The real difference between the TEA Party and OWS

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
If the TEA Party had done this the picture would have been all over the news.


Then we have the fact that they leave a huge mess behind when they finally leave. Does anyone remember seeing any pictures of all the trash the TEA Party left?


I love the "We the People Say Planet Before Profits" sign. It is always nice to see true believers cleaning up after themselves.

Notice how the Liberal Media. That regularly Attacks the Tea Party as "Radicals" is actually helping advertise this movement, and seems to think they are perfectly sane people with Legitimate concerns.

That's right. Dismiss and attack a movement that is peaceful and much Larger and broader than OWS. Then align yourself with OWS and promote the movement.

Then sit around and wonder why nobody watches your fucking Liberal Propaganda Networks.
If the TEA Party had done this the picture would have been all over the news.


Then we have the fact that they leave a huge mess behind when they finally leave. Does anyone remember seeing any pictures of all the trash the TEA Party left?


I love the "We the People Say Planet Before Profits" sign. It is always nice to see true believers cleaning up after themselves.


Now that's a good one. they have Planet before Profits signs, But I see a bunch of Vendors lol, Trying to make Profits.
That the TPM may be treated unfairly by the press is an issue between the TPM and the press – it has nothing to do with the merits of the OWS’s issues or the fact both the OWS and TPM have the same position on many issues.
#1 difference? OWS hasn't yet been hijacked and steered away from their initial purpose and converted into shills for corporate America.
Notice how the Liberal Media. That regularly Attacks the Tea Party as "Radicals" is actually helping advertise this movement, and seems to think they are perfectly sane people with Legitimate concerns.

That's right. Dismiss and attack a movement that is peaceful and much Larger and broader than OWS. Then align yourself with OWS and promote the movement.

Then sit around and wonder why nobody watches your fucking Liberal Propaganda Networks.


Man just watching the media paint these assclowns as good intelligent people is just upsetting to me...

They're camping out, shitting everywhere, ripping off stores and have no real agenda and they're painted as "classic Americans" while the same media painted the Tea Party as a bunch of redneck racists??

Hell some are walking around naked for fucks sake....

Shows you really how much control the progressive socialists have in the media.

The only message I have heard from the group is "destroy capitalism."

I hear they're working on a new list of demands tho - I guess they'll be out in a week.
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Another major difference is that the OWS agenda is not controlled by a 24/7 cable news network
That the TPM may be treated unfairly by the press is an issue between the TPM and the press – it has nothing to do with the merits of the OWS’s issues or the fact both the OWS and TPM have the same position on many issues.

What are the merits of the OWS issues? What are there issues?
#1 difference? OWS hasn't yet been hijacked and steered away from their initial purpose and converted into shills for corporate America.

They have no purpose - they're a collection of simpletons that want free shit.

They're so fucking dumb they don't even know what they want, and if they do they're too coward to state it to a camera...

If I had a time machine I would send them to Mao's China or Stalin's Russia... Or maybe I will get really nasty and send them to Cambodia circa 1974 and watch them being beaten to death with garden tools by an 8-year-old "general officer..."
"Here's to the Crazy Ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore
them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them
as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world - are the ones who DO!"
~ Apple Computers ~

Here's To The Crazy Ones
#1 difference? OWS hasn't yet been hijacked and steered away from their initial purpose and converted into shills for corporate America.

They have no purpose - they're a collection of simpletons that want free shit.

They're so fucking dumb they don't even know what they want, and if they do they're too coward to state it to a camera...

If I had a time machine I would send them to Mao's China or Stalin's Russia... Or maybe I will get really nasty and send them to Cambodia circa 1974 and watch them being beaten to death with garden tools by an 8-year-old "general officer..."

Like you were never a 20-something who knew something was wrong, but couldn't quite put your finger on it.

The difference is you didn't have this shitty job market to contend with.

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