The Road to Auschwitz Ran Through American Genocide. Part IV

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

You are absolutely right

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.
Last edited:

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.
That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.
Like white supremacy and Hitler or Andy Jackson?

"'One of the most striking Nazi views was that Jim Crow was a suitable racist program in the United States because American blacks were already oppressed and poor,' he says. 'But then in Germany, by contrast, where the Jews (as the Nazis imagined it) were rich and powerful, it was necessary to take more severe measures.'

"Because of this, Nazis were more interested in how the U.S. had designated Native Americans, Filipinos and other groups as non-citizens even though they lived in the U.S. or its territories.

"These models influenced the citizenship portion of the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jewish Germans of their citizenship and classified them as 'nationals.'"
I ain't paying them any reparations either.

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.
That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.
Like white supremacy and Hitler or Andy Jackson?

"'One of the most striking Nazi views was that Jim Crow was a suitable racist program in the United States because American blacks were already oppressed and poor,' he says. 'But then in Germany, by contrast, where the Jews (as the Nazis imagined it) were rich and powerful, it was necessary to take more severe measures.'

"Because of this, Nazis were more interested in how the U.S. had designated Native Americans, Filipinos and other groups as non-citizens even though they lived in the U.S. or its territories.

"These models influenced the citizenship portion of the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jewish Germans of their citizenship and classified them as 'nationals.'"

That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


It is worth noting that the vast majority of Indian deaths, were caused by disease.

If the Spanish ships were all crewed by gandi clones, armed with nerf swords, by and large, the death toll would have been very similar.

“America as we know it would hardly exist, territorially or culturally, without visions of Indian death”

Laura M. Stevens. British Missionaries, Native Americans and Colonial Sensibility


Regardless of the genocide of the indigenous population, whether it is Spanish, English, or the genocide of the Bolshevik government against the Russian people, in which the majority, according to Putin, were Jews, I was always interested in the socio-psychological portrait of the inspirers, organizers and executors of the massacres. The Spanish and American genocides of the indigenous population of the supercontinent are no exception, which, as we will show later, have the same socio-psychological nature.

To understand the whole nightmare of the massacres unleashed by the Spanish conquistadors, and then continued by the American colonists, I will give only one description of what happened in the third quarter of the 16th century in the territory of South, Central and North (Mexico) America:

Some of the indias even as late as the 1580 were being broken physically, their insides literally bursting in some instances from the heavy loads they had to carry. Unable to endure more, some of them committed suicide by hanging, starving themselves, or by eating poisonous herbs. Encomenderos forced them to work in open fields where they tried to care for their children. They slept outside and there gave birth to and reared their babies, who were often bitten by poisonous insects. Mothers occasionally killed their offspring at birth to spare them future agonies… (Other) working mothers present a poignant image when we hear of them returning home after weeks of months of separation from their children, only to find that they had died or had been taken away…


If the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Christian Europeans against Native Americans had been established, testimonies derived from the Europeans' own writings would have taken thousands of volumes. As everywhere, Indians were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, and set upon by dogs of war…

After hordes of immigrants began to invade the American continent, the situation only worsened. The Spaniards were only interested in gold, and therefore, with all the inhuman cruelty, what the Native Americans experienced, that was incomparable with the genocide started after the arrival of the American colonists. These people were only interested in the land (gold and gold, of course, on these lands) and hundreds of thousands of Native Americans were killed by the new invaders, who, like locusts, moved deeper into the into the continent, destroying all alive on their way, in successful plots of mass poisoning.

They were hunted by dogs, “blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seaze them. Their canoes and fishing weirs were smashed, their villages and agricultural fields burned to the ground. Just in one case? For example, as it happened in Virginia, “… colonists expressed desire that the Indians be exterminated, rooted “out from being longer a people upon the face of the earth”. In a single raid the settlers destroyed corn sufficient to feed four thousand people for a year. Starvation and massacre of non-combatants was becoming the preferred British approach to dealing with the natives. By the end of 1623 the Indians acknowledged that in the past year alone as many of their number had been killed as had died since the first arrival of the British a decade and a half earlier…

The slaughter continued…


The Sand Creek Massacre was very typical.

Colorado – the quintessence of the frontier west. The local newspaper “Rocky Mountain News” launched an incendiary campaign that urged the Indians extermination.

“They are a dissolute, vagabondish, brutal, and ungrateful race, and ought to be wiped from the face of the earth, wrote its editor in March 1863. In August 1864 the newspaper appealed to the settlers and troops to “go for them, their lodges, squaws and all”. Soon a family of settlers was killed as if by Indians. The governor issued an emergency proclamation: “… kill any and all hostile Indians they could find” . To make things more straight the newspaper urged all out “extermination against the red devils”. Then the governor issued another proclamation: “…most of the Indians on the Plains are indeed “hostile” and therefore the citizens and the military’s right and obligation – for which they would be duly paid – “to pursue, kill, and destroy them all”.

700 heavily armed soldiers under command of a former Methodist missionary (and still the elder in the church), Colonel John Chivington, rode to the Sand Creek Village. Several months earlier he, who was also a candidate for Congress had announced in speech that his policy was to “kill and scalp all, little and big”. “Nits make lice”, he was fond of saying. This phrase became theca rallying cry of his troops; since Indians were lice, their children were nits –and the only way to get rid of lice was to kill nits as well.

A half of a century later Heinrich Himmler compared the extermination of Jews as ‘the same thing as delousing”.


