The Regan Era Dies


Corporate Watchdog
Jun 21, 2008
The Valley of the Sun
The Regan Era Dies tomorrow night! 28 Years of this shit rule by the most corrupt party in existence! Thank god for regime change! Nothing short of a Washington enema will save this sinking ship! McCain's campaign is unraveling faster than a set of Firestone's. McCain and his handlers have steered the Republican party off the bridge. It is the point of no return. They will have to regroup in some other fashion to rear their ugly heads again! It will take nothing short of an FDR style president to save us from this disaster. Good residence "Ronny Boy!", Good ridence Barry Goldwater! If Bobby Kennedy would have lived to see this day he predicted 40 years ago. A black man in the white house! How ironic is that? :clap2::eusa_whistle:

PS: Few will have the greatness to bend history itself! :eusa_whistle:
The Regan Era Dies tomorrow night! 28 Years of this shit rule by the most corrupt party in existence! Thank god for regime change! Nothing short of a Washington enema will save this sinking ship! McCain's campaign is unraveling faster than a set of Firestone's. McCain and his handlers have steered the Republican party off the bridge. It is the point of no return. They will have to regroup in some other fashion to rear their ugly heads again! It will take nothing short of an FDR style president to save us from this disaster. Good residence "Ronny Boy!", Good ridence Barry Goldwater! If Bobby Kennedy would have lived to see this day he predicted 40 years ago. A black man in the white house! How ironic is that? :clap2::eusa_whistle:

PS: Few will have the greatness to bend history itself! :eusa_whistle:

Good riddance Goldwater? We need more Goldwaters to bring the GOP back to it's roots.
The Regan Era Dies tomorrow night! 28 Years of this shit rule by the most corrupt party in existence! Thank god for regime change! Nothing short of a Washington enema will save this sinking ship! McCain's campaign is unraveling faster than a set of Firestone's. McCain and his handlers have steered the Republican party off the bridge. It is the point of no return. They will have to regroup in some other fashion to rear their ugly heads again! It will take nothing short of an FDR style president to save us from this disaster. Good residence "Ronny Boy!", Good ridence Barry Goldwater! If Bobby Kennedy would have lived to see this day he predicted 40 years ago. A black man in the white house! How ironic is that? :clap2::eusa_whistle:

PS: Few will have the greatness to bend history itself! :eusa_whistle:

Are you insinuating George Bush Sr. was right all along calling the trickle down theory "voodoo economics"?

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Good riddance Goldwater? We need more Goldwaters to bring the GOP back to it's roots.

Barry Goldwater the racist from Arizona? Why would you want to resurrect that old shill from the dead? Hasn't he done enough damage? We need progressive leaders to lead us into the future, not old ideologues to hold on to the past failed policies. :eusa_whistle:
Reagan will still be the last best GOP pres in 2012... so surely candidates will still on run on reagan.
Don't expect anything new, GPAZ, You might be disappointed. Obama has shown time and time again that he will continue to side with the American ruling elite, and they have, in turn, gotten on his bandwagon. On foreign policy, he's right on par with the rest of the reactionary Washington establishment. He's seriously the fresh new face that capitalist imperialism needs to keep itself from imploding.

All I'm expecting is that he operates like Clinton - Which is pretty much the same as Bush, but paying lip service to the working class. He might not rattle his saber on the UN floor as Bush, but I see no reason why he wouldn't just use it (like Clinton), giving the IMAGE that he's a multilateralist.
Don't expect anything new, GPAZ, You might be disappointed. Obama has shown time and time again that he will continue to side with the American ruling elite, and they have, in turn, gotten on his bandwagon. On foreign policy, he's right on par with the rest of the reactionary Washington establishment. He's seriously the fresh new face that capitalist imperialism needs to keep itself from imploding.

All I'm expecting is that he operates like Clinton - Which is pretty much the same as Bush, but paying lip service to the working class. He might not rattle his saber on the UN floor as Bush, but I see no reason why he wouldn't just use it (like Clinton), giving the IMAGE that he's a multilateralist.

