The Right To Destroy Jewish History

The ongoing controversy centered on the Polish president’s approval this month of legislation that shuts down Holocaust-era restitution claims should be understood as part of a long-running campaign by the Polish state to rewrite the history of World War II as a narrative of Polish victimhood, a group of leading historians gathered by The Algemeiner concluded during an extensive panel discussion.
The four scholars have all published extensively on the Holocaust in Poland. Over 90 percent of that country’s Jewish population were exterminated, accounting for nearly half of the six million Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide. All of the scholars have countered the revisionist historical campaign waged by the current nationalist government in Poland, often facing legal challenges and obstacles along the way.

In a discussion that focused on the historical aspects of the recent collapse in relations between Israel, Poland and top Jewish organizations in the wake of the restitution legislation, every participant stressed that the real purpose of the recent reform to the Code of Administrative Procedure — as well as the 2018 IPN Act, which allows for civil prosecutions of historians who research the phenomenon of Polish collusion with the Nazis — was to help transform the Holocaust from a Jewish trauma into a Polish one.

The success of that narrative, they observed, depends in large part on excluding from historical inquiry the topic of the collusion between elements of the population in Poland, a country with a long history of antisemitic agitation, with the Nazi persecution of the Jews.

(full article online)

Jews don't worship water. They don't worship the Earth or the sun or holy teacups. Jews worship God, which JVP redefines as the "spirit of the world."

The entire point of "Jewish Voice for Peace" is to subvert Judaism for their own political purposes. Here, they are trying to attract dopey Jews and non-Jews to their anti-Israel movement by creating a new religion that they claim is a valid form of Judaism - and then they can say they oppose Israel; "as Jews."

(full article online)

The second article, about Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, has additional flaws. It says, “To many Palestinians, the shift is provocative and unfair. They feel that Muslims have already made a big concession at the Western Wall, which is now used mostly by Jewish worshipers despite its also being important to Muslims. In 1967, Israel even razed an Arab neighborhood beside the wall to create more space for Jewish prayer.”

Why was there “an Arab neighborhood” beside the wall? This Times article doesn’t explain, but the online version at least does hyperlink to a Times article from 1971that explains “Continuously since the Middle Ages, according to archeological evidence, the 25 acres of the Jewish Quarter inside the walls was the core of Jewish piety and Orthodox culture in King David’s holy city. There were more than 50 synagogues in this crowded space, with a population of 16,000 Jews at the turn of the century… The fall of the Jewish Quarter to the Arabs on May 28, 1948, ‘was the blackest event in Israel’s War of Independence,’ Mayor Teddy Kollek wrote years later. From then until 1967, the medieval synagogues and shabby dwellings of the Jewish Quarter lay in rubble from the artillery of war. Squatters began to move in. Arab families gradually came to consider the quarter their home.”

That’s not the only noteworthy omission of context. Yair Rosenberg, a senior writer at Tablet magazine, pointed out on Twitter: “Extremely weird New York Times article about Jews praying at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that fails to note anywhere that the Temple Mount is *the holiest site in all of Judaism.* The entire story doesn’t make sense if you omit that essential fact!” He added, “The article explicitly says that the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif is the third-holiest site in Islam. It was a deliberate choice to leave out the fact that it is the holiest site in Judaism. The Timesought to correct and add basic religious context to the article.”

(full article online)

From Religion News Service:

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate has written a letter to Pope Francis conveying its “distress” at comments he made suggesting Jewish law, as written in the Torah, is obsolete.

The letter, first reported on by Reuters, was sent by Rabbi Rasson Arousi, chair of the Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel for Dialogue with the Holy See. Arousi was referring to a homily Francis made during a general audience on Aug. 11.

In that homily, or sermon, the pope reflected on the Apostle Paul’s views in the New Testament that the Torah does not give life.

Speaking of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, the pope said: “It does not offer the fulfillment of the promise because it is not capable of being able to fulfill it … Those who seek life need to look to the promise and to its fulfillment in Christ.”
At first blush, Jews might think, "so what?" Jews don't have to believe Christian theology and every religion believes itself is the right one.
The article only gives a beginning of an answer as to why this is big deal.
That statement comes close to supersessionism, also called replacement theology— the belief that the Christian faith has replaced or supplanted Judaism, a view the Catholic Church repudiated. In a 1965 landmark Vatican declaration, Nostra Aetate, the church established a new rapport between Jews and Catholics.

