The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Obama read the Steele dossier and didn't question the typos, spelling, and grammar?

Did President Obama Read the 'Steele Dossier' in the White House Last August?
Did President Obama Read the ‘Steele Dossier’ in the White House Last August?
I certainly hope so. If anyone in the world needed to read it, it was the sitting POTUS.

Yeah, I am sure he did......just like he read the speech about Obamacare, which was all lies too, lol. And then he read it to us!

Hey Wayne, you ready to take the job I offered you cutting my grass so as you can get off the dole-)
It wasn't "all lies" . Ya sound like a goddamn moron.

And we can all be sure that chest thumping troll morons like you are sitting on a piss stained couch in a mobile home 40 days into foreclosure.
Obama read the Steele dossier and didn't question the typos, spelling, and grammar?

Did President Obama Read the 'Steele Dossier' in the White House Last August?
Did President Obama Read the ‘Steele Dossier’ in the White House Last August?
I certainly hope so. If anyone in the world needed to read it, it was the sitting POTUS.

Yeah, I am sure he did......just like he read the speech about Obamacare, which was all lies too, lol. And then he read it to us!

Hey Wayne, you ready to take the job I offered you cutting my grass so as you can get off the dole-)
It wasn't "all lies" . Ya sound like a goddamn moron.

And we can all be sure that chest thumping troll morons like you are sitting on a piss stained couch in a mobile home 40 days into foreclosure.

LOL, I know you live in Fort Wayne, hehehehehehehehe. I go through Fort Wayne all the time on my way to Florida.

Let me tell you FACTS!

I can buy and sell you and your house, 5 times over, lololol…….if you even have one of those dumps, out of my investments, and still have 85% of it left, lol.

Of course, maybe I am misguided. I only go down 41 on my way to Clarksville for the evening. Who knows, maybe there really are middle class housing in Fort Fun...….errrr I mean, Fort Wayne. Although, I did see the huge gun range there, which must drive you crazy, so in all honesty, Fort Wayne can't be all that bad, they probably just have a few anti Americans like YOU!
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
We're gonna know and it isn't going to be pretty. There actually is a conspiracy, and it's still going on, to take out a legally elected President. The Democrats can't accept the fact that they've lost two Presidential elections to the electoral college within 16 years. You can always tell when you're on the right trail to the corruption because the Democrats ridicule, mock, slander, and insult.

"You can always tell when you're on the right trail to the corruption because the Democrats ridicule, mock, slander, and insult."

since conservatives do that, too

and do it more often

and do it with greater intensity....

if your logic is true then we must conclude that conservatives and republicans are even MORE corrupt.....

I seriously wonder about a brain (conservative in this case) that can spend all day ridiculing, mocking, slandering and insulting liberals and then denounce those liberals for ridiculing, mocking, slandering and insulting liberals.
These Democrats aren't "liberals". They're commies. Your post doesn't make sense. Go back to bed. Idiot.
Obama read the Steele dossier and didn't question the typos, spelling, and grammar?

Did President Obama Read the 'Steele Dossier' in the White House Last August?
Did President Obama Read the ‘Steele Dossier’ in the White House Last August?
I certainly hope so. If anyone in the world needed to read it, it was the sitting POTUS.

Yeah, I am sure he did......just like he read the speech about Obamacare, which was all lies too, lol. And then he read it to us!

Hey Wayne, you ready to take the job I offered you cutting my grass so as you can get off the dole-)
It wasn't "all lies" . Ya sound like a goddamn moron.

And we can all be sure that chest thumping troll morons like you are sitting on a piss stained couch in a mobile home 40 days into foreclosure.

So.....if your side is no- brainer correct on all of this, why all the pronounced anger?:dunno:
One might correctly reason that it's Downer and Steele on which to concentrate one's investigative energy, though the dossier contains some intriguing connections quite worthy of exegesis.
Deep state would be youtube videos showing Russian money laundering buying up UK real estate, to "cleanse it from all unrighteousness." Why leave China-U.S. out of it?.
The bar for the Azra Turk-Halper-Papadopoulos meeting was never named, though the Papadopoulos-Downer-Thompson meeting was: Kensington Wine Rooms. Two men and a woman each involved in each meeting Halper comes back on stage with Bongino:

17 May 2019 New Document Exposes Two Russian Dossier Sources
Newly Released Document Exposes Two Russian Dossier Sources

In the report, Kathleen Kavalec seems to fixate on Trubnikov and lets Surkov skate. Sirkov was born at Solntsevo.

Semion Mogilevich
Semion Mogilevich - Wikipedia
Yeah, there is definitely a "Deep State" i.e a "Shadow Government" that has existed since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. When Eisenhower was elected president, he wanted to know what was going on in Nevada (namely Area 51) and was told that he lacked jurisdiction. It was only after he threatened to bring in the military in Colorado did they agree to keep him in the loop. There are like twenty plus security clearance levels higher than the presidency. My questions are where is the oversight, who put these assholes in charge and why have we put up with the military industrial complex that is ran by the ones that own USA.INC?
The Mogilevich alliance with former Moscow mayor Luzhkov links to Alekperov:

'Alekperov asked BP to help him create Lukoil and offered a strategic partnership. BP refused. "We thought it was a pipe dream," remembers David Reardon, one BP executive at the discussions. "We couldn't imagine the privatization of the Soviet Union's prize oil resources."....Even as he successfully outmaneuvered the world's best oil companies, Alekperov ran his business like an old-fashioned Turkish pasha. "The one thing that always strikes you is that he has exceedingly good-looking translators," Thomas Hamilton observed. The flight attendants on Alekperov's company jet in which I flew in 1995 were demure beauties, the epitome of Eurasian loveliness. "Presidential quality for the presidential plane," whispered the chief of Lukoil's pension fund, eyeing a particularly striking girl.

