The Real Coronavirus Chronology Shows Trump Was On Top Of It While Biden Was Mocking The Danger

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Real Coronavirus Chronology Shows Trump Was On Top Of It While Biden Was Mocking The Danger

No media or Nancy Pelosi false narratives or phony Joe Biden campaign ad can change the truth about the real chronology of the coronavirus.

31 Mar 2020 ~~ By Cleta Mitchell
The leftist national media incessantly reports that the spread of the coronavirus is, well, President Trump’s fault. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, always good for the most incendiary and least helpful comments in any difficult situation, said on Sunday, “[T]he president — his denial at the beginning was deadly.”
Then in Joe Biden’s latest effort to be relevant, his campaign has released an ad attacking President Trump for not being sufficiently responsive to the threats of the coronavirus from the “beginning.”
Here is a key fact: In the beginning, China lied. People died. Although the first case of the coronavirus was reported in Wuhan, China in early December 2019, the Chinese authorities continued through January 2020 to downplay the potential for the disease to spread.The World Health Organization (WHO) reinforced China’s falsehoods, saying on Jan. 14 that “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in Wuhan, China.” This was five to six weeks after the opposite was confirmed to be the case in Wuhan.
It is impossible to overestimate the number of American lives saved by that momentous decision by President Trump on January 31. And no media or Pelosi false narratives or phony Biden campaign ad can change the truth about the real chronology of the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left was distracting the USA with their continued phony "Impeachment" attempt to steal the votes of half of America and nullify the 2016 Presidential Election.

None of these time lines matter to much to the biased MSM and their co-conspirator Leftists. For them the facts are what they claim. The claim that Trump did poorly while the leftists/Democrats were perfect is to them unassailable. Likewise, they create lies to bolster the claim that Trump lies. In every case, their hatred of Trump and all things conservative are argued with their fact free claims and perpetuating, endless lies.
Most American citizens were smart enough to see through this kind of nonsense. Those brainwashed from years of indoctrination disguised as education has become established in our adult population. America has ceased being the land of the free press and has become the land of disinformation and propaganda where thinking is no longer allowed. The MSM and Leftists/Democrats now demand a compliant population who unquestioningly accepts the stories they are told and damn those who dare question their narrative. And to think they see Russia not China as our greatest threat.
There was a time when the MSM was thought of as the 'Fourth Estate'. Since the "Fundamental Transformation of America" was announced, the Fourth Estate has become infiltrated by the Marxist Fifth Column and become the propaganda arm of the Marxist Socialist Left formerly known as the Democrat Party.
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