“In his homily, the pope presents the Christian faith as not just superseding the Torah; but asserts that the latter no longer gives life, implying that Jewish religious practice in the present era is rendered obsolete,” Arousi wrote in the letter.

“This is in effect part and parcel of the ‘teaching of contempt’ towards Jews and Judaism that we had thought had been fully repudiated by the Church,” he wrote.

This is still a huge understatement.

Supersessionism has been the key driver for antisemitism for the past two thousand years.

As I pointed out in this 2017 article, Christian supersessionism prompted attacks on Jews. Churches throughout Europe can still be seen with carvings and stained glass images of Ecclesia, the triumphant symbol of victorious Christianity with crown and chalice, and Sinagoga, the defeated, humiliated and blindfolded Jew whose tablets of Law are slipping from her fingers.

Christian supersessionists aren't the only ones for whom Jewish existence is a source of shame. Islam also attempted to attract Jews - and responded violently when they refused to become Muslim. Muslim supersessionism is most obvious by how Muslims have consistently converted every Jewish holy place into a mosque. Muslims believe that the world is divided between "Dar al-Islam" and "Dar al-Harb" and the very existence of Israel in the heart of the Muslim world is a constant source of shame and defeat of that ideology.

Palestinian antisemitism combines the Christian and Muslim supersessionism as religious reasons to fight the Jews, minimizing the theological divide between the two to jointly attack any Jewish political power in the region.

It is also notable that Arab nations lobbied fiercely against the Vatican's 1965 Nostra Aetate that redefined the relationship between Catholicism and Judaism to be less adversarial. The Arab world supported Christian antisemitism, and the Catholic denominations in the Middle East rejected Vatican II.

(full article online)

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“It seems obvious is that the system has several fundamental flaws,” he argued.

One example he cited — “How did the Jews suddenly become so powerful?” — was first submitted in February 2017, and was recycled as recently as last week.

Another is the “Holocaust Forensic” space on Quora, run by Mark Sims, a researcher who calls himself a “Jewish human rights activist” who “debunks historical hoaxes.” Sims alleges that the “Holocaust is the most misrepresented group-tragedy in human historiography,” and casts doubt that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime, or that many were of killed in gas chambers disguised as bathrooms.

Sims, whose profile has almost 400,000 content views to its credit, uses the space to distribute “evidence and research” regarding “long-standing Holocaust hoaxes.” One such “hoax” alleged by Sims is that “no homicidal gassing occurred at any concentration camp, it was a false legend.”

According to Quora’s own policy, Holocaust denial is “prohibited” if it is “created with the intent of spreading false or misleading information.” And the platform allows users to report the questions and answers of other users that they contend violate Quora policy. Questions and answers can be “collapsed” if a high enough number of users report them, regardless of whether Quora has reviewed the reports and determined them to be legitimate.

Weiss, who has 27,000 followers, said she is currently locking down her account to take a break from writing on Quora, after being bombarded with a barrage of hateful comments, including a death threat.

“Once you become associated with Israel, you are putting a target on your back,” she recounted. “But one attack on Quora was so bad that I did not leave my house for three days out of panic.” It read in part, “You have got a white high IQ, but that doesn’t justify treating Palestinians as animals, and torturing them every day. You white scum belong to Europe. Someone must gang rape you and then kill you. Heil Hitler ready for the real Holocaust.”
Weiss lamented that she has given up relying on Quora’s content moderation system after reporting thousands of comments where she says she was attacked personally.

“Nothing much has happened. It’s not a transparent system. We can’t really speak to people; I have had to repeatedly reach out to them. It took months to get a response,” she said. “Sometimes Quora has been amazing and I have been in contact with a human person, but there are just not enough of them.”

(full article online)

The REAL History of Israel
Can you name the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago? That's right - #ISRAEL! This video is all #facts #NoFakeNews and tells the story about the #Jewish people and their eternal connection to the land of Israel.


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