The Real Party Of The Rich



Democrats are living high on the hog folks.

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Both sides of this discussion are providing fabulous examples of why we so desperately need to get money out of politics as much as possible.


you fear speech?

Speech is speech. Money is money.

No one is more pro-freedom of speech and expression than I am.

It is speech. I am using my political speech when I donate to a candidate that will push forward things I believe in....Jealousy over the rich is petty
You actually believe a story from ThinkProgress, a Billionaire George Soros funded news and false information source? Might as well access the Media Matters, Mother Jones, or The Onion.

Apparently Beck and Breitfart are factual sourced to you :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Speaking of the SPPpoooOOOooOOOOoOOOOOky George Soros, where is he on your list? :eusa_think:

*SPOILER* He isn't :lol:

Wonder why?

So much for being transparent.

He's not on the list because he's a fabricated boogeyman made up by Beck because he was butthurt that media matters was calling out all his insane lies on a daily basis.

Soros is amateur hour compared to the radical right puppet masters, but you don't care about the facts, you would rather be an ignorant right winger that just makes crap up and believes it as the truth,..
Just look at the demographics. Look at all the "rich" places in the US. You have California, New York, the Eastern coast states, Chicago area etc. These are all liberal havens.

I was reading once where all the top CEO's graduate from. Mostly they come from left winged states like New York and Chicago and Harvard etc. The far left has taken over Wall Street, and with firm control of the media no one seems to notice.

Well aren't all the big cities more liberal?

Democrats are living high on the hog folks.


Yes, many of them are living high on the hog and you just have to figure out where the money is coming from. That's actually pretty easy. That said, the Koch Brothers via ALEC are funneling money in other areas and writing legislation via the states.That is the part that nobody wants to look at.

Here have a look at the Kochtopus
IFG's Kochtopus - Mapping the Influence of Koch Cash by International Forum On Globalization on Prezi
Apparently Beck and Breitfart are factual sourced to you :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Speaking of the SPPpoooOOOooOOOOoOOOOOky George Soros, where is he on your list? :eusa_think:

*SPOILER* He isn't :lol:

Wonder why?

So much for being transparent.

He's not on the list because he's a fabricated boogeyman made up by Beck because he was butthurt that media matters was calling out all his insane lies on a daily basis.

Soros is amateur hour compared to the radical right puppet masters, but you don't care about the facts, you would rather be an ignorant right winger that just makes crap up and believes it as the truth,..

Fabricated boogeyman? That's the Koch Brothers. Nobody even knew them before the Dems and the media lackeys started harping about them.

The New York Times even believes that George Soros exists. Instead of just funding several misinformation sites and stations, Soros gave Obama a million dollars a couple of months before the last election:

Reversing Course, Soros to Give $1 Million to a Pro-Obama ‘Super PAC’


September 27, 2012, 3:32 pm
After becoming “appalled by the Romney campaign,” the billionaire George Soro decided to give to Priorities USA Action. Odd Andersen/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesAfter becoming “appalled by the Romney campaign,” the billionaire George Soro decided to give to Priorities USA Action.

10:28 p.m. | Updated The billionaire George Soros is committing $1 million to Priorities USA Action, the “super PAC” supporting President Obama, two people with knowledge of the matter said Thursday, a significant donation that could help spur more contributions in the closing weeks of the election campaign.

A longtime political adviser to Mr. Soros, Michael Vachon, announced the donation at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the Democracy Alliance, said the two people, who were present. The alliance is a group of liberal donors who have already invested heavily in building grass-roots organizations and research institutes.

Mr. Soros, a retired hedge fund manager, will also give an additional $500,000 to two super PACs backing Congressional Democrats. Other donors at the lunch were expected to commit at least $10 million more to Democratic super PACs, suggesting that many — like Mr. Soros — had overcome their aversion to financing super PACs that focused only on advertising.

The gathering, which was headlined by former President Bill Clinton, suggested a rapprochement of sorts between progressive donors who have traditionally favored what they call “movement-building” and Democratic strategists who badly want large checks to pay for the party’s emerging super PAC apparatus, which has only recently begun to draw significant financial support, much of it from traditional party sources like Hollywood, trial lawyers and unions.

Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, also attended the event, reflecting the growing embrace by party officials of super PACs supporting the party. The donors and officials were gathered at the Park Avenue apartment of Donald and Shelley Rubin, New York philanthropists and Obama donors who gave $1 million to Priorities USA this month.

