The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
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The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis on white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
It is really that simple isn't it?

My Lisa you really must have these stumps scratching their heads......lolol

Thank you for your contribz
It is really that simple isn't it?

My Lisa you really must have these stumps scratching their heads......lolol

Thank you for your contribz
Thank you. And it’s not rocket science, either. It’s just those two simple things: no babies before marriage, and get some basic job training (which is provided tuition free by taxpayers).
I think an even bigger contributor is cultural.

Take the contempt for education, the Uncle Tomming of fellow blacks and the built in excuse that all failings are the result of racism and you have quite the recipe for failure.
Yes, and the liberals aren’t helping. Anytime we bring up the root causes of poverty, they have a meltdown - and start in with the name-calling - if we don’t attribute it primarily to racism.
These people have been so brainwashed by the media, the schools, and the DNC. Their just cyborgs amass
The DNC wants black people to fail, so they can blame that failure on others while positing themselves as the solution.

They use demagoguery to get elected so they can profit financially. The party really doesn't have any sort of real platform any more -- simply a strategy for getting elected based upon exploiting people's identity.
Yes, and the liberals aren’t helping. Anytime we bring up the root causes of poverty, they have a meltdown - and start in with the name-calling - if we don’t attribute it primarily to racism.
Well, the leftists, any way.

Liberalism is not about identity politics as it is predicated upon egalitarianism rather than this elaborate system of privilege.
Yes, and the liberals aren’t helping. Anytime we bring up the root causes of poverty, they have a meltdown - and start in with the name-calling - if we don’t attribute it primarily to racism.
Poverty and dumbing down people are how Democraps roll to victory

Now that the libturds will be out of the way, it will be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

The DNC wants black people to fail, so they can blame that failure on others while positing themselves as the solution.

They use demagoguery to get elected so they can profit financially. The party really doesn't have any sort of real platform any more -- simply a strategy for getting elected based upon exploiting people's identity.
That’s because they don’t want a color-blind society. They want to break everyone down into identity groups, which Then FOCUSES on the identity of someone more than any other attributes. The first attribute for the SCOTUS nominee was that she be black and a woman (although how they were able to pick a woman is beyond me, since none of them is a biologist), and then whittle the selection down once thst racial and gender restriction was met.
Well, the leftists, any way.

Liberalism is not about identity politics as it is predicated upon egalitarianism rather than this elaborate system of privilege.
Liberals are desperately trying to hold onto the traditional meaning of their ideology, but the left has so hijacked the party that it is a losing battle. When mainstream Dems like Pelosi and Schumer kowtow to the left, then the divide between liberal and leftist disappears. What is the difference between a leftist, and a liberal who goes along with leftist ideology?
If TyroneKwa never applied himself, got booted out of school, joined a gang, did the crimes, etc etc etc, the it is certainly TyroneKwa's fault. However, when it comes to blacks as a group, it is naive to think that racism/Jim Crow didn't contribute to blacks still being disproportionately poor. I am currently the owner of income-producing inherited properties that have been in my family for generations with those lovely Jim Crow restrictions in the deeds.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.

Bill Cosby (rapings aside) was great person. He was black and from the ghetto. But he got an education and applied himself and did very well for himself. Oprah was the same way.

We also have millions of black doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, congressman, supreme court judge, even had a black president twice.

So no, racism doesn't have shit to do with poverty. It's each individuals capacity to exceed in life and their own level of ambition.

Besides, what about the millions of poor, broke and dumb white people in America? What happened to their white privilege?

If America is racist then why have throughout human history have throughout the world have black countries traditionally always been 2nd or 3rd world countries? When whites, Asians, Spaniards, etc all were exploring the world, setting up trade routes, building civilized nations the blacks were still not progressing at all. 95% of all famous and well to do blacks even now became that way in white founded countries.
Ben Shapiro has prominently published the formula for "success" in America:
  • Stay in School (at least a HS diploma),
  • Get a job - they are ubiquitous, and
  • Don't have kids outside marriage.
Parenthetically on the third point, one should take the middle-class approach and, in addition to being married, make sure you have the means to support, nurture, and educate a child before popping one out.

None of the three points has anything to do with "race" (which, I'm told, does not exist unless you want it to). But as for "white privilege" one might note that the BLS has calculated that a "white" child in a single parent household is FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY to be living in poverty than a Black child in a two-parent home. The numbers are approximately, 20% and 5%.
That’s because they don’t want a color-blind society. They want to break everyone down into identity groups, which Then FOCUSES on the identity of someone more than any other attributes. The first attribute for the SCOTUS nominee was that she be black and a woman (although how they were able to pick a woman is beyond me, since none of them is a biologist), and then whittle the selection down once thst racial and gender restriction was met.
Yes, this is certainly true, and because of this, they ARE NOT liberals.

Orienting one's political beliefs around this primitive tribal level is the ANTITHESIS of liberalism.
Sure thing and Trump is a really good guy and the republicans all walked out of the SCOTUS confirmation to go to the bathroom and QAnon lady is smart person, - egad, you people are sad.

'Faces of poverty: What racial, social groups are more likely to experience it?'

For those who think read Caste for a bit of reality.

'It's More Than Racism: Isabel Wilkerson Explains America's 'Caste' System'

Old post:
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
Those two factors are a part of it but there is more to consider. Like in both black, white, and other groups how your parents raise you, mental health and other things do play into why a person stays in or becomes in poverty. I have seen middle-class kids end up in poverty because they had parents who didn't care about ''raising their kids''.
If TyroneKwa never applied himself, got booted out of school, joined a gang, did the crimes, etc etc etc, the it is certainly TyroneKwa's fault. However, when it comes to blacks as a group, it is naive to think that racism/Jim Crow didn't contribute to blacks still being disproportionately poor. I am currently the owner of income-producing inherited properties that have been in my family for generations with those lovely Jim Crow restrictions in the deeds.
That was 50 years and two generations ago.

TODAY, any black person can rise from poverty by not getting pregnant as a teen and getting Some basic post-high school job training, courtesy of the American taxpayer,
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