the reason why Biden has to move farther left !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Biden promised to be a unifier and bring the country together but instead he is buying into the radical lefts woke movement ! and just why has Joe gone full force leftist ? ....GUILT ! you see folks Biden really does have a deeply racist past ! this is the man that gave the Eulogy of friend and mentor [he said so himself !] grand cyclops of the kkk Robert Byrd ! he also sponsored the crime bill that put millions of black men in prison ! throw in the time he said he didnt want his kids [white kids] going to school in a racial jungle ! using the n word in congress and much much more ! you see the leftist leaders in this country know that Biden is a racist ! and they also know that a white democrat like Bidens biggest fear is being called out and labeled a racist [a real racist] ! and that truth gives them awesome power over Biden ! the marxist race baiting anti American left led by the squad have Biden right where they want him ! we have some bad times ahead in this country im afraid ! marxism is advancing and a moving forward at a rapid pace and the cries of racism and white supremacy are the fuels powering the engine .
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Biden is standing up saying things that even shock me and I've watched this idiot for 40 years! It's possible he doesn't know what he's saying. The 2020 election was a total disaster for the US. It destroyed confidence in our election system and put this meat puppet in the White House.
Biden promised to be a unifier and bring the country together but instead he is buying into the radical lefts woke movement ! and just why has Joe gone full force leftist ? ....GUILT ! you see folks Biden really does have a deeply racist past ! this is the man that gave the Eulogy of friend and mentor [he said so himself !] grand cyclops of the kkk Robert Byrd ! he also sponsored the crime bill that put millions of black men in prison ! throw in the time he said he didnt want his kids [white kids] going to school in a racial jungle ! using the n word in congress and much much more ! you see the leftist leaders in this country know that Biden is a racist ! and they also know that a white democrat like Bidens biggest fear is being called out and labeled a racist [a real racist] ! and that truth gives them awesome power over Biden ! the marxist race baiting anti American left led by the squad have Biden right where they want him ! we have some bad times ahead in this country im afraid ! marxism is advancing and a moving forward at a rapid pace and the cries of racism and white supremacy are the fuels powering the engine .
Joes looking for money---further left means basically giving kickbacks to the welfare class to keep enough chaos going on during the funnelling of money that the lions share of the stolen money goes into Joes and his puppet masters pockets. Its what the nazis did too.
I'll tell you something, when Biden pisses off BLM/Antifa/the hard left and the Republicans in equal measure - you've gotta sit up and take notice. Seriously. The man is no good, for any one, in any environment,

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