“Donors are no longer sitting on the sidelines,” said Susan McCue, a spokeswoman for Majority PAC, which supports Senate Democrats. “They see how high the stakes are on key issues and with the Supreme Court.”​
Wonder why?

So much for being transparent.

He's not on the list because he's a fabricated boogeyman made up by Beck because he was butthurt that media matters was calling out all his insane lies on a daily basis.

Soros is amateur hour compared to the radical right puppet masters, but you don't care about the facts, you would rather be an ignorant right winger that just makes crap up and believes it as the truth,..

Fabricated boogeyman? That's the Koch Brothers. Nobody even knew them before the Dems and the media lackeys started harping about them.

The New York Times even believes that George Soros exists. Instead of just funding several misinformation sites and stations, Soros gave Obama a million dollars a couple of months before the last election:

Reversing Course, Soros to Give $1 Million to a Pro-Obama ‘Super PAC’


September 27, 2012, 3:32 pm
After becoming “appalled by the Romney campaign,” the billionaire George Soro decided to give to Priorities USA Action. Odd Andersen/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesAfter becoming “appalled by the Romney campaign,” the billionaire George Soro decided to give to Priorities USA Action.

10:28 p.m. | Updated The billionaire George Soros is committing $1 million to Priorities USA Action, the “super PAC” supporting President Obama, two people with knowledge of the matter said Thursday, a significant donation that could help spur more contributions in the closing weeks of the election campaign.

A longtime political adviser to Mr. Soros, Michael Vachon, announced the donation at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the Democracy Alliance, said the two people, who were present. The alliance is a group of liberal donors who have already invested heavily in building grass-roots organizations and research institutes.

Mr. Soros, a retired hedge fund manager, will also give an additional $500,000 to two super PACs backing Congressional Democrats. Other donors at the lunch were expected to commit at least $10 million more to Democratic super PACs, suggesting that many — like Mr. Soros — had overcome their aversion to financing super PACs that focused only on advertising.

The gathering, which was headlined by former President Bill Clinton, suggested a rapprochement of sorts between progressive donors who have traditionally favored what they call “movement-building” and Democratic strategists who badly want large checks to pay for the party’s emerging super PAC apparatus, which has only recently begun to draw significant financial support, much of it from traditional party sources like Hollywood, trial lawyers and unions.

Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, also attended the event, reflecting the growing embrace by party officials of super PACs supporting the party. The donors and officials were gathered at the Park Avenue apartment of Donald and Shelley Rubin, New York philanthropists and Obama donors who gave $1 million to Priorities USA this month.

“Donors are no longer sitting on the sidelines,” said Susan McCue, a spokeswoman for Majority PAC, which supports Senate Democrats. “They see how high the stakes are on key issues and with the Supreme Court.”​

He still isn't on your list. So are you saying your own list is worthless? If so then this whole thread topic is false.

Democrats are living high on the hog folks.


Yes, many of them are living high on the hog and you just have to figure out where the money is coming from. That's actually pretty easy. That said, the Koch Brothers via ALEC are funneling money in other areas and writing legislation via the states.That is the part that nobody wants to look at.

Here have a look at the Kochtopus
IFG's Kochtopus - Mapping the Influence of Koch Cash by International Forum On Globalization on Prezi

That's strange, the SEIU, one of the Dems biggest donors, wrote Obamacare.

George Soros influenced our current open borders policy.

Democrats are living high on the hog folks.


Yes, many of them are living high on the hog and you just have to figure out where the money is coming from. That's actually pretty easy. That said, the Koch Brothers via ALEC are funneling money in other areas and writing legislation via the states.That is the part that nobody wants to look at.

Here have a look at the Kochtopus
IFG's Kochtopus - Mapping the Influence of Koch Cash by International Forum On Globalization on Prezi

That's strange, the SEIU, one of the Dems biggest donors, wrote Obamacare.

George Soros influenced our current open borders policy.

Now, either the original health care came from Heritage Foundation or it didn't. You guys need to make up your mind.

George Soros may very well have but so did a lot of people that profit off of it. I'm not going to defend the Democrats or Soros. I do think that this desire to defend the Kochs at all costs is a mistake.
Yes, many of them are living high on the hog and you just have to figure out where the money is coming from. That's actually pretty easy. That said, the Koch Brothers via ALEC are funneling money in other areas and writing legislation via the states.That is the part that nobody wants to look at.

