The real reason for face masks


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
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The real reason is to measure how many will needlessly and mindlessly comply.
Same thing with in home and self quarantine bullshit.
It’s a prep for when they come to your home seeking distribution of you money in order to be fair and not racist
It’s immediate goal is to harm Trump and punish responsible and productive Americans for being productive and responsible
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
A boatload of bizarre bovine excrement to rival that of QANON.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as herd immunity set in.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
The reason for the face masks is to not overwhelm the medical industry all at once with people who are sick. What's dumb is there are a lot of people, MOST PEOPLE, wouldn't even need to be hospitalized. They'll get a cold and move on with life.

Those who do get sick however... They either get the flu, that's what happened to me and a couple members of my family, or they die fuck'n horribly. Ever watch someone gasp for breath just to live? I have, my grandpa had a quarter of a lung for over half his life. His primary goal for over half his life was to breath. Putting him on oxygen didn't even do anything for him, because to give him enough to do anything, it would have burned his remaining lung. Did you know that? High concentrated oxygen is BAD FOR YOU. You have to dilute it with other gases or it'll fuck'n destroy your lungs.

He couldn't exercise... Hell, long conversations would wind him. He was still skinny as a rail... Why? Because chewing and swallowing food took time way from breathing.

If you're gonna die... I suggest you find another way to go about it.

This isn't directed toward the OP because they didn't really say anything against what I'm about to say... This is just my rant on the subject.

I'm PRO-CHOICE. What you do with your body is up to you. I don't believe I have the right to tell you what to do with your own body.

But don't be that asshole who makes fun of or demeans someone else for their choices on how they want to go about doing for their body. If they are wearing a mask obviously for medical reasons... Leave them alone. It's their choice.

PRO-CHOICE. If you don't feel I can tell you what you can or can't do with your body... Don't be a fuck'n hypocrite when you see someone without a mask. It's not your choice.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
A boatload of bizarre bovine excrement to rival that of QANON.

for the record, "progressive patriot" is an oxymoron, and you my friend, are simply a moron.
Good fucking God! Is that really the most intelligent and original retort that you could pull out of your pie hole??
Wow, and the Dems have even convinced other countries to use masks too!

They're so evil!

People in other countries are as gullible as americans are. the only winner in this virus crap is China, which is the exact reason why they released it on the world.

Don't overlook Obama's role in the pandemic. He sent it and 3.7 million out of our paychecks to Wuhan. It's Obama's Virus as much as it is China's.
Wow, and the Dems have even convinced other countries to use masks too!

They're so evil!

People in other countries are as gullible as americans are. the only winner in this virus crap is China, which is the exact reason why they released it on the world.
Nah. . in other nations they are protesting it.

Happening today while you folks are distracted by liberals/conservative BLM/ANTIFA conflict. . .

The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
A boatload of bizarre bovine excrement to rival that of QANON.

for the record, "progressive patriot" is an oxymoron, and you my friend, are simply a moron.
Good fucking God! Is that really the most intelligent and original retort that you could pull out of your pie hole??

its an accurate description of you based on the stupidity of your posts.
If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

That's true, but understated. The estimated deaths from a "herd immunity" strategy would have been around 10 millon Americans, or about 3% of the population
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.

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