“When Indians so that the settlement was surrounded by the troops, the leader of the Cheyenne tided a white flag and the American flag to a lodge pole to show that was a friendly village”, a witness recalled, “he gathered his family around him and held the pole high in effort to show the American troops that they were not a hostile camp. Suddenly the troops began to fire on the mass of man, women and children around him. All began to scatter and run”

Chivington ordered cannons to be fired into the Indians first; then the troops charged on horseback and on foot. There was no place for the native people to hide. Some women ran to the riverbank and clawed at the dirt and sand, frantically digging holes in which to conceal themselves or their children.

From the witness’s testimony:

“After the firing the warriors put the squaws and children together, and surrounded them to protect them. I saw five squaws under a bank for shelter. When the troops came up to them they ran out and showed their persons, to let the soldiers know they were squaws and begged for mercy, but the soldiers shot them all…

There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a whole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that whole were afterwards killed. … … Everyone I saw was scalped (to get paid) . I saw one squaw cut open with an unborn child, as I thought, lying by her side…

Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company В of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“I went over the ground soon after the battle. I should judge there were between 400 and 500 Indians killed. Nearly all, men, women, and children were scalped. I was one woman whose privates had been mutilated.

Lucien Palmer, A Sergeant with the First Cavalry’s Company C:

“The bodies were horribly cut up, skulls broken in good many; I judge they were broken after they were killed, as they were shot besides; … … saw fingers cut off (to get the rings off them), saw several bodies with privates cut off, women as well as men…”


“C. Miksch, Corporal, Company C:

I saw a little boy covered up among Indians in a trench, still alive. I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head. I saw some men unjointing fingers to get rings off, and cutting off ears to get silver ornaments.

Captain L. Wilson of the First Colorado Cavalry:

“… I heard that the privates of White Antelope (the Chief) had been cut off to make a tobacco bag out of it. I heard some of the men say that the privates of one of the squaws had been cut out and put on a stick

John S. Smith, an interpreter:

“…they were all scalped, their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word…worse mutilated than any I ever saw before, the women cut into pieces… Children two or three months old; all ages from sucking infants up to warriors.

First Lieutenant James D. Cannon:

“…I also hears of numerous instances in which men cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks…”.

Later concerned men of Congress decided openly to confront Colorado’s governor and Colonel Chivington on the matter and invited general public in the Denver Opera House. One of them raised a question: Would it be best, henceforward, to try to “civilize” the Indians or simply exterminate them?

Suddenly arose such a shout as never heard unless upon some battlefield – shout almost loud enough to raise the roof of the opera house – EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM!

After all, President Theodore Roosevelt said the Sand Creek Massacre was “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier”.


We failed to investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of serial killers. In the course of writing this part, it seemed to us that it was more important to show all the inhumanity and immorality of what the colonists did to Native Americans and what was blessed by the Christian church and some of the "Fathers of the Nation" and the presidents ...

We will return to the analysis of the personality characteristics of bastards and bantlings in the next chapter. However, I have no doubt that the scalps of the unfortunate are still kept in the archives of the descendants of the serial killers, who destroyed one hundred million people - the owners of this land. I don’t understand how one can talk about 6 million slaughtered European Jews through the fault of American Jews and hush up a genocide of hundred million here in America.

When a series of murders is committed by one person or a group of scams, we first of all are trying to establish the fact of the sanity of the criminals, confirming the fact that they realized what they were doing. Then lawyers start talking about the problems of "difficult childhood", sexual or physical abuse of those who later became serial killers, they talk about congenital genetic defects that gave rise to a tendency to torture and kill.

When we talk about a nation that consciously carried out massacres of OTHERS for two hundred and fifty years, with particular cynicism and cruelty, when it was ideologically and psychologically supported and directed by those whom we honor today as the founders of the nation, this technique of identification of the causes of the innate tendency to kill OTHERS does not work. Especially, when this tendency manifests itself again and again in new generations, in new massacres and a tendencies tendency to mock the dead bodies.

And Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and the "fireballs" in which American pilots burned the civilian population of Japanese cities, and Songmi and tens of thousands of other war crimes against humanity that the government hides from their citizens, points out that the nation is chronically and mentally ill, it is in the “risk group”, being dangerous both for itself and for other countries and peoples.

And so it will be until we anathematize all the crimes of our ancestors and contemporaries against humanity - that vicious material and psychological foundation on which our civilization has grown and functions.

Our continent is cracking, the geophysical catastrophe that will shake this civilization off the face of the earth is inevitable, scientists say. Whether that is a result of condemnation of the tortured ones or a natural process, we do not know. But maybe it can be stopped by bringing to justice the criminals and our penance ...


The Statue that celebrateв the Sand Creek Massacre


"In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

"Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

"When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air.

"They closely studied the laws of another country.

"According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

"'America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,' says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. 'Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.'"

If Trump has contributed anything positive over the past three years, I believe he has opened a lot of US eyes to just how much white supremacy is alive and well in the 21st Century.

That’s some cool shit...Fuck, I’d stay in my own country and or retreat from bigger more powerful Army’s if I wanted to stay alive...Simple
Think cause and effect.

Americans need to read more and listen less to their priests who brainwash them.
Christian "devotees" will be discussed in the fifth chapter: "Servants of Satan in the Cassocks"

You just look at the reaction to the published material - "grave" silence ...!!!

They do not like to read the truth about their great-great-grandfathers

As I understand it, if I did not write about the one hundred million Native Americans destroyed, but about six million Jews, the reaction would be different ... All this is very similar to racism, chauvinism and Nazism ...Let's see the reaction to the next article...


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