Here have a look at the Kochtopus
IFG's Kochtopus - Mapping the Influence of Koch Cash by International Forum On Globalization on Prezi

That's strange, the SEIU, one of the Dems biggest donors, wrote Obamacare.

George Soros influenced our current open borders policy.

Now, either the original health care came from Heritage Foundation or it didn't. You guys need to make up your mind.

George Soros may very well have but so did a lot of people that profit off of it. I'm not going to defend the Democrats or Soros. I do think that this desire to defend the Kochs at all costs is a mistake.

It didn't.

You can' t just call it a similar name and it automatically be the same.

The only reason the Koch Brothers are so hated is because they give money to the GOP. They seemed like prime targets. Anyone who even dares to give to GOP candidates comes under attack from Demcraps and their media cohorts.
That's strange, the SEIU, one of the Dems biggest donors, wrote Obamacare.

George Soros influenced our current open borders policy.

Now, either the original health care came from Heritage Foundation or it didn't. You guys need to make up your mind.

George Soros may very well have but so did a lot of people that profit off of it. I'm not going to defend the Democrats or Soros. I do think that this desire to defend the Kochs at all costs is a mistake.

It didn't.

You can' t just call it a similar name and it automatically be the same.

The only reason the Koch Brothers are so hated is because they give money to the GOP. They seemed like prime targets. Anyone who even dares to give to GOP candidates comes under attack from Demcraps and their media cohorts.

No. They are hated because of the legislation that they write via ALEC, their involvement with the SPN, their bankrolling astro turf groups such as the Tea Party and their attempting to control the universities for their ideology. There are a great many of us that were paying attention to the Koch Brothers before the Dems caught on. Now, if you can frame it to where this is a Republican v Democrat thing then everything that they are involved in is ignored and it becomes shallow and disoriented. Is that what you are trying to do? There are those of us that will refuse to play that game.

Opposing U.S. Consumers' Right to Know the Origin of Our Food:

More than 90 percent of consumers want labels saying what country the meat (and fruits, vegetables, and fish) they are buying comes from, according to polls. So the introduction of a "Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling" (PDF, p. 19) -- resisting the implementation of what it calls "additional regulations and requirements for our meat producers and processors" -- to ALEC's International Relations Task Force makes clear how beholden ALEC is to Big Ag and multinational corporations rather than U.S. citizens. You can read more about country of origin labeling (COOL) from CMD here and from the blog Bluestem Prairie here.

Undermining Workers' Rights:

Another bill to undermine unions, masquerading as "employee choice," called the "Public Employee Choice Act" (PDF, p. 6), is effectively "right to work" for public employees, and undermines collective bargaining by allowing workers to freeload off the benefits of union negotiations without paying the costs of union representation. The bill appears to be based on an Oregon 2014 ballot initiative, Initiative 9. It is similar to so-called "right to work," only for public employees, and its euphemistic use of the word "choice" has been appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court. The "Public Employee Choice Act Committee" has so far taken in over $52,000 and spent over $36,000 as of November 25, according to campaign finance records filed with the Oregon Secretary of State, which doesn't track the money spent and raised on dark money issue ads.
Further efforts to eliminate occupational licensing for any profession, which help ensure that people who want to call themselves doctors, long-haul truckers, accountants, or barbers meet basic standards of training and expertise to guarantee that consumers are safe and get what they pay for. This extreme bill, called the "Private Certification Act" (PDF, p. 11), swims against the current of what most people want, which are to be treated by professionals who meet standards for competence or safety that have been established by law through the democratic process.

Undermining the Rights of Injured Americans to Hold Corporations Accountable:

Amendments to two bills making it harder for Americans injured or killed by corporations to hold those corporation responsible when their products or practices cause serious harm, called the "Punitive Damages Standards Act" (PDF, p. 15), and the "Noneconomic Damage Awards Act" (PDF, p. 30).
An amendment (PDF, p. 25) to a bill to make it harder to bring a lawsuit under state consumer protection statutes, called a "Model Act on Private Enforcement of Consumer Protection Statutes."

