The real reason for Mar-a-Lago raid

Where Trump could store "stuff"

Wow "stuff" really sounds like it jives with the 4th amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized
Exactly. And that warrant said any documents created during Trump’s presidency - all four years. IOW, check and anything and everything, because we might find something among all his stuff.

Totally unreasonable, and thus….a violation of Trump’s 4th Amendment rights.
The real reason is to stop Trump from running in 2024.
Yup….and to silence the voices of 74 million people who wanted him as president.

In a way, the government has violated 1st Amendment rights of nearly half the voters in America. Why aren’t WE allowed to say who we want for president?
The reason behind the Anti-Trump Jihad is not only to prevent Trump from re-ascending the throne but also to discourage others who might have means or guts to try and get involved in politics. Trump is independent, and not beholden to the party system and they can't have that.

If they don't smash the Trumpster, they may have the Musker ready to serve his country in a few years. Elon Musk is someone they don't want near the WH as he is richer than Crassus and very assertive and not dependent on the Political elite either.

Crassus???'s some of the Wierd Crap your talking about. A lawyer from the FBI changed a CIA email to make it say pretty much the exact opposite of what it said... in order to get a warrant against Trump from a Fisa judge. Wierd crap right? except it was true... and oh ? what was it a simply" mistak'ie 'aike"? ohh how cute of the poor little FBI agent. just a simple mistake .

And we are supposed to believe that the Democrats did not have a political vendetta against TRump before he set foot in office. It's wierd crap like that that makes people rightfully suspicious.

Just stop. Trump is dumb, spiteful and impulsive with a penchant for tantrums. He was never fit for office.
Yup….and to silence the voices of 74 million people who wanted him as president.

In a way, the government has violated 1st Amendment rights of nearly half the voters in America. Why aren’t WE allowed to say who we want for president?

Lisa, Trump lost the election. Biden got more votes and more electoral votes.
Lisa, Trump lost the election. Biden got more votes and more electoral votes.
Via ballot harvesting by going door to door to ignorant, lazy, or dumb people and talking them into checking the box for Biden. Those were all the “Plan B” ballots trucked in at midnight, and why the swing states stopped their count for hours.

They didn’t really want to have to use the Plan B ballots, because they knew how fraudulent it would look for Trump to be way ahead, then stop the count for lame reasons, and then count thousands of ballots where 99% went for Biden.

But they were down to the wire, and had no choice. This can be avoided next time by requiring all mail-in ballots have to be in by the close of the polling times, and then the mail-in ballots counted FIRST. This new ploy for the Dems to wait for days after the election until they can collect enough harvested ballots to overcome their opponents lead - since by then they know how many they need - must be prohibited.

In 2025, you will either be saying President Trump or President DeSantis.
Trump's attorney

Shitlibs are terrified of him running again

Hope he stays the course, but realizes that he might be in grave danger if he continues. If they alledgedly had a mole or moles planted in his organization similar to what took place prior to 2016 or afterwards, then what else would they be capable of trying ??

We need a new revamped justice system it appears, otherwise its out with these hyper partisan corrupt institutions that are being filled with left leaning political hack's that have an ax to grind against anyone that doesn't agree with their form of crazy these days.
Are you sure you would rather not discuss the search warrant for Government Documents retained by Trump at Mar-a-Lago (not in a FISA court), the topic of the thread. Could it be, you have nothing to add?
Except the agents at Mal are the ones busted for FISA abuse.

I can see why an agenda would want that separated.
He told everyone that he was Born in Kenya

Nope. If he had been his birth would have been registered at the nearest US embassy or consulate. Otherwise his mother couldn't have brought him to the US through US Customs and Immigration. Are you beginning to understand just how stupid Trump really is?
Well, there is this if it will help. The President has the authority and power to declassify documents. Just because the boxes may have said "classified" on them, it doesn't mean they were. that is not weird shit. It's the way it is. A President and a Vice President who are the heads of the executive branch have the power to declassify documents.

I know for all those who hate Trump that is a painful thing, as they have been trying to take him down for years. Pretty sure the real reason for the raid was other documents refering to Jan 6 or something else.... anything else.
He does not have it after he leaves off. Many classified documents are number editions for tracking and retrieval if necessary. What kind of asshole would walk off with documents possibly that sensitive, claim he later declassified it without telling anybody and store them in his clubhouse? The idea is laughable on the face of it.
Yup….and to silence the voices of 74 million people who wanted him as president.

In a way, the government has violated 1st Amendment rights of nearly half the voters in America. Why aren’t WE allowed to say who we want for president?
It's tyrannical pure and simple.
Except the agents at Mal are the ones busted for FISA abuse.

I can see why an agenda would want that separated.
I wouldn't know. The trump lawyer did not mention anything about that. They may not know. You should probably contact them.
He does not have it after he leaves off. Many classified documents are number editions for tracking and retrieval if necessary. What kind of asshole would walk off with documents possibly that sensitive, claim he later declassified it without telling anybody and store them in his clubhouse? The idea is laughable on the face of it.
They were under lock and key, and when he was told by the FBI to get an additional lock, he complied immediately. Are you trying to fool the gullible idiots into thinking he had papers lying around the clubhouse dining room? Get a grip.
He does not have it after he leaves off. Many classified documents are number editions for tracking and retrieval if necessary. What kind of asshole would walk off with documents possibly that sensitive, claim he later declassified it without telling anybody and store them in his clubhouse? The idea is laughable on the face of it.
What's more laughable is that the government didn't miss those documents if all you say is true - for two years or more ?? Now either we have the most idiot governmental body in charge of our secrets or it is corrupt where as it has weaponized itself for political reasons.
I wouldn't know. The trump lawyer did not mention anything about that. They may not know. You should probably contact them.
It's been reported already. They are under investigation by Durham. Something tells me you know this bit choose to keep the charade.

So those busted for lying to frame Trump are suddenly to be trusted now because of???

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