The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.
Look at these racist principles:

Proud Boys‘ values center on the following tenets:

Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

Proud Boys Tenents


Minimal Government

Maximum Freedom -- EVERYBODY knows that freedom is racist. Just ask the former slaves.

Anti-Political Correctness -- Oh, that is the most RACIST thing EVER. You MUST use government-approved descriptors or you are a bigot of the HIGHEST ORDER!!!

Anti-Drug War -- Because the drug war only HELPED non-white folks, right?

Closed Borders -- Oh, THERE IT IS!!! THAT'S IT!!! If we don't let in every third-world bum with no benefit to our society, it MUST be a race thing.

Anti-Racial Guilt -- MOTHERFUCKER!!! White people MUST feel guilty or they are RACIST AS FUCK!!! What am I saying? White people are inherently racist, right?

Anti-Racism -- That's racist!!!

Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment) -- Free speech is RACIST!!!

Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment) -- It's RACIST for black folks to have guns....or not have guns....or.....I am confused.

Glorifying the Entrepreneur -- The EPITOME of racism, those fucking racist small business owners, especially those black entrepreneurs. Fucking racists....oh, wait.

Venerating the Housewife -- oh, sure. Praise those fucking racist housewives. FUCK THAT!!! Racist whores!!!

Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism -- The west is FUCKING RACIST. Patriotism is RACIST. Western pride is RACIST!!!


There is no racism. There is only a bunch of Bolshevists trying to overthrow western culture for their own communist power, and they are shamelessly and disgustingly using black folks like rented mules to that end.

Too bad they are thugs.

Probably not. Just like the last one.
Republicans divided THEMSELVES from him. They were so full of hate from 0 day.

How are you even capable of fixing your face to compare the two?

You're THAT much of a hack aren't you?

"If I had a son...."

"....police acted stupidly..."

Yeah, not a divider AT ALL!!!

Ya...pretty mild stuff if that's all you can come up with. Especially since you omit the sequel to the "...police acted stupidly...".
The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

How white supremacist can you be when your leader is a Black Latino and you have members that are of many races and colors? Proud Boys are extreme and they are not afraid to get violent with the BLM organization and the ANTIFA movement but how are they racist?
Look at those Proud Boys acting like fucking animals.....

Marc, DENOUNCE black supremacists!
Are all black criminals black supremacists? Are all white criminals white supremacists? Just wondering

BLM is a black Supremacist organization. Proud Boys is NOT a white supremacist organization.
Black Panthers is a black supremacist organization.
Nation of Islam is a black supremacist organization.

When will you publically denounce these racist organizations?

United Negro College Fund is a black supremacist organization

Miss Black America is a black supremacist organization
The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

The proud boys are not a white supremacist group
They're just a group of patriotic bros who are not afraid to punch real left wing fascists in da head

If you really think theyre a white supremacist group .....then you have a typical low iq ...which is not uncommon among blacks ...

Does it matter who founded it? Cause the current leader is a black dude

Black lives dont matter was started by a white guy still pretending to be black ...youre as delusional and brainwashed as he is rotflmao
The OP is as racist as it gets.

A terrible future awaits folks like him.

Would be kinda sad but he deserves exactly what’s coming his way.

It's amazing in today's society that the racist try to label other folks as racist.
The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

The proud boys are not a white supremacist group
They're just a group of patriotic bros who are not afraid to punch real left wing fascists in da head

If you really think theyre a white supremacist group .....then you have a typical low iq ...which is not uncommon among blacks ...

Does it matter who founded it? Cause the current leader is a black dude

Black lives dont matter was started by a white guy still pretending to be black ...youre as delusional and brainwashed as he is rotflmao
The OP is as racist as it gets.

A terrible future awaits folks like him.

Would be kinda sad but he deserves exactly what’s coming his way.

It's amazing in today's society that the racist try to label other folks as racist.
We know and we are really weary of your tactics.

Will you now denounce BLM? Well wait
Are all black criminals black supremacists? Are all white criminals white supremacists? Just wondering

BLM is a black Supremacist organization. Proud Boys is NOT a white supremacist organization.
Black Panthers is a black supremacist organization.
Nation of Islam is a black supremacist organization.

When will you publically denounce these racist organizations?

United Negro College Fund is a black supremacist organization

Miss Black America is a black supremacist organization

Thank you for some clarification. Then that picture has nothing to do with your words. They are looters, not ideologues.

Martin Luther King:
A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality.

— Martin Luther King Jr., Speech at the Southern Methodist University, March 17, 1966.

Black Supremacy is defined in Wiki as:
Black supremacy or black supremacism is a racial supremacist belief which maintains that black people are superior to people of other races.

