CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers
Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors
If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.
And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.
The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.
It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers
Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors
If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.
And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.
The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.
It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.