Undermining Public Education and Lining the Pockets of For-Profit School Companies:

Two bills to take advantage of concern for young students at risk of not learning to read in order to enrich computer software companies, called the "Early Intervention Program Act" (PDF, p. 6) and the "K-1 Technology-Based Reading Intervention for English Learners Act" (PDF, p. 8). The former appears to be based on Utah's 2012 HB 513, which since its passage has enriched at least one ALEC corporation, Imagine Learning, to the tune of almost $2 million. Since Imagine did not offer test scores for the beginning and ending of the use of its software in the 2012-2013 school year, little is know of what benefits there may (or may not) have been to students enrolled in the new program, even as it diverted tax dollars from public schools to private corporations.
Another related bill, ALEC's "Student Achievement Backpack Act," also appears to be based on a Utah bill, 2013 SB 82, which provides access to student data in a "cloud-based" electronic portal format. According to Ed Week, it was inspired by a publication by Digital Learning Now!, a project of Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education, which has ties to ALEC and is funded in part by Pearson, an international media company that bought out Connections Education, formerly a very active member of ALEC's Education Task Force.
Another school privatization bill called the "Course Choice Program Act" (PDF, p. 17), which appears to be based on Louisiana's "course choice," or mini-voucher, program. It lets high school students take free online classes if their regular school does not offer it, or if their school had been rated a C, D or F by the state, and began enrollment in 2013. The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled its initial funding mechanism from the state's "Minimum Foundation Program" unconstitutional. The state's voucher program has been challenged by the U.S. Justice Department on the grounds that it might promote segregation. A federal judge ruled this month that the federal government has the right to examine voucher assignments in order to make sure that's not happening, according to The Times-Picayune.

Stripping Environmental Protections:

Two resolutions that continue to oppose to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regulation of greenhouse gases and work to prevent addressing climate change, called the "Resolution in Opposition to EPA's Plan to Regulate Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act" (PDF, p. 7) and the "Resolution Concerning EPA Proposed Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for New and Existing Fossil-Fueled Power Plants" (PDF, p. 8). The Supreme Court agreed on October 15 to review the EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse gases from stationary sources like power plants under the Clean Air Act, as CMD reported. The Obama administration and environmental advocates had urged the Supreme Court to reject the case entirely. Environmental regulation experts theorize that the right-wing activists appointed to the court could strip the EPA of its ability to regulate these stationary sources, but that the EPA is on fairly solid legal footing. ALEC's "Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Task Force" (EEA) is populated with fossil fuel corporations that have a vested interest in reducing or eliminating regulation of greenhouse gases -- including American Electric Power, Duke Energy, Energy Future Holdings, Koch Industries, Peabody Coal, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Shell Oil.
A new attack on clean energy policies, attempting to slow the growth of the clean energy industry by weakening net metering policies (which reduce energy bills of consumers who install solar panels, for example), called the "Updating Net Metering Policies Resolution" (PDF, p. 11). Brian McCormick, Vice President for Political and External Affairs of the Edison Electric Institute -- a member of ALEC -- helped Arizona Public Service -- another ALEC member -- draft the resolution, as the Energy & Policy Institute's Gabe Elsner reported in the Huffington Post.
The EEA task force will also gauge "interest for [a] future natural gas, hydraulic fracturing, and pipeline symposium." But ALEC members' "interest" in these extractive and environmentally destructive activities is no secret. Last October, as CMD discovered, outgoing ALEC National Chair John Piscopo, a state Representative from Connecticut, went on an ALEC-organized, all-expenses-paid trip to the Alberta tar sands with eight other ALEC legislators. Keystone XL pipeline company TransCanada and oil interests like the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers sponsored the trip. CMD filed a complaint in Nebraska against Sen. Jim Smith, who never disclosed that he received expensive chartered flights in Canada. Rep. Piscopo also didn't disclose the value of flights, hotel rooms, and meals that he received on the trip, although Connecticut law is not as strict as Nebraska law about such influence peddling.

