The real reason war with Iran is wanted


Aug 5, 2012
FEMA region 4
Rothschild Wants Iran

Oh and if you have read confessions of an economic hitman you would know how this would end. Iran to rebuild their country would be given loans to big to repay and would always be bound to the forces that be and if they didn't pay they would be attacked again and again..
Even the experts agree...
Odds of War With Iran Increase to 40%
Aug 29 2012, The probability of conflict with Iran is now at 40 percent, according to The Atlantic's Iran War Dial.
We've assembled a high profile team of experts from the policy world, academia, and journalism to periodically predict the chances that Israel or the United States will strike Iran in the next year. For more on the Iran War Dial and the panelists, visit our FAQ page. Peace remains more likely than war. But the chances of conflict have ticked upward for the second month in a row, from 36 percent in June, to 38 percent in July, and now 40 percent in August. This month, three of the panelists offered comments explaining why there was a serious risk of war. Shibley Telhami, the Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, sees the rhetorical battle between Israel and Iran, and Israel's desire to protect its reputation, as potentially powerful forces for war.

In my opinion, the chance of an Israeli attack has slightly increased since the last estimate. It is still uncertain whether or not the Israeli posture is a mere bluff or a function of a real desire to attack Iran under the right circumstances. But in a world where perception of power is sometimes almost as important as power itself, the rhetorical escalation between Iran and Israel, and the seeming rise in Iran's influence in hosting the Non-Aligned Movement summit and gaining the important participation of Egypt's new president, have created a new challenge for Israel. Israel's deterrence posture is very a much a function of how strong Arabs and Muslims believe it is in comparison to its enemies.

For now, there are many who have come to believe a view expressed by one of the readers of "For the second week in a row, Israelis are demonstrating in Tel Aviv in front of the minister of war, Ehud Barak, opposing his statements regarding the waging of war on Iran, as they are very scared of the consequences of an Iranian [counter-]attack. They chanted that Barak and Netanyahu would hide in fortified hideouts while the Israeli people will be totally destroyed by an Iranian attack....Shimon Peres and others oppose an Israeli strike against Iran because of the fear of the consequences of the Iranian counter-attack which will render Israel's very existence in the future unknown."

So add to all the other calculations that Israelis have to make, this one: If they don't attack, people in the region will see their refrain to be a direct function of Iran's growing power and Israel's weakness--something that Israelis have always seen as undermining their deterrence. This is why I had expressed the view that rhetoric matters more than politicians sometimes know. The outcome in this case may be disastrous. Dalia Dassa Kaye, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, also believes that Israel's concerns over protecting its credibility may heighten the odds of war. The main variable in weighing the likelihood of a military attack against Iran in the coming year is the cost-benefit assessment of such an option in Israel. Unfortunately, Israelis who believe the advantages of attacking Iran outweigh the dangers may have the upper hand at the moment, making the odds of an attack higher now than in previous months.


See also:

Israeli leader calls for 'clear red line' on Iran
Sep 2,`12 -- Israel's prime minister on Sunday urged the international community to get tougher against Iran, saying that without a "clear red line," Tehran will not halt its nuclear program.
The tough language from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reflected differences that have emerged between Israel and its allies, particularly the U.S., over how to deal with Iran. Israel has warned that the Iranians are quickly approaching weapons capability and that the threat of force must be seriously considered. The U.S. says sanctions and international diplomacy must be given more time to work. Netanyahu, speaking to his Cabinet, said that a new report issued by the U.N. nuclear agency showing progress in the Iranian nuclear program bolstered his claim that international pressure is not working. "I believe that the truth must be said, the international community is not drawing a clear red line for Iran, and Iran does not see international determination to stop its nuclear program," Netanyahu said. "Until Iran sees this clear red line and this determination, it will not stop its advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. Iran must not have a nuclear weapon," he declared.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, a claim that is rejected by the West. Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a mortal threat, citing Iranian calls for Israel's destruction, its development of missiles capable of striking Israel and its support for anti-Israel militant groups. Israeli leaders have repeatedly hinted they are growing impatient and could soon be compelled to use force against Iran. The United States opposes a unilateral Israeli strike. The strain between Washington and its longtime Israeli ally has been on full display in recent weeks, with the U.S. military chief, Gen. Martin Dempsey, twice speaking out against a go-it-alone strike. Last week he said he would "not want to be complicit" in such an assault.

Washington worries that a premature Israeli attack could send global oil prices soaring and touch off a broad conflict possibly drawing in U.S. forces just as the U.S. is preparing to hold presidential elections. The U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, played down the rift over Iran, calling it an "overheated narrative in the media." Commenting on Netanyahu's remarks Sunday, Shapiro told Israel's Channel 2 TV that Washington was pursuing a diplomatic path, but "we also ensure that the military options are available in case they are needed."

The United States, which has promised Israel it will not allow Iran to go nuclear, has a more powerful air force that gives it a wider window for action. Given Israel's more limited military means, many here believe time is running out. Last week's U.N. report has only reinforced that view. The report concluded that Iran has expanded its nuclear activity at a heavily fortified underground site and effectively shut down inspections of a separate site suspected of being used for weapons-related experiments. "The report confirms what I have been saying for a long time - the international sanctions are burdening Iran's economy, but they are not delaying the development of the Iranian nuclear program," Netanyahu said.

