the aisle.

But, I digress, I put this here because- higher education- or, a more thorough indoctrination.

Who's Miseducating America's Elites?
7 of 8 Ivy League Presidents Are Jewish

When the choice is the dignity of their children versus promises of money, power and prestige, the bourgeoisie opts for the latter.

its the bottom number in a fraction.
Painful insecurity is one of the common denominators in antisemitism.

Resentfulness, paranoia, inadequacy and gullibility are some of the others.
I'm an anomaly- stop projecting your own inadequacies- read the fucking article- it has plenty of facts-

As for being anti-semtism- so fucking what? Follow the money, see the agenda- I'm also anti-corrupt- anti deceitfulness- anti liars- anti group think- anti-organized religion- anti Party Loyalty (group think/herd mentality) at its finest-

I AM - pro-Liberty- pro Individual rights-
And not a one of you, pro-semites, can legitimately refute anything I post, or say- you can, and do, post hyperbole and straw man arguments and projections- read my opening- if you can even fucking read-

I invoke, quite often, see the money, follow the agenda- I often get hyperbolic reactions, but, rarely get a legitimate, sound rebuttal.

Maybe one of you pro-semites can change my mind-
That OCD has got to be a real bitch.
...prove anything I post isn't accurate- ...

That’s just what the crazy old man at the train station kept shouting when no one would take his story about the robot ghost of Napoleon trying to take over his body seriously. Maybe there’s a place where you can get some help for your problems.
That’s just what the crazy old man at the train station kept shouting when no one would take his story about the robot ghost of Napoleon trying to take over his body seriously. Maybe there’s a place where you can get some help for your problems.
Hyperbole- straw man- you have NO legitimate rebuttal- imagine that- a Public Educator- stumped-

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