The Republicans wanted their election fraud case handled in court. The Democrats want trials in the political arena in the Senate.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The Republicans were denied their day in court. The courts refused to look at the evidence. The Democrats don't want their day in court. They want to keep charging Trump in the political arena even after he has left office because they are afraid to run against him in 2024, where they can vote along party lines. The Democrats are terrified of Trump running in 2024.
The Republicans were denied their day in court. The courts refused to look at the evidence. The Democrats don't want their day in court. They want to keep charging Trump in the political arena even after he has left office because they are afraid to run against him in 2024, where they can vote along party lines. The Democrats are terrified of Trump running in 2024.
If Trump runs again, will we be able to eliminate the massive mail in ballots and secure voter integrity or will China release a new virus ?
The republicans were not denied their day in court. Their cases were brought in tens of courts, presided over by judges nominated by both parties. Their pleadings were insufficient to allow the cases to go forward, indicating that either they had no evidence to back up their claims or that they had really bad lawyers who couldn't draft decent pleadings. To the extent that their cases were dismissed for lack of standing, they should have known better, as having standing to bring the action is fundamental to all lawsuits.

I don't understand why the republicans didn't bring their evidence directly to the public. They could have organized it and published it on the internet, and they have enough money to have bought airtime to present it on television. We don't even know who is in possession of this evidence. The republicans' lawyers must have it somewhere, including videos and signed affidavits. Everything has got to be somewhere.

I watched a video recently of an interview with the Nevada AG, who made a point that the republicans brought lawsuits in that state, but never filed any complaint with his office regarding voting by dead persons, etc., as is the usual procedure. I wonder how many official complaints were filed by republicans with the governments of their states, and how many complaints republican poll observers actually filed with election officials.

I guess some evidence might come out in the Dominion company's defamation action against Giuliani, as truth is a defense.

The republicans just played a game of claiming that they had evidence of voter fraud, but never presenting it.
I'm still waiting for the book: "Voter Fraud 2020" to explain the evidence and the outcomes as to WTF happened. Maybe the impeachment trial will start by explaining what the DC protest was about and presenting some of the evidence? For example is the graph below a true representation of the vote count proving fraud?
The Republicans were denied their day in court. The courts refused to look at the evidence. The Democrats don't want their day in court. They want to keep charging Trump in the political arena even after he has left office because they are afraid to run against him in 2024, where they can vote along party lines. The Democrats are terrified of Trump running in 2024.

By my count, you had 67 times to prove to the courts you had evidence that warranted an investigation and trial. All 67 shown the door. Wonder why?
And riddle me this. Why would you whip up the mass of pliant lemmings into thinking you were going to court to argue voter fraud...and then get to
court and say to the judge that your case wasn't about voter fraud?? Maybe because your case was never about the court of law. It was about swaying the
court of public opinion. :)
I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.
I can't believe it's still January! The events of 1/6 were just over 3 weeks ago, but it seems like forever. One week in and the right would have you believe the Biden administration is the worst and most corrupt of all time. Is this the time dilation Einstein was talking about? We must have traveled too close to the black(orange?) hole of Trumpism.
The Republicans were denied their day in court. The courts refused to look at the evidence. The Democrats don't want their day in court. They want to keep charging Trump in the political arena even after he has left office because they are afraid to run against him in 2024, where they can vote along party lines. The Democrats are terrified of Trump running in 2024.
No one on TRUMPs law team brought any cases of voter fraud before the courts.... not one.

The court cases were on election laws and rule changes and technicalities....

NOT ONE SINGLE LAWSUUT was brought by Trump lawyers on Dominion voting systems, or Smartmatic,
or ballot stuffing, or ballots run through twice, or ballots brought in to Maine from China,

or vote swapping by vote counting machines, or a server being raided in Germany that had our votes on it, 200,000 ballots crossing a State line or the US Postal service threw out out ballots or creating them out of the blue and dropping them off, or cases filled with FAKE ballots pulled out from under a table to count after everyone left....

Or ANY of the bull shit claims..... none, zero, zip, zilch lawsuits brought to the courts on Trump.


Because they KNOW THEIR FRAUD CLAIMS, were made up LIES....and if they brought them to court, knowing they are lies, they could lose their law licenses.

You've been HAD, by a bunch of con artists.
I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.
I can't believe it's still January! The events of 1/6 were just over 3 weeks ago, but it seems like forever. One week in and the right would have you believe the Biden administration is the worst and most corrupt of all time. Is this the time dilation Einstein was talking about? We must have traveled too close to the black(orange?) hole of Trumpism.
The Biden admin is off to a great start proving that they are in-fact the worst of all time.
(No proof of corruption yet, but there will be)
Biden is doing his best to kill the energy sector, throwing thousands out of work blowing smoke about millions of union "green energy" jobs. Remember Solyndra? $500,000,000 of taxpayer money thrown into a "black hole".
The only positive so far is that Manchin and Sinema won't vote for the nuclear option to kill the filibuster. But the democrats still have "reconciliation" to do a lot of damage.
If Xiden proves out to be a "China First" president, then he will be proven the worst and most corrupt of all-time.
The Republicans were denied their day in court. The courts refused to look at the evidence. The Democrats don't want their day in court. They want to keep charging Trump in the political arena even after he has left office because they are afraid to run against him in 2024, where they can vote along party lines. The Democrats are terrified of Trump running in 2024.

I think taking their claims of election fraud to court is a fine idea. Do they have any evidence yet?