Alekperov also knew how to give gifts. Lukoil, for example, financed the aircraft-design bureau, Yakovlev, in building the country's first executive jet, based on the 100-seat Yak-42. Lukoil had no interest in aircraft manufacturing, but these luxuriously upholstered executive jets, valued at $19 million each, made wonderful presents. He gave one of the jets to Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov. He gave another to the president of the natural gas monopoly, Gazprom. In 1995, as Lukoil's negotiations over the Tenghiz oil project heating up, Alekperov gave a jet to the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev.'
(Klebnikov, op cit, pp. 193-4)
These security clearance levels are intriguing, ones higher than the presidency, since currently Fitton is looking into Steele's relationship with the State Department, where there are plenty of clearance levels.

Tom Fitton on Christopher Steele's Relationship with the State Department
In the video, Fitton mentions Cody Shearer, who links the West Los Angeles 'tennis intelligentsia,' comparable with Yeltsin's tennis coach, Shamil Tarpischev, and the FBI-Russian sports trajectory (post #1282).
No need for more investigations. All we need is some common sense and honesty. Look at Pelosi. She's stressed to the hilt. She has a party in total chaos. She is trying to control the young turks, and they're not going to be led on a leash by an old has been. She's probably going to lose her job before the next election.

There is so much BS in your post. Yes public investigations are needed. And public oversight of the continuing undermining and the obstructing of the rule of law, and the Constitutional duty to the House to oversee the White House.

Pelosi is cool calm and collected. She’s not flying into Twitter rages and slamming Mexico with tariffs, and then lying about making a deal with Mexico.

Her caucus is also under pressure from their constituents to impeach. The American public needs the hearings because they’re not reading the report and conservative media is going with the President’s “complete exoneration” lies.

Impeachment without Republican support goes nowhere and the Dems know it. Trump wants impeachment. He thinks it will help his election chances. It won’t. Trump isn’t a man who is innocent of corruption being pursued for a private sex act by a vengeful Republican witch hunt.

Trump really did get help from Russian interference and try to coordinate with Russians. There’s just NOT ENOUGH evidence to convict. But Obstruction is a whole other matter.

Then there’s the matter of Trump’s continuing abuses of power.
No need for more investigations. All we need is some common sense and honesty. Look at Pelosi. She's stressed to the hilt. She has a party in total chaos. She is trying to control the young turks, and they're not going to be led on a leash by an old has been. She's probably going to lose her job before the next election.

There is so much BS in your post. Yes public investigations are needed. And public oversight of the continuing undermining and the obstructing of the rule of law, and the Constitutional duty to the House to oversee the White House.

Pelosi is cool calm and collected. She’s not flying into Twitter rages and slamming Mexico with tariffs, and then lying about making a deal with Mexico.

Her caucus is also under pressure from their constituents to impeach. The American public needs the hearings because they’re not reading the report and conservative media is going with the President’s “complete exoneration” lies.

Impeachment without Republican support goes nowhere and the Dems know it. Trump wants impeachment. He thinks it will help his election chances. It won’t. Trump isn’t a man who is innocent of corruption being pursued for a private sex act by a vengeful Republican witch hunt.

Trump really did get help from Russian interference and try to coordinate with Russians. There’s just NOT ENOUGH evidence to convict. But Obstruction is a whole other matter.

Then there’s the matter of Trump’s continuing abuses of power.
Dragon It's a pleasure reading your posts Keep it up
No need for more investigations. All we need is some common sense and honesty. Look at Pelosi. She's stressed to the hilt. She has a party in total chaos. She is trying to control the young turks, and they're not going to be led on a leash by an old has been. She's probably going to lose her job before the next election.

There is so much BS in your post. Yes public investigations are needed. And public oversight of the continuing undermining and the obstructing of the rule of law, and the Constitutional duty to the House to oversee the White House.

Pelosi is cool calm and collected. She’s not flying into Twitter rages and slamming Mexico with tariffs, and then lying about making a deal with Mexico.

Her caucus is also under pressure from their constituents to impeach. The American public needs the hearings because they’re not reading the report and conservative media is going with the President’s “complete exoneration” lies.

Impeachment without Republican support goes nowhere and the Dems know it. Trump wants impeachment. He thinks it will help his election chances. It won’t. Trump isn’t a man who is innocent of corruption being pursued for a private sex act by a vengeful Republican witch hunt.

Trump really did get help from Russian interference and try to coordinate with Russians. There’s just NOT ENOUGH evidence to convict. But Obstruction is a whole other matter.

Then there’s the matter of Trump’s continuing abuses of power.
Then impeach him. Shit or get off the pot. You creatures are in such chaos you don't know whether you're coming or going.

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