The Reprehensible Right: Trump Promotes Harris Birther Lie

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Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
It should be easy to clear up, right? Barry had a hell of a time proving he was an American. That document he produced was far from compelling. Didn't Harris actually tell people she was born outside the US?
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
Curious. Never heard anything about her being born overseas, or otherwise not eligible for VP. The fact that the MSM is already screaming about it, it might be worth looking into.
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
Curious. Never heard anything about her being born overseas, or otherwise not eligible for VP. The fact that the MSM is already screaming about it, it might be worth looking into.
Kamala Harris is a piece of shit and the Communist Democrat media is trying to protect the whore:smoke:
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
Hillary started that birther thing.
From the bits I've heard, she was born in Oakland, but a lawyer said there is an issue with her parents residencies that could nullify her anchor status. Anybody hear how the argument goes? Personally, I hope there is no problem, because she is a train wreck of a pick. Biden's handlers shouldn't get a redo.
From the bits I've heard, she was born in Oakland, but a lawyer said there is an issue with her parents residencies that could nullify her anchor status. Anybody hear how the argument goes? Personally, I hope there is no problem, because she is a train wreck of a pick. Biden's handlers shouldn't get a redo.
They made this bed, let them sleep in it (with Willie Brown).
The questions are baseless.


Woman is born to two foreign parents, NEITHER of which were even Americans, grew up in a Hindu temple, is able to serve as an officer in the Jamaican government, and you think it is BASELESS to point out she doesn't meet the Natural-Born Clause of the US Constitution to serve as America's leader?

She's lucky she can serve in the Congress! She shouldn't.

Leave it to the DNC to go out again and find that one person in a million who isn't even a true, natural American, and want to run her as the leader of our government, people and military then be SURPRISED when anyone questions it!
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.

You can't deny that Kamala is a round heeled ho that used her sex to advance herself in politics from the start. I refer you to former Mayor Willie Brown's remarks and escapades while married.
Now even her father Stamford Professor Donald Harris berates his daughter and her politics.....


‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
It should be easy to clear up, right? Barry had a hell of a time proving he was an American. That document he produced was far from compelling. Didn't Harris actually tell people she was born outside the US?
No he didn' dic sucking racists just had a hell of a time accepting a black man won the popular vote both times in a landslide....something your bitch ass cult leader has never done and will NEVER do....
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
Don’t you think it’s rather disingenuous to bitch about the stupidity of the right, when you’re on the stupid left? No doubt you believe all the absurd claims made against Don.
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
It should be easy to clear up, right? Barry had a hell of a time proving he was an American. That document he produced was far from compelling. Didn't Harris actually tell people she was born outside the US?
No he didn' dic sucking racists just had a hell of a time accepting a black man won the popular vote both times in a landslide....something your bitch ass cult leader has never done and will NEVER do....

Poor Biffy Boy
The questions are baseless.


Woman is born to two foreign parents, NEITHER of which were even Americans, grew up in a Hindu temple, is able to serve as an officer in the Jamaican government, and you think it is BASELESS to point out she doesn't meet the Natural-Born Clause of the US Constitution to serve as America's leader?

She's lucky she can serve in the Congress! She shouldn't.

Leave it to the DNC to go out again and find that one person in a million who isn't even a true, natural American, and want to run her as the leader of our government, people and military then be SURPRISED when anyone questions it!
She was born in Oakland. Constitutional requirement satisfied. Will y’all stop being delusional.
The questions are baseless.


Woman is born to two foreign parents, NEITHER of which were even Americans, grew up in a Hindu temple, is able to serve as an officer in the Jamaican government, and you think it is BASELESS to point out she doesn't meet the Natural-Born Clause of the US Constitution to serve as America's leader?

I do not not know if she is eligible.

But she should not be. Anyone with such background can hardly be called an American... but is supposed to represent us? Madness...
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
Don’t you think it’s rather disingenuous to bitch about the stupidity of the right, when you’re on the stupid left? No doubt you believe all the absurd claims made against Don.

On the front page the leftists are contemplating golden showers. But president Trump wanting to make sure that the candidates are eligible is a mad conspiracy theory.
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
First of all Trump didn't "promote" it, he just confirmed that Harris is an "anchor baby", her mom gave birth to her in the US solely for the purpose of making her a US citizen.

This is the biggest scam and loophole that is behind a whole industry of birth tourism where pregnant mothers pay thousands of dollars to come here from places like China just to live in see underground "hotels"just to give birth. Many people including liberals are against this. European countries do not have this bullshit rule either.
‘Trump, in an echo of his false birtherism claims against President Barack Obama, said Thursday that questions about the eligibility of Sen. Kamala D. Harris to run for vice president were “very serious.”

The questions are baseless. Harris (D-Calif.) was born in Oakland, Calif., and is, by the laws of the Constitution, a U.S. citizen.’

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.

Yep. Troll-in-Chief.
The questions are baseless.


Woman is born to two foreign parents, NEITHER of which were even Americans, grew up in a Hindu temple, is able to serve as an officer in the Jamaican government, and you think it is BASELESS to point out she doesn't meet the Natural-Born Clause of the US Constitution to serve as America's leader?

I do not not know if she is eligible.

But she should not be. Anyone with such background can hardly be called an American... but is supposed to represent us? Madness...
That's the point. If there is even a question of a person's qualification, of their being natural born to qualify, you err on the safe side. This is a potential president we are talking about. Pick another. You'd be hard pressed to find another person whose birthright as a full fledged natural American is in question.

Instead, the Democrats again want to LOWER THE BAR.


There has to be a reason. They want to set a precedent to have foreigners take over America.
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