Groups listed by SPLC as Black Supremacist include:
Nation of Islam, Nation of Yawah, New Black Panther Party, among others (I don't think the original Black Panthers are still an active group). answer your question, yes, I'll denounce Nation of Islam, and (New) Black Panthers as Black Supremacist hate groups.

But United Negro Fund? Miss Black America? No. Those don't meet the definition.

By the way...did you know that there are a lot of of Miss America's? For example, Miss Asian America: Miss Asian America - Wikipedia

BTW - SPLC lists Proud Boys as a "General Hate Group" - not white supremacists.
We have to be real careful ON ALL SIDES mischaracterizing groups with tags.. But here you are the #hashTAG man,...

Watch the usual USMB white supremacist cockroaches scurry to defend, deflect and misconstrue...


You're right on a minor point.. So you cling to being wrong about the bigger picture.. Thanks for the correction..

#TunnelVsion #AllBabiesAreRacist #sand :abgg2q.jpg:
The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

The proud boys are not a white supremacist group
They're just a group of patriotic bros who are not afraid to punch real left wing fascists in da head.

Yea that is what folks like you used to say about the Klan.

If you really think theyre a white supremacist group .....then you have a typical low iq ...which is not uncommon among blacks ...

You think your dumbass is intelligent though.

Does it matter who founded it? Cause the current leader is a black dude.

They are just parading that fool out front to make us think they aren't a white supremist group.

Black lives dont matter was started by a white guy still pretending to be black ...youre as delusional and brainwashed as he is rotflmao

You're a fucking idiot.


Last I checked none of these beautiful sistas look like white men.


  • 1601589403353.png
    3.6 KB · Views: 37
The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

The proud boys are not a white supremacist group
They're just a group of patriotic bros who are not afraid to punch real left wing fascists in da head

If you really think theyre a white supremacist group .....then you have a typical low iq ...which is not uncommon among blacks ...

Does it matter who founded it? Cause the current leader is a black dude

Black lives dont matter was started by a white guy still pretending to be black ...youre as delusional and brainwashed as he is rotflmao
The OP is as racist as it gets.

A terrible future awaits folks like him.

Would be kinda sad but he deserves exactly what’s coming his way.

It's amazing in today's society that the racist try to label other folks as racist.
We know and we are really weary of your tactics.

Will you now denounce BLM? Well wait

The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

The proud boys are not a white supremacist group
They're just a group of patriotic bros who are not afraid to punch real left wing fascists in da head

If you really think theyre a white supremacist group .....then you have a typical low iq ...which is not uncommon among blacks ...

Does it matter who founded it? Cause the current leader is a black dude

Black lives dont matter was started by a white guy still pretending to be black ...youre as delusional and brainwashed as he is rotflmao
The OP is as racist as it gets.

A terrible future awaits folks like him.

Would be kinda sad but he deserves exactly what’s coming his way.

It's amazing in today's society that the racist try to label other folks as racist.
We know and we are really weary of your tactics.

Will you now denounce BLM? Well wait

Then you cannot complain about anyone else's thoughts on race
The usual white USMB supremacists have all been screeching to a man, and woman, that the Proud Boys leader is some black and/or latino person.

As if to prove that that's why it's not a white supremacist group. Knowing all along that this was a blatant lie from the rancid depths of hell.

They've only been saying this of late, as another defense to the racist in Chief, Trump himself.

Here's the real founder and leader of the racist white supremacist group, The Proud Boys...
  1. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Claims He's Quitting the Group
  2. Glenn Beck'S Blaze Cuts Ties with Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes
  3. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Banned from YouTube
  4. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Wants Neighbors to Take Down Anti-Hate Yard Signs
  5. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over Hate Group Designation
  6. WATCH: Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Reacts to Trump 'Stand Back and Stand By' Order Live in Real Time
As you can see, these are all old articles and one leading to present day. So it's nothing any of us didn't know.

Yet we've seen recent thread after thread, and post after post, stating the blatant lie that the Proud Boys founder is someone else.

These are what you can expect from our resident USMB white supremacists, lies and garbage.

Read it and weep.

The proud boys are not a white supremacist group
They're just a group of patriotic bros who are not afraid to punch real left wing fascists in da head

If you really think theyre a white supremacist group .....then you have a typical low iq ...which is not uncommon among blacks ...

Does it matter who founded it? Cause the current leader is a black dude

Black lives dont matter was started by a white guy still pretending to be black ...youre as delusional and brainwashed as he is rotflmao
The OP is as racist as it gets.

A terrible future awaits folks like him.

Would be kinda sad but he deserves exactly what’s coming his way.

It's amazing in today's society that the racist try to label other folks as racist.
We know and we are really weary of your tactics.

Will you now denounce BLM? Well wait

Then you cannot complain about anyone else's thoughts on race

BLM is not a racist or supremacist group.

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