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He'd probably end up losing more money in the end, if war with Iran did take place. Maybe he'd be happy about it but I don't think its the real reason and I don't believe it.
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"
—Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild founder of the Rothschild family international banking
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"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"
—Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild founder of the Rothschild family international banking


You don't need one Apologist..........this quotation is well known,as you should well know.


You should Thank Shelzin for guiding you on his post above:clap2::clap2:
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"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"
—Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild founder of the Rothschild family international banking


Let me google that for you

Edit: Bah... Phantom edit! I wouldn't have been a smart ass about it otherwise. But thanks for some showing some respect of changing.

it is not my job to do your research. when you quote, it is your job to link your assertion. and most of the time, i've found that the most heinous statements purportedly made by jews are taken from anti-semitic websites and either used out of context and totally misrepresented.

so again... while i appreciate your linking me to google, how about you do your own work?

Let me google that for you

Edit: Bah... Phantom edit! I wouldn't have been a smart ass about it otherwise. But thanks for some showing some respect of changing.

it is not my job to do your research. when you quote, it is your job to link your assertion.
Well... that implies if I care or not if you believe me. o.0

I've got over 1k posts here now. Either you trust me or you don't. If you don't, that's fine... But if you would have been a bitch about it rather than a smartass I wouldn't have given you the time of day. Edit: As it was... You were a smartass, so I gave a smartass response. /Edit

and most of the time, i've found that the most heinous statements purportedly made by jews are taken from anti-semitic websites and either used out of context and totally misrepresented.
He was a jew? I didn't know that. Never cared. Honestly I still don't care.

so again... while i appreciate your linking me to google, how about you do your own work?
Every single link on that page shows it's credited to him. I linked you to the google search without the name to show that who said it in a greater format than just I saying it or linking to any specific site.

***I*** think that the fed and banks in general having the power they do is pretty damn important. You may not. I can tell you till I'm blue in the face and it won't really mean a damn thing. If you look yourself... Then you don't get my bias. And frankly... I prefer people who think for themselves.
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Why can't the fucking conspiracy nuts post their shit in the Conspiracy Forum where it belongs?
Sounds like they made the wrong person a mod. You obviously are better suited.


Edit: Actually... I should likely explain that before the thread gets moved. Rothschild is a family banking unit that pretty much controls a shit load of banks. Including massive power in the FED. This year the FED is pretty damn political. They have been trying to audit the fed via a bill every year for the last decade and they just FINALLY got it to pass one part of the government. Kinda a big deal in politics. You should keep up on this stuff if you are going to post on a political forum.

My opinion.
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Let me google that for you

Edit: Bah... Phantom edit! I wouldn't have been a smart ass about it otherwise. But thanks for some showing some respect of changing.

it is not my job to do your research. when you quote, it is your job to link your assertion.
Well... that implies if I care or not if you believe me. o.0

I've got over 1k posts here now. Either you trust me or you don't. If you don't, that's fine... But if you would have been a bitch about it rather than a smartass I wouldn't have given you the time of day. Edit: As it was... You were a smartass, so I gave a smartass response. /Edit

and most of the time, i've found that the most heinous statements purportedly made by jews are taken from anti-semitic websites and either used out of context and totally misrepresented.
He was a jew? I didn't know that. Never cared. Honestly I still don't care.

so again... while i appreciate your linking me to google, how about you do your own work?
Every single link on that page shows it's credited to him. I linked you to the google search without the name to show that who said it in a greater format than just I saying it or linking to any specific site.

***I*** think that the fed and banks in general having the power they do is pretty damn important. You may not. I can tell you till I'm blue in the face and it won't really mean a damn thing. If you look yourself... Then you don't get my bias. And frankly... I prefer people who think for themselves.

Well answered Shelzin,the problem is that Gillian has this thing being Jewish(who cares) except her,she is always saying (if you disagree with her or critisize Israel) that you are her attempt to "cower you" she merely exposes herself to ridicule and contempt.....because in so many of her awful posts she herself is nasty and ANTI-SEMETIC HERSELF in her appaulling treatment of Palestinians who are themselves a Semetic people..............she has this rose coloured opinion about her people often incorrectly.....she is in a word a HYPOCRITE.steve and Nasty With It.
Well answered Shelzin,the problem is that Gillian has this thing being Jewish(who cares) except her,she is always saying (if you disagree with her or critisize Israel) that you are her attempt to "cower you" she merely exposes herself to ridicule and contempt.....because in so many of her awful posts she herself is nasty and ANTI-SEMETIC HERSELF in her appaulling treatment of Palestinians who are themselves a Semetic people..............she has this rose coloured opinion about her people often incorrectly.....she is in a word a HYPOCRITE.steve and Nasty With It.
Yeah well... I don't 'cower' to anyone. But I didn't take her response before the edit that way. I just thought she was being a smartass. *shrugs*

With that said your opinion is noted but I'll form my own. I think it's bedtime, so if I don't reply right away... I'll be here tomorrow... No worries. ;)
Jillian is the head of the israel firster group here...anything that criticizes israel is anti semitic plain and simple.
Iran has a young population that is going to take down the government one of these days

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