Bill Clinton was the best Republican President we ever had!!!:eusa_whistle:
Good riddance Goldwater? We need more Goldwaters to bring the GOP back to it's roots.

Are you serious?

Goldwater couldn't revive the GOP of his day, let alone now.

McCain is about the get some up close and personal Goldwater "straight talk" experience and may lose by as big a margin as Goldwater did.
Don't expect anything new, GPAZ, You might be disappointed. Obama has shown time and time again that he will continue to side with the American ruling elite, and they have, in turn, gotten on his bandwagon. On foreign policy, he's right on par with the rest of the reactionary Washington establishment. He's seriously the fresh new face that capitalist imperialism needs to keep itself from imploding.

All I'm expecting is that he operates like Clinton - Which is pretty much the same as Bush, but paying lip service to the working class. He might not rattle his saber on the UN floor as Bush, but I see no reason why he wouldn't just use it (like Clinton), giving the IMAGE that he's a multilateralist.

Absolutely on point.

Somebody who is actually listening to the words, not just the beat.
The borrow and spend policies of Ronald Reagan and George Bush have been a disaster.

The government should not spend more than it takes in, it's as simple as that.

Trickle down economics doesn't work.
Good riddance Goldwater? We need more Goldwaters to bring the GOP back to it's roots.

The GOP's roots do not lie within the social conservatives. Please go to your local Barnes and Noble store and get yourself a copy of American History for Dummies.

The social conservatives have hijacked a once proud party and brought it down into the gutter. I hope this election deals the death blow for social conservatism as it is the most archaic belief system short of the extremists in the Middle East that the world is experiencing. We are decades behind other countries in terms of education, science, health, and overall prosperty because social conservatives vote for people who like country music and believe in Jesus rather than someone who will advance this country.

Social conservatives gave us George W. Bush.

Go back to your Dixiecrat grave and stay there.
Were you alive when Goldwater was in politics? Serious question. I don't understand this lionising of the man.

I am 20 years old, so no I was not alive when Goldwater Sr. was in politics.

The GOP's roots do not lie within the social conservatives. Please go to your local Barnes and Noble store and get yourself a copy of American History for Dummies.

The social conservatives have hijacked a once proud party and brought it down into the gutter. I hope this election deals the death blow for social conservatism as it is the most archaic belief system short of the extremists in the Middle East that the world is experiencing. We are decades behind other countries in terms of education, science, health, and overall prosperty because social conservatives vote for people who like country music and believe in Jesus rather than someone who will advance this country.

Social conservatives gave us George W. Bush.

Go back to your Dixiecrat grave and stay there.

I'm going to have to take offense to much of this post. Especially the last sentence about my "Dixiecrat grave." While it's not in my nature to start arguing over the internet, you have lost what little credibility you had with me for whatever that's worth to you.
You're a confessed socialist, I'm sure his conservatism was quite a shocker to you.

Towards the end in about the 80's he changed his views.

Google Barry Goldwater and Willie Bioff. See what you come up with. :eusa_whistle:

Willie Bioff was a pimp by the way and a member of the Chicago "Outfit" or Mob.
The Regan Era Dies tomorrow night! 28 Years of this shit rule by the most corrupt party in existence! Thank god for regime change! Nothing short of a Washington enema will save this sinking ship! McCain's campaign is unraveling faster than a set of Firestone's. McCain and his handlers have steered the Republican party off the bridge. It is the point of no return. They will have to regroup in some other fashion to rear their ugly heads again! It will take nothing short of an FDR style president to save us from this disaster. Good residence "Ronny Boy!", Good ridence Barry Goldwater! If Bobby Kennedy would have lived to see this day he predicted 40 years ago. A black man in the white house! How ironic is that? :clap2::eusa_whistle:

PS: Few will have the greatness to bend history itself! :eusa_whistle:

and the Marx era begins.

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