The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Okay, where did it come from?
I already told you, I don't know who gave that tidbit to Steele. And neither do you. But thanks for tryin' anyway.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.
We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?

Assange allegedly was involved in the hacking itself.

Who is making such an allegation? Assange has no particular hacking skills. In fact, I'd bet Madcow is more proficient.

Your ignorance is overwhelming. Breaking Down the Hacking Case Against Julian Assange

I don't know if Maddow has a history of hacking, but if you did even basic research into Assange, you'd have read his biography: IF you'd read it, you wouldn't look stupid now.

"Born in 1971 in Townsville, Australia, Julian Assange used his genius IQ to hack into the databases of many high profile organizations."

From another site: "As a teenager, he demonstrated an uncanny aptitude with computers, and, using the hacking nickname “Mendax,” he infiltrated a number of secure systems, including those at NASA and the Pentagon."

Julian Assange | Biography & Facts

Thanks for being a monumental waste of time.
Assange never hacked, there is no evidence of that. he printed hacked material or material from a secondary source, but
he was nothing more than the NY Times.

Well, I'll just have to decide whether to believe you or his biography. And, as far as not hacking the information he helped Bradley Manning obtain, you don't have to convince me. You have to convince the courts that there is no evidence. Let me know how it works out for you and Julian.

You know Manning refutes that story, right?

Here’s How The U.S. Claims The Assange-Manning Conspiracy Worked

The claims of the government are Obama era.
I already told you, I don't know who gave that tidbit to Steele. And neither do you. But thanks for tryin' anyway.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

He's right, you are dishonest and lack integrity. You probably don't know how to act any other way. It's sad.
2 Jun 2019 Roger Stone Demands John Brennan is 'Hung for Treason' in Latest Right-Wing Attack Against Former CIA Director
Trump confidante Roger Stone called for former CIA Director Brennan to be "hung for treason" in Instagram post

Stone is a scumbag, but when the man is right, he's right. Brennan is old KGB - he's been a traitor for over 3 decades.

Actually longer than that. John O. Brennan was a stooge for the late American Communist strongman, Gus Hall, back in the 1970's. BTW, so was Comey.

Roger Stone was subjected to Gestapo tactics by Mueller when he was pinched a couple of months ago. This kind of shit by liberals isn't going to be forgotten.
2 Jun 2019 Roger Stone Demands John Brennan is 'Hung for Treason' in Latest Right-Wing Attack Against Former CIA Director
Trump confidante Roger Stone called for former CIA Director Brennan to be "hung for treason" in Instagram post

Stone is a scumbag, but when the man is right, he's right. Brennan is old KGB - he's been a traitor for over 3 decades.

Actually longer than that. John O. Brennan was a stooge for the late American Communist strongman, Gus Hall, back in the 1970's. BTW, so was Comey.

Roger Stone was subjected to Gestapo tactics by Mueller when he was pinched a couple of months ago. This kind of shit by liberals isn't going to be forgotten.
Khrushchev was right. The commies wouldn't defeat us on the battlefield. They'd take over from within. Remember, a socialist is nothing more than a commie in training.
2 Jun 2019 Roger Stone Demands John Brennan is 'Hung for Treason' in Latest Right-Wing Attack Against Former CIA Director
Trump confidante Roger Stone called for former CIA Director Brennan to be "hung for treason" in Instagram post

Stone is a scumbag, but when the man is right, he's right. Brennan is old KGB - he's been a traitor for over 3 decades.

Actually longer than that. John O. Brennan was a stooge for the late American Communist strongman, Gus Hall, back in the 1970's. BTW, so was Comey.

Roger Stone was subjected to Gestapo tactics by Mueller when he was pinched a couple of months ago. This kind of shit by liberals isn't going to be forgotten.
Khrushchev was right. The commies wouldn't defeat us on the battlefield. They'd take over from within. Remember, a socialist is nothing more than a commie in training.

Khrushchev told the American people , and I quote "We will bury you".

And another thing about Khrushchev that isn't going to be mentioned by Joe Bite Me. Nikita wasn't a Russian at all- the late Soviet strongman was a Ukrainian. Just like the guys the Vice President Biden muscled to enrich his cocaine addled son's bankroll.

The libs have a lot to answer for, the GOP should be glad their front runner isn't going to take any crap from them
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

He's right, you are dishonest and lack integrity. You probably don't know how to act any other way. It's sad.
What a pity you can't actually quote me telling any lies...

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

He's right, you are dishonest and lack integrity. You probably don't know how to act any other way. It's sad.
What a pity you can't actually quote me telling any lies...

Your lies are abundant and visible throughout the site, idiot.
Two different Kalugins have already been mentioned in this thread.

Gus Hall
Gus Hall - Wikipedia
'....The former KGB general Oleg Kalugin declared in his memoir that the KGB had Hall and the American Communist Party "under total control" and that he was known to be siphoning off "Moscow money" to set up his own horse-breeding farm. The writer and J. Edgar Hoover biographer Curt Gentry has noted that a similar story about Hall was planted in the media through the FBI's secret COINTELPRO campaign of disruption and disinformation against racial opposition groups.'
Is it a problem of Steele's command over his mother tongue or proofreading?

Steele dossier p. 2/35 'It is known that Trump did visit Moscow when he held the 2013 Miss Universe pageant there.'

Student handed report card: "I failed English? That's unpossible!"
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

He's right, you are dishonest and lack integrity. You probably don't know how to act any other way. It's sad.
What a pity you can't actually quote me telling any lies...

Your lies are abundant and visible throughout the site, idiot.

And yet you can't quote one.

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

He's right, you are dishonest and lack integrity. You probably don't know how to act any other way. It's sad.
What a pity you can't actually quote me telling any lies...



Did you REALLY just post that? :lmao:

You're a pathological pile of shit - and you well know it.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You're so pathetic.

The problem you have Fawn is that your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge.

You actually are as dumb as you are dishonest.

You're as crazy as ever. Now you're hallucinating I ever said something I never said.

He's right, you are dishonest and lack integrity. You probably don't know how to act any other way. It's sad.
What a pity you can't actually quote me telling any lies...



Did you REALLY just post that? :lmao:

You're a pathological pile of shit - and you well know it.
^^^ just another putz who can't prove what he posts.

Try quoting me posting a lie..
Obama read the Steele dossier and didn't question the typos, spelling, and grammar?

Did President Obama Read the 'Steele Dossier' in the White House Last August?
Did President Obama Read the ‘Steele Dossier’ in the White House Last August?
I certainly hope so. If anyone in the world needed to read it, it was the sitting POTUS.

Yeah, I am sure he did......just like he read the speech about Obamacare, which was all lies too, lol. And then he read it to us!

Hey Wayne, you ready to take the job I offered you cutting my grass so as you can get off the dole-)
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
We're gonna know and it isn't going to be pretty. There actually is a conspiracy, and it's still going on, to take out a legally elected President. The Democrats can't accept the fact that they've lost two Presidential elections to the electoral college within 16 years. You can always tell when you're on the right trail to the corruption because the Democrats ridicule, mock, slander, and insult.

"You can always tell when you're on the right trail to the corruption because the Democrats ridicule, mock, slander, and insult."

since conservatives do that, too

and do it more often

and do it with greater intensity....

if your logic is true then we must conclude that conservatives and republicans are even MORE corrupt.....

I seriously wonder about a brain (conservative in this case) that can spend all day ridiculing, mocking, slandering and insulting liberals and then denounce those liberals for ridiculing, mocking, slandering and insulting liberals.

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