Limiting Patient Rights and Undermining Safety Net Programs:

A bill in place of ALEC's previous resolutions in support of "Medicaid block grants," called the "Medicaid Block Grant Act" (PDF, p. 10), which would request "federal authorization to fund the state Medicaid program through a block grant or similar funding." Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a similar block grant system for Medicaid in several budget proposals. The cuts inherent in this system -- as much as 75 percent -- "would have substantial effects on the ability of millions of low-income Americans to secure health coverage and have access to needed health-care services," according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
A bill to place new, potentially burdensome restrictions on who can be hired as so-called "insurance navigators" that are providing assistance to people in states to sign up for insurance using the ACA exchanges, called the "Navigator Background Check Act" (PDF, p. 22). Along with an array of other ALEC bills, this would further undermine the effectiveness of the ACA, as CMD has reported.
A bill to end licensing, certification, and specialty certification for doctors and other medical professionals as requirements to practice medicine in the state and to prohibit the state from funding the Federation of State Medical Boards, euphemistically called the "Patient Access Expansion Act" (PDF, p. 25). This bill was introduced to the task force previously at the 2012 ALEC Winter Task Force Summit and was presumably not approved. It is being re-introduced with no discernible changes.

ALEC?s Extreme Legislative Agenda for 2014 | PR Watch
President Barack Obama is bolstering his party's campaign coffers, joining an ally of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to help the Democratic National Committee climb out of a worrisome deficit. It's the latest alignment of the Obama and Clinton orbits, as the former first lady considers a White House bid in 2016.

Read Latest Breaking News from Obama, Hillary Join Forces to Raise Money for Democrats
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

looks like their big money givers are drying up, i wonder if that is a sign that their donators are beginning to see the demonRATS huge lies are failing them ? :up:

Dark money is a liberal invention.

Seems like anyone who gives to the GOP is giving dark money.

Yet the Dems get half a billion from ActBlue and nothing is said. Give to Democrats and we won't attack you!!!!

Most of the big donors give to both parties, but unions, which make up most of the left's donations are setting policy. The Koch Brothers don't hold a candle to the corrupting influence unions have over the Democrats.

Dark money is a liberal invention.

Seems like anyone who gives to the GOP is giving dark money.

Yet the Dems get half a billion from ActBlue and nothing is said. Give to Democrats and we won't attack you!!!!

Most of the big donors give to both parties, but unions, which make up most of the left's donations are setting policy. The Koch Brothers don't hold a candle to the corrupting influence unions have over the Democrats.

The corrupting influence of Unions.......that is laughable. You are still looking at straight donations. If you look at corporations or industries that donate they are going to donate, usually, to both parties. Unions will donate to the group that is least likely to screw them. Why would you donate to a group that is hell bent on destroying you? That makes no sense. You will also see them donate straight across for specific legislation.

Check this out---
Union-dense Lorain County, Ohio, is now home to an independent labor slate of two dozen newly elected city councilors—recruited and run by the central labor council there. All labor’s candidates had strong showings last month, and all but two were elected.

“This was a step we took reluctantly,” said Lorain County AFL-CIO President Harry Williamson. “When the leaders of the [Democratic] Party just took us for granted and tried to roll over the rights of working people here, we had to stand up.”

A series of disputes between organized labor and the Democratic leadership led the labor council and its allies to recruit and run their own slate in this Democratic stronghold, home of Ohio’s largest steel and auto facilities.
‘The Final Straw’

The unions had worked for years to build a labor-community partnership that resulted in a Lorain city Project Labor Agreement (PLA), which required that city contracts be staffed by at least 75 percent local and 9 percent minority workers, and unionized during the period of the project.
- See more at: Ohioans Elect Two Dozen City Councilors on Independent Labor Ticket | Labor Notes

The Dems giving lip service to the Unions is leading to them running their own. So, this pretense of the Dems giving a crap about unions is finely coming to an end.

This is not laughable.

This ActBlue?

When comes to donations if you look closely the Koch brothers are way down the list. Currently 59th on the Open Secrets list.

Democrats have been getting massive offerings from big-time donors, yet they've been telling us that the GOP is the party of the rich. Turns out it's the Democrats.

Yet another lie the Dems have been pushing down our throats.

Heavy Hitters: Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014 | OpenSecrets


Most in Hollywood lean to the left. Some who have admitted that they were conservative have been literally drummed out of the business.

The richest member in Congress is Nancy Pelosi. (Wonder how she got all of that money)

Many of the richest districts in the country are all leaning Democrat.

So, like the big lie on Obamacare, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, so is the lie that the GOP is the party of the rich, because statistics show it's really Democrats.


Obama and Mark Zuckerberg
We have known this for a long time both parties are the party of the rich it's time both just admitted it.

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