Trump just wants revenge.. He'll split the Republican Party or destroy it altogether.
I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.
I can't believe it's still January! The events of 1/6 were just over 3 weeks ago, but it seems like forever. One week in and the right would have you believe the Biden administration is the worst and most corrupt of all time. Is this the time dilation Einstein was talking about? We must have traveled too close to the black(orange?) hole of Trumpism.
The Biden admin is off to a great start proving that they are in-fact the worst of all time.
(No proof of corruption yet, but there will be)
Biden is doing his best to kill the energy sector, throwing thousands out of work blowing smoke about millions of union "green energy" jobs. Remember Solyndra? $500,000,000 of taxpayer money thrown into a "black hole".
The only positive so far is that Manchin and Sinema won't vote for the nuclear option to kill the filibuster. But the democrats still have "reconciliation" to do a lot of damage.
If Xiden proves out to be a "China First" president, then he will be proven the worst and most corrupt of all-time.

Keystone XL is an EXPORT pipeline.. Its a tax dodge that by passes unused pipeline capacity and five refineries in the Midwest.

Biden is getting a good response for his proposal for an Asian NATO that will counter China's belligerence.

I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.
I can't believe it's still January! The events of 1/6 were just over 3 weeks ago, but it seems like forever. One week in and the right would have you believe the Biden administration is the worst and most corrupt of all time. Is this the time dilation Einstein was talking about? We must have traveled too close to the black(orange?) hole of Trumpism.
The Biden admin is off to a great start proving that they are in-fact the worst of all time.
(No proof of corruption yet, but there will be)
Biden is doing his best to kill the energy sector, throwing thousands out of work blowing smoke about millions of union "green energy" jobs. Remember Solyndra? $500,000,000 of taxpayer money thrown into a "black hole".
The only positive so far is that Manchin and Sinema won't vote for the nuclear option to kill the filibuster. But the democrats still have "reconciliation" to do a lot of damage.
If Xiden proves out to be a "China First" president, then he will be proven the worst and most corrupt of all-time.

Keystone XL is an EXPORT pipeline.. Its a tax dodge that by passes unused pipeline capacity and five refineries in the Midwest.

Biden is getting a good response for his proposal for an Asian NATO that will counter China's belligerence.

1. I like the "Asian NATO" concept to keep China from expanding, especially with their recent moves flying into the Taiwan air space. That doesn't preclude "China First" business deals, such as Huawei, or China getting into the US power grid, or their industrial spying. Remember the Bidens got $1,500,000,000 to "invest" from China?
2. You need to provide a link to prove Keystone XL is an "export" pipeline. I showed you a link that proves otherwise.
Here is another with a good explanation. Note that the "XL" stands for "export limited" so your "export" complaint is void.
I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.

I would love to see Trump debate Kamala myself.. That would be hysterical.. Poor old Trump can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Maybe he could sit on her.
I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.

I would love to see Trump debate Kamala myself.. That would be hysterical.. Poor old Trump can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Maybe he could sit on her.
Kamala wouldn't have a leg to stand on after Xiden's record of killing good paying jobs, and China First policies.
I'm really looking forward to the Kamala-Trump debates, especially after the US economy tanks and the Biden administration is declared a complete disaster.
I can't believe it's still January! The events of 1/6 were just over 3 weeks ago, but it seems like forever. One week in and the right would have you believe the Biden administration is the worst and most corrupt of all time. Is this the time dilation Einstein was talking about? We must have traveled too close to the black(orange?) hole of Trumpism.
The Biden admin is off to a great start proving that they are in-fact the worst of all time.
(No proof of corruption yet, but there will be)
Biden is doing his best to kill the energy sector, throwing thousands out of work blowing smoke about millions of union "green energy" jobs. Remember Solyndra? $500,000,000 of taxpayer money thrown into a "black hole".
The only positive so far is that Manchin and Sinema won't vote for the nuclear option to kill the filibuster. But the democrats still have "reconciliation" to do a lot of damage.
If Xiden proves out to be a "China First" president, then he will be proven the worst and most corrupt of all-time.

Keystone XL is an EXPORT pipeline.. Its a tax dodge that by passes unused pipeline capacity and five refineries in the Midwest.

Biden is getting a good response for his proposal for an Asian NATO that will counter China's belligerence.

1. I like the "Asian NATO" concept to keep China from expanding, especially with their recent moves flying into the Taiwan air space. That doesn't preclude "China First" business deals, such as Huawei, or China getting into the US power grid, or their industrial spying. Remember the Bidens got $1,500,000,000 to "invest" from China?
2. You need to provide a link to prove Keystone XL is an "export" pipeline. I showed you a link that proves otherwise.
Here is another with a good explanation. Note that the "XL" stands for "export limited" so your "export" complaint is void.

XL is ALL for export..The Canadian sludge with go to Port Arthur or Houston and be turn into specialty products for sale abroad.

Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of the United States December 20, 2011 Anthony Swift One of the most important facts that is missing in the national debate surrounding the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is this – Keystone XL will not bring any more oil into the United State for decades to come.
Keystone XL is a tar sands pipeline to export oil out of ...

Do you even know what an international equity fund is?

Leaks and the pipeline
Tar sands oil is thicker, more acidic, and more corrosive than lighter conventional crude, and this ups the likelihood that a pipeline carrying it will leak. Indeed, one study found that between 2007 and 2010, pipelines moving tar sands oil in Midwestern states spilled three times more per mile than the U.S. national average for pipelines carrying conventional crude.

Since it first went into operation in 2010, TC Energy’s original Keystone Pipeline System has leaked more than a dozen times; one incident in North Dakota sent a 60-foot, 21,000-gallon geyser of tar sands oil spewing into the air.

Most recently, on October 31, 2019, the Keystone tar sands pipeline was temporarily shut down after a spill in North Dakota of reportedly more than 378,000 gallons. And the risk that Keystone XL will spill has only been heightened: A study published in early 2020, co-authored by TC Energy’s own scientists, found that the anti-corrosion coating on pipes for the project is defective from being stored outside and exposed to the elements for the last decade.

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